Latest available version: IDA and decompilers v8.4.240527sp2 see all releases
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* Hex-Rays Decompiler project
* Copyright (c) 2007-2024 by Hex-Rays,
* Sample plugin for the Hex-Rays Decompiler.
* It adds a new command to show graph of the ctree.
* The current item will be highlighted in the graph.
* The command hotkey is Ctrl+Shift+G. It is also added into the right-click menu.
* To display the graph, we traverse the ctree and build
* a gdl_graph_t object. Then we use gen_gdl() function from IDA
* to create a GDL file from this object. Finally, we call
* wingraph32 to display the graph on the screen.
#include <hexrays.hpp>
#include <gdl.hpp>
#define ACTION_NAME "sample5:displaygraph"
// Shortcut for the new command
#define ACTION_SHORTCUT "Ctrl+Shift+G"
struct vds5_t : public plugmod_t
virtual ~vds5_t();
virtual bool idaapi run(size_t) override { return false; }
// red green blue
#define CL_WHITE ((255)+ (255<<8)+ (255<<16)) // 0
#define CL_BLUE ((0 )+ (0 <<8)+ (255<<16)) // 1
#define CL_RED ((255)+ (0 <<8)+ (0 <<16)) // 2
#define CL_GREEN ((0 )+ (255<<8)+ (0 <<16)) // 3
#define CL_YELLOW ((255)+ (255<<8)+ (0 <<16)) // 4
#define CL_MAGENTA ((255)+ (0 <<8)+ (255<<16)) // 5
#define CL_CYAN ((0 )+ (255<<8)+ (255<<16)) // 6
#define CL_DARKGREY ((85 )+ (85 <<8)+ (85 <<16)) // 7
#define CL_DARKBLUE ((0 )+ (0 <<8)+ (128<<16)) // 8
#define CL_DARKRED ((128)+ (0 <<8)+ (0 <<16)) // 9
#define CL_DARKGREEN ((0 )+ (128<<8)+ (0 <<16)) // 10
#define CL_DARKYELLOW ((128)+ (128<<8)+ (0 <<16)) // 11
#define CL_DARKMAGENTA ((128)+ (0 <<8)+ (128<<16)) // 12
#define CL_DARKCYAN ((0 )+ (128<<8)+ (128<<16)) // 13
#define CL_GOLD ((255)+ (215<<8)+ (0 <<16)) // 14
#define CL_LIGHTGREY ((170)+ (170<<8)+ (170<<16)) // 15
#define CL_LIGHTBLUE ((128)+ (128<<8)+ (255<<16)) // 16
#define CL_LIGHTRED ((255)+ (128<<8)+ (128<<16)) // 17
#define CL_LIGHTGREEN ((128)+ (255<<8)+ (128<<16)) // 18
#define CL_LIGHTYELLOW ((255)+ (255<<8)+ (128<<16)) // 19
#define CL_LIGHTMAGENTA ((255)+ (128<<8)+ (255<<16)) // 20
#define CL_LIGHTCYAN ((128)+ (255<<8)+ (255<<16)) // 21
#define CL_LILAC ((238)+ (130<<8)+ (238<<16)) // 22
#define CL_TURQUOISE ((64 )+ (224<<8)+ (208<<16)) // 23
#define CL_AQUAMARINE ((127)+ (255<<8)+ (212<<16)) // 24
#define CL_KHAKI ((240)+ (230<<8)+ (140<<16)) // 25
#define CL_PURPLE ((160)+ (32 <<8)+ (240<<16)) // 26
#define CL_YELLOWGREEN ((154)+ (205<<8)+ (50 <<16)) // 27
#define CL_PINK ((255)+ (192<<8)+ (203<<16)) // 28
#define CL_ORANGE ((255)+ (165<<8)+ (0 <<16)) // 29
#define CL_ORCHID ((218)+ (112<<8)+ (214<<16)) // 30
#define CL_BLACK ((0 )+ (0 <<8)+ (0 <<16)) // 31
// Convert internal background color code into textual form for GDL
static const char *get_color_name(bgcolor_t c)
switch ( c )
case CL_WHITE : return "white";
case CL_BLUE : return "blue";
case CL_RED : return "red";
case CL_GREEN : return "green";
case CL_YELLOW : return "yellow";
case CL_MAGENTA : return "magenta";
case CL_CYAN : return "cyan";
case CL_DARKGREY : return "darkgrey";
case CL_DARKBLUE : return "darkblue";
case CL_DARKRED : return "darkred";
case CL_DARKGREEN : return "darkgreen";
case CL_DARKYELLOW : return "darkyellow";
case CL_DARKMAGENTA : return "darkmagenta";
case CL_DARKCYAN : return "darkcyan";
case CL_GOLD : return "gold";
case CL_LIGHTGREY : return "lightgrey";
case CL_LIGHTBLUE : return "lightblue";
case CL_LIGHTRED : return "lightred";
case CL_LIGHTGREEN : return "lightgreen";
case CL_LIGHTYELLOW : return "lightyellow";
case CL_LIGHTMAGENTA: return "lightmagenta";
case CL_LIGHTCYAN : return "lightcyan";
case CL_LILAC : return "lilac";
case CL_TURQUOISE : return "turquoise";
case CL_AQUAMARINE : return "aquamarine";
case CL_KHAKI : return "khaki";
case CL_PURPLE : return "purple";
case CL_YELLOWGREEN : return "yellowgreen";
case CL_PINK : return "pink";
case CL_ORANGE : return "orange";
case CL_ORCHID : return "orchid";
case CL_BLACK : return "black";
return "?";
// Since we cannot directly display cfunc_t as a graph, we build a graph
// object which will be saved as a GDL file and displayed with wingraph32.
class cfunc_graph_t : public gdl_graph_t
typedef qvector<const citem_t *> itemrefs_t;
itemrefs_t items;
const citem_t *highlight; // item to highlight
friend struct graph_builder_t;
array_of_intvec_t succs;
array_of_intvec_t preds;
int idaapi nsucc(int b) const override { return size() ? succs[b].size() : 0; }
int idaapi npred(int b) const override { return size() ? preds[b].size() : 0; }
int idaapi succ(int b, int i) const override { return succs[b][i]; }
int idaapi pred(int b, int i) const override { return preds[b][i]; }
cfunc_graph_t(const citem_t *_highlight) : highlight(_highlight) {}
int idaapi size(void) const override { return preds.size(); }
int add_node(void)
int n = size();
return n;
void add_edge(int x, int y)
// Display a graph node. Feel free to modify this function to fine tune the node display.
char *idaapi get_node_label(char *buf, int bufsize, int n) const override
char *ptr = buf;
char *endp = buf + bufsize;
// Get the corresponding ctree item
const citem_t *item = items[n];
// Each node will have the element type at the first line
APPEND(ptr, endp, get_ctype_name(item->op));
const cexpr_t *e = (const cexpr_t *)item;
const cinsn_t *i = (const cinsn_t *)item;
// For some item types, display additional information
switch ( item->op )
case cot_ptr : // *x
case cot_memptr : // x->m
// Display access size for pointers
ptr += qsnprintf(ptr, endp-ptr, ".%d", e->ptrsize);
if ( item->op == cot_ptr )
// fallthrough
case cot_memref : // x.m
// Display member offset for structure fields
ptr += qsnprintf(ptr, endp-ptr, " (m=%d)", e->m);
case cot_obj : // v
case cot_var : // l
// Display object size for local variables and global data
ptr += qsnprintf(ptr, endp-ptr, ".%d", e->refwidth);
// fallthrough
case cot_num : // n
case cot_helper : // arbitrary name
case cot_str : // string constant
// Display helper names and number values
APPCHAR(ptr, endp, ' ');
qstring qbuf;
e->print1(&qbuf, nullptr);
APPEND(ptr, endp, qbuf.c_str());
ptr = tail(ptr);
case cit_goto:
// Display target label number for gotos
ptr += qsnprintf(ptr, endp-ptr, " LABEL_%d", i->cgoto->label_num);
case cit_asm:
// Display instruction block address and size for asm-statements
ptr += qsnprintf(ptr, endp-ptr, " %a.%" FMT_Z, *i->casm->begin(), i->casm->size());
// The second line of the node contains the item address
ptr += qsnprintf(ptr, endp-ptr, "\nea: %a", item->ea);
if ( item->is_expr() && !e->type.empty() )
// For typed expressions, the third line will have
// the expression type in human readable form
APPCHAR(ptr, endp, '\n');
qstring out;
if ( e->type.print(&out) )
APPEND(ptr, endp, out.c_str());
{ // could not print the type?
APPCHAR(ptr, endp, '?');
APPZERO(ptr, endp);
return buf;
// Display a graph edge.
bool idaapi print_edge(FILE *fp, int i, int j) const override
qfprintf(fp, "edge: { sourcename: \"%d\" targetname: \"%d\" ", i, j);
const char *label = nullptr;
const citem_t *a = items[i];
const citem_t *b = items[j];
if ( a->is_expr() ) // For expressions, add labels to the edges
cexpr_t *e = (cexpr_t *)a;
if ( e->x == b ) label = "x";
if ( e->y == b ) label = "y";
if ( e->z == b ) label = "z";
if ( label != nullptr )
qfprintf(fp, "label: \"%s\" ", label);
qfprintf(fp, "}\n");
return true;
// Determine the node color. Feel free to change it.
bgcolor_t idaapi get_node_color(int n) const override
const citem_t *item = items[n];
if ( item == highlight )
return CL_GREEN; // Highlighted item
if ( item->is_expr() )
const cexpr_t *e = (const cexpr_t *)item;
if ( !e->type.print(nullptr) )
return CL_YELLOWGREEN; // Problematic type
return DEFCOLOR;
// Print the node color.
void idaapi print_node_attributes(FILE *fp, int n) const override
bgcolor_t c = get_node_color(n);
if ( c != DEFCOLOR )
qfprintf(fp, " color: %s", get_color_name(c));
// Helper class to build graph from ctree.
struct graph_builder_t : public ctree_parentee_t
cfunc_graph_t &cg; // Resulting graph
std::map<citem_t *, int> reverse; // Reverse mapping for tests and adding edges
graph_builder_t(cfunc_graph_t &_cg) : cg(_cg) {}
int add_node(citem_t *i);
int process(citem_t *i);
// We treat expressions and statements the same way: add them to the graph
int idaapi visit_insn(cinsn_t *i) override { return process(i); }
int idaapi visit_expr(cexpr_t *e) override { return process(e); }
// Add a new node to the graph
int graph_builder_t::add_node(citem_t *i)
// Check if the item has already been encountered during the traversal
if ( reverse.find(i) != reverse.end() )
warning("bad ctree - duplicate nodes!");
return -1;
// Add a node to the graph
int n = cg.add_node();
// Remember the pointer to the item, we will need it to generate GDL
// (in get_node_label)
if ( n <= cg.items.size() )
cg.items[n] = i;
// Also remember the reverse mapping (citem_t* -> n)
reverse[i] = n;
return n;
// Process a ctree item
int graph_builder_t::process(citem_t *item)
// Add a node for citem
int n = add_node(item);
if ( n == -1 )
return -1; // error
if ( parents.size() > 1 ) // The current item has a parent?
int p = reverse[parents.back()]; // Parent node number
cg.add_edge(p, n); // Add edge from the parent to the current item
return 0;
struct display_graph_ah_t : public action_handler_t
virtual int idaapi activate(action_activation_ctx_t *ctx) override
vdui_t &vu = *get_widget_vdui(ctx->widget);
// Determine the ctree item to highlight
citem_t *highlight = vu.item.is_citem() ? vu.item.e : nullptr;
cfunc_graph_t cg(highlight); // Graph to display
graph_builder_t gb(cg); // Graph builder helper class
// Build the graph by traversing the ctree
gb.apply_to(&vu.cfunc->body, nullptr);
// Our graph object 'cg' is ready. Now display it by converting it to GDL
// and calling wingraph32
char fname[QMAXPATH];
qtmpnam(fname, sizeof(fname)); // Generate temporary file name
gen_gdl(&cg, fname); // Generate GDL file from 'cg' graph
display_gdl(fname); // Display the GDL file
return 1;
virtual action_state_t idaapi update(action_update_ctx_t *ctx) override
vdui_t *vu = get_widget_vdui(ctx->widget);
static display_graph_ah_t display_graph_ah;
// This callback handles various hexrays events.
static ssize_t idaapi callback(void *, hexrays_event_t event, va_list va)
switch ( event )
case hxe_open_pseudocode:
vdui_t &vu = *va_arg(va, vdui_t *);
// Permanently attach that action to that view's context menu.
attach_action_to_popup(vu.ct, nullptr, ACTION_NAME);
return 0;
// vds5_t
install_hexrays_callback(callback, this);
"Display graph",
msg("Hex-rays version %s has been detected, %s ready to use\n",
remove_hexrays_callback(callback, this);
// Initialize the plugin.
static plugmod_t *idaapi init()
return init_hexrays_plugin() ? new vds5_t : nullptr;
static char comment[] = "Sample plugin5 for Hex-Rays decompiler";
plugin_t PLUGIN =
PLUGIN_HIDE | PLUGIN_MULTI, // plugin flags
init, // initialize
comment, // long comment about the plugin
// it could appear in the status line or as a hint
"", // multiline help about the plugin
"Hex-Rays show C graph", // the preferred short name of the plugin
"" // the preferred hotkey to run the plugin
Definition: hexrays.hpp:7544
HexRays SDK header file.
bool init_hexrays_plugin(int flags=0)
Check that your plugin is compatible with hex-rays decompiler.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:8601
@ cot_ptr
*x, access size in 'ptrsize'
Definition: hexrays.hpp:5588
@ cot_obj
Definition: hexrays.hpp:5601
@ cit_asm
Definition: hexrays.hpp:5620
@ cot_helper
arbitrary name
Definition: hexrays.hpp:5605
@ cot_memref
Definition: hexrays.hpp:5596
@ cot_str
string constant (user representation)
Definition: hexrays.hpp:5600
@ cot_var
Definition: hexrays.hpp:5602
@ cit_goto
Definition: hexrays.hpp:5619
@ cot_num
Definition: hexrays.hpp:5598
@ cot_memptr
x->m, access size in 'ptrsize'
Definition: hexrays.hpp:5597
bool install_hexrays_callback(hexrays_cb_t *callback, void *ud)
Install handler for decompiler events.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:12363
int remove_hexrays_callback(hexrays_cb_t *callback, void *ud)
Uninstall handler for decompiler events.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:12369
vdui_t * get_widget_vdui(TWidget *f)
Get the vdui_t instance associated to the TWidget.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:11535
const char * get_hexrays_version()
Get decompiler version.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:11511
Ctree item: expression.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6113
int ptrsize
memory access size (used for cot_ptr, cot_memptr)
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6140
void print1(qstring *vout, const cfunc_t *func) const
Print expression into one line.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:11725
cexpr_t * y
the second operand of the expression
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6132
cexpr_t * z
the third operand of the expression
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6139
uint32 m
member offset (used for cot_memptr, cot_memref) for unions, the member number
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6134
cexpr_t * x
the first operand of the expression
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6129
tinfo_t type
expression type. must be carefully maintained
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6148
int refwidth
how many bytes are accessed? (-1: none)
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6125
int label_num
Target label number.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6449
Ctree item: statement.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6472
cgoto_t * cgoto
details of goto-statement
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6483
casm_t * casm
details of asm-statement
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6484
Basic ctree item.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6069
ctype_t op
item type
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6071
bool is_expr() const
Is an expression?
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6088
ea_t ea
address that corresponds to the item. may be BADADDR
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6070
cexpr_t * e
VDI_EXPR: Expression.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6672
bool is_citem() const
Is the current item is a ctree item?
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6741
A helper ctree traversal class that maintains parent information.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:5895
virtual int visit_expr(cexpr_t *)
Visit an expression.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:5872
virtual int visit_insn(cinsn_t *)
Visit a statement.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:5864
Information about the pseudocode window.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:7602
TWidget * ct
pseudocode view
Definition: hexrays.hpp:7627
ctree_item_t item
Current ctree item.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:7637
cfuncptr_t cfunc
pointer to function object
Definition: hexrays.hpp:7631
bool get_current_item(input_device_t idv)
Get current item.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:12424