Module index

Module ida_segment

Functions that deal with segments.
IDA requires that all program addresses belong to segments (each address must belong to exactly one segment). The situation when an address doesn't belong to any segment is allowed as a temporary situation only when the user changes program segmentation. Bytes outside a segment can't be converted to instructions, have names, comments, etc. Each segment has its start address, ending address and represents a contiguous range of addresses. There might be unused holes between segments.
Each segment has its unique segment selector. This selector is used to distinguish the segment from other segments. For 16-bit programs the selector is equal to the segment base paragraph. For 32-bit programs there is special array to translate the selectors to the segment base paragraphs. A selector is a 32/64 bit value.
The segment base paragraph determines the offsets in the segment. If the start address of the segment == (base << 4) then the first offset in the segment will be 0. The start address should be higher or equal to (base << 4). We will call the offsets in the segment 'virtual addresses'. So, the virtual address of the first byte of the segment is
(start address of segment - segment base linear address)
For IBM PC, the virtual address corresponds to the offset part of the address. For other processors (Z80, for example), virtual addresses correspond to Z80 addresses and linear addresses are used only internally. For MS Windows programs the segment base paragraph is 0 and therefore the segment virtual addresses are equal to linear addresses.

Global variables

fill gap between new segment and previous one. i.e. if such a gap exists, and this gap is less than 64K, then fill the gap by extending the previous segment and adding .align directive to it. This way we avoid gaps between segments. too many gaps lead to a virtual array failure. it cannot hold more than ~1000 gaps.
'name' and 'sclass' are given in the IDB encoding; non-ASCII bytes will be decoded accordingly
do not mark new segment for auto-analysis
set all default segment register values to BADSEL (undefine all default segment registers)
don't truncate the new segment at the beginning of the next segment if they overlap. destroy/truncate old segments instead.
qexit() if can't add a segment
silent mode, no "Adding segment..." in the messages window
use sparse storage method for the new ranges of the created segment. please note that the ranges that were already enabled before creating the segment will not change their storage type.
memory reading process stopped by user
debugger is not running
not enough memory (might be because the segment is too big)
could not find corresponding memory range
var CSS_OK
max number of segment groups
max number of segment translations
Too many chunks are defined, can't move.
Debugger segments cannot be moved.
IDP module forbids moving the segment.
Invalid argument (delta/target does not fit the address space)
The segment has been moved but the loader complained.
Memory mapping ranges of addresses hinder segment movement.
Cannot move segments by an odd number of bytes.
all ok
Orphan bytes hinder segment movement.
The specified segment does not exist.
Not enough free room at the target address.
Source files ranges of addresses hinder segment movement.
call loader only once with the special calling method. valid for rebase_program(). see loader_t::move_segm.
keep the loader in the memory (optimization)
move netnodes instead of changing inf.netdelta (this is slower); valid for
don't call the loader to fix relocations
loader segments will overwrite any existing debugger segments when moved. valid for move_segm()
don't display a "please wait" box on the screen
keep information (code & data, etc)
flag for internal use, don't set
do not try to delete unused selector
disable addresses if segment gets shrinked or deleted
don't move info from the start of segment to the new start address (for set_segm_start())
be silent
use sparse storage if extending the segment (for set_segm_start(), set_segm_end())
  • segment with definitions of absolute symbols
uninitialized segment
code segment
  • segment with communal definitions
data segment
  • group of segments
internal processor memory & sfr (8051)
unknown type, no assumptions
zero-length segment
undefined segment type (not used)
  • segment with 'extern' definitions. no instructions are allowed
IDP dependent field (IBM PC: if set, ORG directive is not commented out)
Is the segment created for the debugger?. Such segments are temporary and do not have permanent flags.
Header segment (do not create offsets to it in the disassembly)
Is the segment hidden?
Hide segment type (do not print it in the listing)
Is the segment created by the loader?
Orgbase is present? (IDP dependent field)
Take a snapshot of all segments.
Take a snapshot of current segment.
Take a snapshot of loader segments.
Maximum number of segment registers is 16 (see segregs.hpp)
var saAbs
Absolute segment.
var saGroup
Segment group.
var saRel1024Bytes
1024 bytes
var saRel128Bytes
128 bytes
var saRel2048Bytes
2048 bytes
var saRel32Bytes
32 bytes
var saRel4K
This value is used by the PharLap OMF for page (4K) alignment. It is not supported by LINK.
var saRel512Bytes
512 bytes
var saRel64Bytes
64 bytes
var saRelByte
Relocatable, byte aligned.
var saRelDble
Relocatable, aligned on a double word (4-byte) boundary.
var saRelPage
Relocatable, aligned on 256-byte boundary.
var saRelPara
Relocatable, paragraph (16-byte) aligned.
var saRelQword
8 bytes
var saRelWord
Relocatable, word (2-byte) aligned.
var scCommon
Common. Combine by overlay using maximum size.
var scGroup
Segment group.
var scPriv
Private. Do not combine with any other program segment.
var scPub
Public. Combine by appending at an offset that meets the alignment requirement.
var scPub2
As defined by Microsoft, same as C=2 (public).
var scPub3
As defined by Microsoft, same as C=2 (public).
var scStack
Stack. Combine as for C=2. This combine type forces byte alignment.


def add_segm(*args) ‑> bool
add_segm(para, start, end, name, sclass, flags=0) -> bool
Add a new segment, second form. Segment alignment is set to saRelByte. Segment combination is "public" or "stack" (if segment class is "STACK"). Addressing mode of segment is taken as default (16bit or 32bit). Default segment registers are set to BADSEL. If a segment already exists at the specified range of addresses, this segment will be truncated. Instructions and data in the old segment will be deleted if the new segment has another addressing mode or another segment base address.
para: (C++: ea_t) segment base paragraph. if paragraph can't fit in 16bit, then a new
selector is allocated and mapped to the paragraph.
start: (C++: ea_t) start address of the segment. if start==BADADDR then start <-
end: (C++: ea_t) end address of the segment. end address should be higher than start
address. For emulate empty segments, use SEG_NULL segment type. If the end address is lower than start address, then fail. If end==BADADDR, then a segment up to the next segment will be created (if the next segment doesn't exist, then 1 byte segment will be created). If 'end' is too high and the new segment would overlap the next segment, 'end' is adjusted properly.
name: (C++: const char *) name of new segment. may be nullptr
sclass: (C++: const char *) class of the segment. may be nullptr. type of the new segment is
modified if class is one of predefined names:
  • "CODE" -> SEG_CODE
  • "DATA" -> SEG_DATA
  • "STACK" -> SEG_BSS
  • "BSS" -> SEG_BSS
  • "XTRN" -> SEG_XTRN
  • "COMM" -> SEG_COMM
flags: (C++: int) Add segment flags
retval 1: ok
retval 0: failed, a warning message is displayed
def add_segm_ex(*args) ‑> bool
add_segm_ex(NONNULL_s, name, sclass, flags) -> bool
Add a new segment. If a segment already exists at the specified range of addresses, this segment will be truncated. Instructions and data in the old segment will be deleted if the new segment has another addressing mode or another segment base address.
NONNULL_s: (C++: segment_t *)
name: (C++: const char *) name of new segment. may be nullptr. if specified, the segment is
immediately renamed
sclass: (C++: const char *) class of the segment. may be nullptr. if specified, the segment
class is immediately changed
flags: (C++: int) Add segment flags
retval 1: ok
retval 0: failed, a warning message is displayed
def add_segment_translation(*args) ‑> bool
add_segment_translation(segstart, mappedseg) -> bool
Add segment translation.
segstart: (C++: ea_t) start address of the segment to add translation to
mappedseg: (C++: ea_t) start address of the overlayed segment
retval 1: ok
retval 0: too many translations or bad segstart
def allocate_selector(*args) ‑> sel_t
allocate_selector(segbase) -> sel_t
Allocate a selector for a segment unconditionally. You must call this function before calling add_segm_ex(). add_segm() calls this function itself, so you don't need to allocate a selector. This function will allocate a new free selector and setup its mapping using find_free_selector() and set_selector() functions.
segbase: (C++: ea_t) a new segment base paragraph
return: the allocated selector number
def change_segment_status(*args) ‑> int
change_segment_status(s, is_deb_segm) -> int
Convert a debugger segment to a regular segment and vice versa. When converting debug->regular, the memory contents will be copied to the database.
s: (C++: segment_t *) segment to modify
is_deb_segm: (C++: bool) new status of the segment
return: Change segment status result codes
def del_segm(*args) ‑> bool
del_segm(ea, flags) -> bool
Delete a segment.
ea: (C++: ea_t) any address belonging to the segment
flags: (C++: int) Segment modification flags
retval 1: ok
retval 0: failed, no segment at 'ea'.
def del_segment_translations(*args) ‑> void
Delete the translation list
segstart: (C++: ea_t) start address of the segment to delete translation list
def del_selector(*args) ‑> void
Delete mapping of a selector. Be wary of deleting selectors that are being used in the program, this can make a mess in the segments.
selector: (C++: sel_t) number of selector to remove from the translation table
def find_free_selector(*args) ‑> sel_t
find_free_selector() -> sel_t
Find first unused selector.
return: a number >= 1
def find_selector(*args) ‑> sel_t
find_selector(base) -> sel_t
Find a selector that has mapping to the specified paragraph.
base: (C++: ea_t) paragraph to search in the translation table
return: selector value or base
def get_defsr(*args) ‑> sel_t
get_defsr(s, reg) -> sel_t
Deprecated, use instead:
value = s.defsr[reg]
s: segment_t *
reg: int
def get_first_seg(*args) ‑> segment_t *
get_first_seg() -> segment_t
Get pointer to the first segment.
def get_group_selector(*args) ‑> sel_t
get_group_selector(grpsel) -> sel_t
Get common selector for a group of segments.
grpsel: (C++: sel_t) selector of group segment
return: common selector of the group or 'grpsel' if no such group is found
def get_last_seg(*args) ‑> segment_t *
get_last_seg() -> segment_t
Get pointer to the last segment.
def get_next_seg(*args) ‑> segment_t *
get_next_seg(ea) -> segment_t
Get pointer to the next segment.
ea: (C++: ea_t)
def get_prev_seg(*args) ‑> segment_t *
get_prev_seg(ea) -> segment_t
Get pointer to the previous segment.
ea: (C++: ea_t)
def get_segm_base(*args) ‑> ea_t
get_segm_base(s) -> ea_t
Get segment base linear address. Segment base linear address is used to calculate virtual addresses. The virtual address of the first byte of the segment will be (start address of segment - segment base linear address)
s: (C++: const segment_t *) pointer to segment
return: 0 if s == nullptr, otherwise segment base linear address
def get_segm_by_name(*args) ‑> segment_t *
get_segm_by_name(name) -> segment_t
Get pointer to segment by its name. If there are several segments with the same name, returns the first of them.
name: (C++: const char *) segment name. may be nullptr.
return: nullptr or pointer to segment structure
def get_segm_by_sel(*args) ‑> segment_t *
get_segm_by_sel(selector) -> segment_t
Get pointer to segment structure. This function finds a segment by its selector. If there are several segments with the same selectors, the last one will be returned.
selector: (C++: sel_t) a segment with the specified selector will be returned
return: pointer to segment or nullptr
def get_segm_class(*args) ‑> qstring *
get_segm_class(s) -> str
Get segment class. Segment class is arbitrary text (max 8 characters).
s: (C++: const segment_t *) pointer to segment
return: size of segment class (-1 if s==nullptr or bufsize<=0)
def get_segm_name(*args) ‑> qstring *
get_segm_name(s, flags=0) -> str
Get true segment name by pointer to segment.
s: (C++: const segment_t *) pointer to segment
flags: (C++: int) 0-return name as is; 1-substitute bad symbols with _ 1 corresponds
return: size of segment name (-1 if s==nullptr)
def get_segm_num(*args) ‑> int
get_segm_num(ea) -> int
Get number of segment by address.
ea: (C++: ea_t) linear address belonging to the segment
return: -1 if no segment occupies the specified address. otherwise returns
number of the specified segment (0..get_segm_qty()-1)
def get_segm_para(*args) ‑> ea_t
get_segm_para(s) -> ea_t
Get segment base paragraph. Segment base paragraph may be converted to segment base linear address using to_ea() function. In fact, to_ea(get_segm_para(s), 0) == get_segm_base(s).
s: (C++: const segment_t *) pointer to segment
return: 0 if s == nullptr, the segment base paragraph
def get_segm_qty(*args) ‑> int
get_segm_qty() -> int
Get number of segments.
def get_segment_alignment(*args) ‑> char const *
get_segment_alignment(align) -> char const *
Get text representation of segment alignment code.
align: (C++: uchar)
return: text digestable by IBM PC assembler.
def get_segment_cmt(*args) ‑> qstring *
get_segment_cmt(s, repeatable) -> str
Get segment comment.
s: (C++: const segment_t *) pointer to segment structure
repeatable: (C++: bool) 0: get regular comment. 1: get repeatable comment.
return: size of comment or -1
def get_segment_combination(*args) ‑> char const *
get_segment_combination(comb) -> char const *
Get text representation of segment combination code.
comb: (C++: uchar)
return: text digestable by IBM PC assembler.
def get_segment_translations(*args) ‑> ssize_t
get_segment_translations(transmap, segstart) -> ssize_t
Get segment translation list.
transmap: (C++: eavec_t *) vector of segment start addresses for the translation list
segstart: (C++: ea_t) start address of the segment to get information about
return: -1 if no translation list or bad segstart. otherwise returns size of
translation list.
def get_selector_qty(*args) ‑> size_t
get_selector_qty() -> size_t
Get number of defined selectors.
def get_visible_segm_name(*args) ‑> qstring *
get_visible_segm_name(s) -> str
Get segment name by pointer to segment.
s: (C++: const segment_t *) pointer to segment
return: size of segment name (-1 if s==nullptr)
def getn_selector(*args) ‑> sel_t *, ea_t *
getn_selector(n) -> bool
Get description of selector (0..get_selector_qty()-1)
n: (C++: int)
def getnseg(*args) ‑> segment_t *
getnseg(n) -> segment_t
Get pointer to segment by its number.
warning: Obsoleted because it can slow down the debugger (it has to refresh the
whole memory segmentation to calculate the correct answer)
n: (C++: int) segment number in the range (0..get_segm_qty()-1)
return: nullptr or pointer to segment structure
def getseg(*args) ‑> segment_t *
getseg(ea) -> segment_t
Get pointer to segment by linear address.
ea: (C++: ea_t) linear address belonging to the segment
return: nullptr or pointer to segment structure
def is_finally_visible_segm(*args) ‑> bool
is_finally_visible_segm(s) -> bool
s: (C++: segment_t *)
def is_miniidb(*args) ‑> bool
is_miniidb() -> bool
Is the database a miniidb created by the debugger?.
return: true if the database contains no segments or only debugger segments
def is_segm_locked(*args) ‑> bool
is_segm_locked(segm) -> bool
Is a segment pointer locked?
segm: (C++: const segment_t *) segment_t const *
def is_spec_ea(*args) ‑> bool
is_spec_ea(ea) -> bool
Does the address belong to a segment with a special type?. (SEG_XTRN, SEG_GRP, SEG_ABSSYM, SEG_COMM)
ea: (C++: ea_t) linear address
def is_spec_segm(*args) ‑> bool
is_spec_segm(seg_type) -> bool
Has segment a special type?. (SEG_XTRN, SEG_GRP, SEG_ABSSYM, SEG_COMM)
seg_type: (C++: uchar)
def is_visible_segm(*args) ‑> bool
is_visible_segm(s) -> bool
s: (C++: segment_t *)
def lock_segm(*args) ‑> void
lock_segm(segm, lock)
Lock segment pointer Locked pointers are guaranteed to remain valid until they are unlocked. Ranges with locked pointers cannot be deleted or moved.
segm: (C++: const segment_t *) segment_t const *
lock: (C++: bool)
def move_segm(*args) ‑> move_segm_code_t
move_segm(s, to, flags=0) -> move_segm_code_t
This function moves all information to the new address. It fixes up address sensitive information in the kernel. The total effect is equal to reloading the segment to the target address. For the file format dependent address sensitive information, loader_t::move_segm is called. Also IDB notification event idb_event::segm_moved is called.
s: (C++: segment_t *) segment to move
to: (C++: ea_t) new segment start address
flags: (C++: int) Move segment flags
return: Move segment result codes
def move_segm_start(*args) ‑> bool
move_segm_start(ea, newstart, mode) -> bool
Move segment start. The main difference between this function and set_segm_start() is that this function may expand the previous segment while set_segm_start() never does it. So, this function allows to change bounds of two segments simultaneously. If the previous segment and the specified segment have the same addressing mode and segment base, then instructions and data are not destroyed - they simply move from one segment to another. Otherwise all instructions/data which migrate from one segment to another are destroyed.
note: this function never disables addresses.
ea: (C++: ea_t) any address belonging to the segment
newstart: (C++: ea_t) new start address of the segment note that segment start
address should be higher than segment base linear address.
mode: (C++: int) policy for destroying defined items
  • 0: if it is necessary to destroy defined items, display a dialog box and ask confirmation
  • 1: if it is necessary to destroy defined items, just destroy them without asking the user
  • -1: if it is necessary to destroy defined items, don't destroy them (i.e. function will fail)
  • -2: don't destroy defined items (function will succeed)
retval 1: ok
retval 0: failed, a warning message is displayed
def move_segm_strerror(*args) ‑> char const *
move_segm_strerror(code) -> char const *
Return string describing error MOVE_SEGM_... code.
code: (C++: move_segm_code_t) enum move_segm_code_t
def rebase_program(*args) ‑> int
rebase_program(delta, flags) -> int
Rebase the whole program by 'delta' bytes.
delta: (C++: adiff_t) number of bytes to move the program
flags: (C++: int) Move segment flags it is recommended to use MSF_FIXONCE so that
the loader takes care of global variables it stored in the database
return: Move segment result codes
def segm_adjust_diff(*args) ‑> adiff_t
segm_adjust_diff(s, delta) -> adiff_t
Truncate and sign extend a delta depending on the segment.
s: (C++: const segment_t *) segment_t const *
delta: (C++: adiff_t)
def segm_adjust_ea(*args) ‑> ea_t
segm_adjust_ea(s, ea) -> ea_t
Truncate an address depending on the segment.
s: (C++: const segment_t *) segment_t const *
ea: (C++: ea_t)
def segtype(*args) ‑> uchar
segtype(ea) -> uchar
Get segment type.
ea: (C++: ea_t) any linear address within the segment
return: Segment types, SEG_UNDF if no segment found at 'ea'
def sel2ea(*args) ‑> ea_t
sel2ea(selector) -> ea_t
Get mapping of a selector as a linear address.
selector: (C++: sel_t) number of selector to translate to linear address
return: linear address the specified selector is mapped to. if there is no
mapping, returns to_ea(selector,0);
def sel2para(*args) ‑> ea_t
sel2para(selector) -> ea_t
Get mapping of a selector.
selector: (C++: sel_t) number of selector to translate
return: paragraph the specified selector is mapped to. if there is no mapping,
returns 'selector'.
def set_defsr(*args) ‑> void
set_defsr(s, reg, value)
Deprecated, use instead:
s.defsr[reg] = value
s: segment_t *
reg: int
value: sel_t
def set_group_selector(*args) ‑> int
set_group_selector(grp, sel) -> int
Create a new group of segments (used OMF files).
grp: (C++: sel_t) selector of group segment (segment type is SEG_GRP) You should
create an 'empty' (1 byte) group segment It won't contain anything and will be used to redirect references to the group of segments to the common selector.
sel: (C++: sel_t) common selector of all segments belonging to the segment You should
create all segments within the group with the same selector value.
return: 1 ok 0 too many groups (see MAX_GROUPS)
def set_segm_addressing(*args) ‑> bool
set_segm_addressing(s, bitness) -> bool
Change segment addressing mode (16, 32, 64 bits). You must use this function to change segment addressing, never change the 'bitness' field directly. This function will delete all instructions, comments and names in the segment
s: (C++: segment_t *) pointer to segment
bitness: (C++: size_t) new addressing mode of segment
  • 2: 64bit segment
  • 1: 32bit segment
  • 0: 16bit segment
return: success
def set_segm_base(*args) ‑> bool
set_segm_base(s, newbase) -> bool
Internal function.
s: (C++: segment_t *)
newbase: (C++: ea_t)
def set_segm_class(*args) ‑> int
set_segm_class(s, sclass, flags=0) -> int
Set segment class.
s: (C++: segment_t *) pointer to segment (may be nullptr)
sclass: (C++: const char *) segment class (may be nullptr). If segment type is SEG_NORM and
segment class is one of predefined names, then segment type is changed to:
  • "CODE" -> SEG_CODE
  • "DATA" -> SEG_DATA
  • "STACK" -> SEG_BSS
  • "BSS" -> SEG_BSS
  • if "UNK" then segment type is reset to SEG_NORM.
flags: (C++: int) Add segment flags
retval 1: ok, name is good and segment is renamed
retval 0: failure, name is nullptr or bad or segment is nullptr
def set_segm_end(*args) ‑> bool
set_segm_end(ea, newend, flags) -> bool
Set segment end address. The next segment is shrinked to allow expansion of the specified segment. The kernel might even delete the next segment if necessary. The kernel will ask the user for a permission to destroy instructions or data going out of segment scope if such instructions exist.
ea: (C++: ea_t) any address belonging to the segment
newend: (C++: ea_t) new end address of the segment
flags: (C++: int) Segment modification flags
retval 1: ok
retval 0: failed, a warning message is displayed
def set_segm_name(*args) ‑> int
set_segm_name(s, name, flags=0) -> int
Rename segment. The new name is validated (see validate_name). A segment always has a name. If you hadn't specified a name, the kernel will assign it "seg###" name where ### is segment number.
s: (C++: segment_t *) pointer to segment (may be nullptr)
name: (C++: const char *) new segment name
flags: (C++: int) ADDSEG_IDBENC or 0
retval 1: ok, name is good and segment is renamed
retval 0: failure, name is bad or segment is nullptr
def set_segm_start(*args) ‑> bool
set_segm_start(ea, newstart, flags) -> bool
Set segment start address. The previous segment is trimmed to allow expansion of the specified segment. The kernel might even delete the previous segment if necessary. The kernel will ask the user for a permission to destroy instructions or data going out of segment scope if such instructions exist.
ea: (C++: ea_t) any address belonging to the segment
newstart: (C++: ea_t) new start address of the segment note that segment start
address should be higher than segment base linear address.
flags: (C++: int) Segment modification flags
retval 1: ok
retval 0: failed, a warning message is displayed
def set_segment_cmt(*args) ‑> void
set_segment_cmt(s, cmt, repeatable)
Set segment comment.
s: (C++: const segment_t *) pointer to segment structure
cmt: (C++: const char *) comment string, may be multiline (with ' '). maximal size is 4096 bytes. Use empty str ("") to delete comment
repeatable: (C++: bool) 0: set regular comment. 1: set repeatable comment.
def set_segment_translations(*args) ‑> bool
set_segment_translations(segstart, transmap) -> bool
Set new translation list.
segstart: (C++: ea_t) start address of the segment to add translation to
transmap: (C++: const eavec_t &) vector of segment start addresses for the translation list. If
transmap is empty, the translation list is deleted.
retval 1: ok
retval 0: too many translations or bad segstart
def set_selector(*args) ‑> int
set_selector(selector, paragraph) -> int
Set mapping of selector to a paragraph. You should call this function _before_ creating a segment which uses the selector, otherwise the creation of the segment will fail.
selector: (C++: sel_t) number of selector to map
  • if selector == BADSEL, then return 0 (fail)
  • if the selector has had a mapping, old mapping is destroyed
  • if the selector number is equal to paragraph value, then the mapping is destroyed because we don't need to keep trivial mappings.
paragraph: (C++: ea_t) paragraph to map selector
retval 1: ok
retval 0: failure (bad selector or too many mappings)
def set_visible_segm(*args) ‑> void
set_visible_segm(s, visible)
s: (C++: segment_t *)
visible: (C++: bool)
def setup_selector(*args) ‑> sel_t
setup_selector(segbase) -> sel_t
Allocate a selector for a segment if necessary. You must call this function before calling add_segm_ex(). add_segm() calls this function itself, so you don't need to allocate a selector. This function will allocate a selector if 'segbase' requires more than 16 bits and the current processor is IBM PC. Otherwise it will return the segbase value.
segbase: (C++: ea_t) a new segment base paragraph
return: the allocated selector number
std_out_segm_footer(ctx, seg)
Generate segment footer line as a comment line. This function may be used in IDP modules to generate segment footer if the target assembler doesn't have 'ends' directive.
ctx: (C++: struct outctx_t &) outctx_t &
seg: (C++: segment_t *)
def take_memory_snapshot(*args) ‑> bool
take_memory_snapshot(type) -> bool
Take a memory snapshot of the running process.
type: (C++: int) specifies which snapshot we want (see SNAP_ Snapshot types)
return: success
def update_segm(*args) ‑> bool
update_segm(s) -> bool
s: segment_t *


class lock_segment (*args)
Proxy of C++ lock_segment class.
__init__(self, _segm) -> lock_segment
_segm: segment_t const *
class segment_defsr_array (*args)
Proxy of C++ wrapped_array_t< sel_t,SREG_NUM > class.
__init__(self, data) -> segment_defsr_array
data: unsigned long long (&)[SREG_NUM]

Instance variables

var bytes : bytevec_t
_get_bytes(self) -> bytevec_t
var data
class segment_t (*args)
Proxy of C++ segment_t class.
__init__(self) -> segment_t


Instance variables

var align
Segment alignment codes
var bitness
Number of bits in the segment addressing
  • 0: 16 bits
  • 1: 32 bits
  • 2: 64 bits
var color
the segment color
var comb
Segment combination codes
var defsr : wrapped_array_t< sel_t,SREG_NUM >
default segment register values. first element of this array keeps information about value of processor_t::reg_first_sreg
var end_ea
var flags
Segment flags
var name
use get/set_segm_name() functions
var orgbase
this field is IDP dependent. you may keep your information about the segment here
var perm
Segment permissions (0 means no information)
var sclass
use get/set_segm_class() functions
var sel
segment selector - should be unique. You can't change this field after creating the segment. Exception: 16bit OMF files may have several segments with the same selector, but this is not good (no way to denote a segment exactly) so it should be fixed in the future.
var start_ea
var type
segment type (see Segment types). The kernel treats different segment types differently. Segments marked with '*' contain no instructions or data and are not declared as 'segments' in the disassembly.


def abits(self, *args) ‑> int
abits(self) -> int
Get number of address bits.
def abytes(self, *args) ‑> int
abytes(self) -> int
Get number of address bytes.
def clr_comorg(self, *args) ‑> void
def clr_ob_ok(self, *args) ‑> void
def comorg(self, *args) ‑> bool
comorg(self) -> bool
def is_16bit(self, *args) ‑> bool
is_16bit(self) -> bool
Is a 16-bit segment?
def is_32bit(self, *args) ‑> bool
is_32bit(self) -> bool
Is a 32-bit segment?
def is_64bit(self, *args) ‑> bool
is_64bit(self) -> bool
Is a 64-bit segment?
def is_header_segm(self, *args) ‑> bool
is_header_segm(self) -> bool
def is_hidden_segtype(self, *args) ‑> bool
is_hidden_segtype(self) -> bool
def is_loader_segm(self, *args) ‑> bool
is_loader_segm(self) -> bool
def is_visible_segm(self, *args) ‑> bool
is_visible_segm(self) -> bool
def ob_ok(self, *args) ‑> bool
ob_ok(self) -> bool
def set_comorg(self, *args) ‑> void
def set_debugger_segm(self, *args) ‑> void
set_debugger_segm(self, debseg)
debseg: bool
def set_header_segm(self, *args) ‑> void
set_header_segm(self, on)
on: bool
def set_hidden_segtype(self, *args) ‑> void
set_hidden_segtype(self, hide)
hide: bool
def set_loader_segm(self, *args) ‑> void
set_loader_segm(self, ldrseg)
ldrseg: bool
def set_ob_ok(self, *args) ‑> void
def set_visible_segm(self, *args) ‑> void
set_visible_segm(self, visible)
visible: bool
def update(self, *args) ‑> bool
update(self) -> bool
Update segment information. You must call this function after modification of segment characteristics. Note that not all fields of segment structure may be modified directly, there are special functions to modify some fields.
return: success
def use64(self, *args) ‑> bool
is_64bit(self) -> bool
Is a 64-bit segment?

Inherited members