Latest available version: IDA and decompilers v8.4.240527sp2 see all releases
Hex-Rays logo State-of-the-art binary code analysis tools
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IDA Demo Version

Evaluate a limited version of our disassembler

IDA 8.4 Free

Free for non-commercial use

SDK and Utilities

Some downloads are only available to IDA Pro/Teams users and require a password which can be found in the latest download email.

Sample plugins
The Hex-Rays plugin repository is freely accessible to all IDA users and features a list of safe, regularly updated plugins

User contributions

IDC scripts
Processor modules

PySide precompiled binaries and patches

Note: PySide is included in IDA since version 6.6 so these downloads are not necessary for that and future versions.

IDA 6.9 and above ship with PyQt instead of PySide; see this post for more info.

PySide 2011/12/30 for IDAPython 1.5+, Python 2.7 (2.6 on Mac OS) and Qt 4.8.4 (IDA 6.5)
PySide 2011/12/30 for IDAPython 1.5+, Python 2.7 (2.6 on Mac OS) and Qt 4.8.4 (IDA 6.5)
PySide 2011/03/28 for IDAPython 1.5+ and Python 2.6