Latest available version: IDA and decompilers v8.4.240527sp2 see all releases
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This submenu allows you to change the operand types to offsets, numbers, chars, etc. Use it to make disassembled text more understandable.
 Convert operand to offset
 Convert operand to number
 Convert operand to character
 Convert operand to segment
 Convert operand to enum
 Convert operand to stack variable
 Change operand sign
 Bitwise negate operand
 User-defined operand
 Set operand type
If IDA suspects that an operand can be represented as something different from a plain number, it will mark the operand as "suspicious" and show it in red. Use these commands to delete suspicious marks.

Some of these commands can be applied to a selected range. Click here to learn about the rules applied to such operations.

See also Edit submenu.

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