Hex-Rays team is thrilled to announce the release of IDA version 8.1!
As with every release, IDA Pro and IDA Home gained many new features and enhancements, including:
See full updates here: https://hex-rays.com/products/ida/news/8_1/
As usual, the new versions of IDA Pro and IDA Home are free for users with an active support plan. Please use the “Help, Check for free update” menu item in IDA. It is also possible to configure automatic checks of new versions. Alternatively you can submit your ida.key to https://www.hex-rays.com/updida and our servers will prepare new download links for all your licenses. Please forgive us if your request will take some time to be processed, especially today, after the release. Thanks for your patience.
In case of problems, do not hesitate to send us a message. Sometimes we need your help and cannot proceed without it. Just wait an hour or so, and if you do not hear from us, send a message to support@hex-rays.com
Please consider that only IDA Pro & IDA Home (i.e., not IDA Teams) can be renewed through this usual channel at the moment. Contact sales@hex-rays.com if you are interested in receiving a quote for IDA Teams!
If your key is too old for a free update, you might still be eligible for a discounted upgrade. Support plans can be renewed online. Please upload your ida.key file to get the cart automatically filled with the correct product IDs.
Since IDA Teams was introduced not long ago, our offer to upgrade to IDA Teams still holds. We offer the following upgrade options to corporate users. Your options depend on your licenses at the release date:
Note that IDA Teams is not an add-on for the existing IDA Pro licenses: it is a new product. IDA Teams uses a subscription-based licensing model.