Module index

Module ida_struct

Structure type management (assembly level types)

Global variables

a special member representing base class
the member was created due to the type system
a special member representing destructor
duplicate name resolved with _N suffix (N==soff)
has type information?
has members of type "union"?
var MF_OK
is the member ok? (always yes)
is a member of a union?
new type was created by the type subsystem
new type must be compatible with the old
mptr is function argument (cannot create arrays)
may destroy other members
user-specified type
alignment (shift amount: 0..31)
SF_ASMTIL = -2147483648
the structure is a function frame
ghost copy of a local type
has members of type "union"?
the structure is collapsed
don't include in the chooser list
the structure comes from type library
is a union? varunions are prohibited!
var SF_VAR
is variable size structure (varstruct)? a variable size structure is one with the zero size last member. if the last member is a varstruct, then the current structure is a varstruct too.
arrays are forbidden as function arguments
bad parameters
failed to set new member type
no need to change the member type, the old type is better
the new type is not compatible with the old type
var SMT_OK
SMT_OK = 1
member would overlap with members that cannot be deleted
the new type is incompatible with the member size
the new type is worse than the old type
apply regular expressions to beautify the name
failed to change corresponding local type
already has member with this name (bad name)
recursive structure nesting is forbidden
already has member at this offset
bad number of bytes or bad sizeof(type)
bad struct id (the 1st argument)
bad typeid parameter
unions can't have variable sized members
variable sized member should be the last member in the structure


def add_struc(*args) ‑> tid_t
add_struc(idx, name, is_union=False) -> tid_t
Create a structure type. if idx==BADADDR then add as the last idx. if name==nullptr then a name will be generated "struct_%d".
idx: (C++: uval_t)
name: (C++: const char *) char const *
is_union: (C++: bool)
def add_struc_member(*args) ‑> struc_error_t
add_struc_member(sptr, fieldname, offset, flag, mt, nbytes) -> struc_error_t
Add member to existing structure.
sptr: (C++: struc_t *) structure to modify
fieldname: (C++: const char *) if nullptr, then "anonymous_#" name will be generated
offset: (C++: ea_t) BADADDR means add to the end of structure
flag: (C++: flags64_t) type + representation bits
mt: (C++: const opinfo_t *) additional info about member type. must be present for structs,
offsets, enums, strings, struct offsets.
nbytes: (C++: asize_t) if == 0 then the structure will be a varstruct. in this case the
member should be the last member in the structure
def del_member_tinfo(*args) ‑> bool
del_member_tinfo(sptr, mptr) -> bool
Delete tinfo for given member.
sptr: (C++: struc_t *)
mptr: (C++: member_t *)
def del_struc(*args) ‑> bool
del_struc(sptr) -> bool
Delete a structure type This function deletes as well local type synced with the structure
sptr: (C++: struc_t *)
def del_struc_member(*args) ‑> bool
del_struc_member(sptr, offset) -> bool
Delete member at given offset.
sptr: (C++: struc_t *)
offset: (C++: ea_t)
def del_struc_members(*args) ‑> int
del_struc_members(sptr, off1, off2) -> int
Delete members which occupy range of offsets (off1..off2).
sptr: (C++: struc_t *)
off1: (C++: ea_t)
off2: (C++: ea_t)
return: number of deleted members or -1 on error
def expand_struc(*args) ‑> bool
expand_struc(sptr, offset, delta, recalc=True) -> bool
Expand/Shrink structure type.
sptr: (C++: struc_t *)
offset: (C++: ea_t)
delta: (C++: adiff_t)
recalc: (C++: bool)
def get_best_fit_member(*args) ‑> member_t *
get_best_fit_member(sptr, offset) -> member_t
Get member that is most likely referenced by the specified offset. Useful for offsets > sizeof(struct).
sptr: (C++: const struc_t *) struc_t const *
offset: (C++: asize_t)
def get_first_struc_idx(*args) ‑> uval_t
get_first_struc_idx() -> uval_t
Get index of first structure.
return: BADADDR if no known structures, 0 otherwise
def get_innermost_member(*args) ‑> PyObject *
get_innermost_member(sptr, offset) -> (member_t, struc_t, int)
Get the innermost member at the given offset
sptr: the starting structure
offset: offset into the starting structure
return: - None on failure
  • tuple(member_t, struct_t, offset)
    where member_t: a member in SPTR (it is not a structure),
    struct_t: the innermost structure, offset: remaining offset into the returned member
def get_last_struc_idx(*args) ‑> uval_t
get_last_struc_idx() -> uval_t
Get index of last structure.
return: BADADDR if no known structures, get_struc_qty()-1 otherwise
def get_max_offset(*args) ‑> ea_t
get_max_offset(sptr) -> ea_t
For unions: returns number of members, for structs: returns size of structure.
sptr: (C++: struc_t *)
def get_member(*args) ‑> member_t *
get_member(sptr, offset) -> member_t
Get member at given offset.
sptr: (C++: const struc_t *) struc_t const *
offset: (C++: asize_t)
def get_member_by_fullname(*args) ‑> struc_t **
get_member_by_fullname(fullname) -> member_t
Get a member by its fully qualified name, "struct.field".
fullname: (C++: const char *) char const *
def get_member_by_id(*args) ‑> qstring *, struc_t **
get_member_by_id(mid) -> member_t
Check if the specified member id points to a struct member. convenience function.
mid: (C++: tid_t)
def get_member_by_name(*args) ‑> member_t *
get_member_by_name(sptr, membername) -> member_t
Get a member by its name, like "field44".
sptr: (C++: const struc_t *) struc_t const *
membername: (C++: const char *) char const *
def get_member_cmt(*args) ‑> qstring *
get_member_cmt(mid, repeatable) -> str
Get comment of structure member.
mid: (C++: tid_t)
repeatable: (C++: bool)
def get_member_fullname(*args) ‑> qstring *
get_member_fullname(mid) -> str
Get a member's fully qualified name, "struct.field".
mid: (C++: tid_t)
def get_member_id(*args) ‑> tid_t
get_member_id(sptr, offset) -> tid_t
Get member id at given offset.
sptr: (C++: const struc_t *) struc_t const *
offset: (C++: asize_t)
def get_member_name(*args) ‑> qstring *
get_member_name(mid) -> str
mid: tid_t
def get_member_size(*args) ‑> asize_t
get_member_size(NONNULL_mptr) -> asize_t
Get size of structure member. May return 0 for the last member of varstruct. For union members, returns member_t::eoff.
NONNULL_mptr: (C++: const member_t *) member_t const *
def get_member_struc(*args) ‑> struc_t *
get_member_struc(fullname) -> struc_t
Get containing structure of member by its full name "struct.field".
fullname: (C++: const char *) char const *
def get_member_tinfo(*args) ‑> bool
get_member_tinfo(tif, mptr) -> bool
Get tinfo for given member.
tif: (C++: tinfo_t *)
mptr: (C++: const member_t *) member_t const *
def get_next_member_idx(*args) ‑> ssize_t
get_next_member_idx(sptr, off) -> ssize_t
Get the next member idx, if it does not exist, return -1.
sptr: (C++: const struc_t *) struc_t const *
off: (C++: asize_t)
def get_next_struc_idx(*args) ‑> uval_t
get_next_struc_idx(idx) -> uval_t
Get next struct index.
idx: (C++: uval_t)
return: BADADDR if resulting index is out of bounds, otherwise idx++
def get_or_guess_member_tinfo(*args) ‑> bool
get_or_guess_member_tinfo(tif, mptr) -> bool
Try to get tinfo for given member - if failed, generate a tinfo using information about the member id from the disassembly
tif: (C++: tinfo_t *)
mptr: (C++: const member_t *) member_t const *
def get_prev_member_idx(*args) ‑> ssize_t
get_prev_member_idx(sptr, off) -> ssize_t
Get the prev member idx, if it does not exist, return -1.
sptr: (C++: const struc_t *) struc_t const *
off: (C++: asize_t)
def get_prev_struc_idx(*args) ‑> uval_t
get_prev_struc_idx(idx) -> uval_t
Get previous struct index.
idx: (C++: uval_t)
return: BADADDR if resulting index is negative, otherwise idx - 1
def get_sptr(*args) ‑> struc_t *
get_sptr(mptr) -> struc_t
Get child struct if member is a struct.
mptr: (C++: const member_t *) member_t const *
def get_struc(*args) ‑> struc_t *
get_struc(id) -> struc_t
Get pointer to struct type info.
id: (C++: tid_t)
def get_struc_by_idx(*args) ‑> tid_t
get_struc_by_idx(idx) -> tid_t
Get struct id by struct number.
idx: (C++: uval_t)
def get_struc_cmt(*args) ‑> qstring *
get_struc_cmt(id, repeatable) -> str
Get struct comment.
id: (C++: tid_t)
repeatable: (C++: bool)
def get_struc_first_offset(*args) ‑> ea_t
get_struc_first_offset(sptr) -> ea_t
Get offset of first member.
sptr: (C++: const struc_t *) struc_t const *
return: BADADDR if memqty == 0
def get_struc_id(*args) ‑> tid_t
get_struc_id(name) -> tid_t
Get struct id by name.
name: (C++: const char *) char const *
def get_struc_idx(*args) ‑> uval_t
get_struc_idx(id) -> uval_t
Get internal number of the structure.
id: (C++: tid_t)
def get_struc_last_offset(*args) ‑> ea_t
get_struc_last_offset(sptr) -> ea_t
Get offset of last member.
sptr: (C++: const struc_t *) struc_t const *
return: BADADDR if memqty == 0
def get_struc_name(*args) ‑> qstring *
get_struc_name(id, flags=0) -> str
id: tid_t
flags: int
def get_struc_next_offset(*args) ‑> ea_t
get_struc_next_offset(sptr, offset) -> ea_t
Get offset of member with smallest offset larger than 'offset'.
sptr: (C++: const struc_t *) struc_t const *
offset: (C++: ea_t)
return: BADADDR if no next offset
def get_struc_prev_offset(*args) ‑> ea_t
get_struc_prev_offset(sptr, offset) -> ea_t
Get offset of member with largest offset less than 'offset'.
sptr: (C++: const struc_t *) struc_t const *
offset: (C++: ea_t)
return: BADADDR if no prev offset
def get_struc_qty(*args) ‑> size_t
get_struc_qty() -> size_t
Get number of known structures.
def get_struc_size(*args) ‑> asize_t
get_struc_size(sptr) -> asize_t
Get struct size (also see get_struc_size(const struc_t *))
sptr: struc_t const *
get_struc_size(id) -> asize_t
id: tid_t
def is_anonymous_member_name(*args) ‑> bool
is_anonymous_member_name(name) -> bool
Is member name prefixed with "anonymous"?
name: (C++: const char *) char const *
def is_dummy_member_name(*args) ‑> bool
is_dummy_member_name(name) -> bool
Is member name an auto-generated name?
name: (C++: const char *) char const *
def is_member_id(*args) ‑> bool
is_member_id(mid) -> bool
Is a member id?
mid: (C++: tid_t)
def is_special_member(*args) ‑> bool
is_special_member(id) -> bool
Is a special member with the name beginning with ' '?
id: (C++: tid_t)
def is_union(*args) ‑> bool
is_union(id) -> bool
Is a union?
id: (C++: tid_t)
def is_varmember(*args) ‑> bool
is_varmember(mptr) -> bool
Is variable size member?
mptr: (C++: const member_t *) member_t const *
def is_varstr(*args) ‑> bool
is_varstr(id) -> bool
Is variable size structure?
id: (C++: tid_t)
def retrieve_member_info(*args) ‑> opinfo_t *
retrieve_member_info(buf, mptr) -> opinfo_t
Get operand type info for member.
buf: (C++: opinfo_t *)
mptr: (C++: const member_t *) member_t const *
def save_struc(*args) ‑> void
save_struc(sptr, may_update_ltypes=True)
Update struct information in the database (internal function)
sptr: (C++: const struc_t *) struc_t const *
may_update_ltypes: (C++: bool)
def set_member_cmt(*args) ‑> bool
set_member_cmt(mptr, cmt, repeatable) -> bool
Set member comment.
mptr: (C++: member_t *)
cmt: (C++: const char *) char const *
repeatable: (C++: bool)
def set_member_name(*args) ‑> bool
set_member_name(sptr, offset, name) -> bool
Set name of member at given offset.
sptr: (C++: struc_t *)
offset: (C++: ea_t)
name: (C++: const char *) char const *
def set_member_tinfo(*args) ‑> smt_code_t
set_member_tinfo(sptr, mptr, memoff, tif, flags) -> smt_code_t
Set tinfo for given member.
sptr: (C++: struc_t *) containing struct
mptr: (C++: member_t *) target member
memoff: (C++: uval_t) offset within member
tif: (C++: const tinfo_t &) type info
flags: (C++: int) Set member tinfo flags
def set_member_type(*args) ‑> bool
set_member_type(sptr, offset, flag, mt, nbytes) -> bool
Set type of member at given offset (also see add_struc_member())
sptr: (C++: struc_t *)
offset: (C++: ea_t)
flag: (C++: flags64_t)
mt: (C++: const opinfo_t *) opinfo_t const *
nbytes: (C++: asize_t)
def set_struc_align(*args) ‑> bool
set_struc_align(sptr, shift) -> bool
Set structure alignment (SF_ALIGN)
sptr: (C++: struc_t *)
shift: (C++: int)
def set_struc_cmt(*args) ‑> bool
set_struc_cmt(id, cmt, repeatable) -> bool
Set structure comment.
id: (C++: tid_t)
cmt: (C++: const char *) char const *
repeatable: (C++: bool)
def set_struc_hidden(*args) ‑> void
set_struc_hidden(sptr, is_hidden)
Hide/unhide a struct type.
sptr: (C++: struc_t *)
is_hidden: (C++: bool)
def set_struc_idx(*args) ‑> bool
set_struc_idx(sptr, idx) -> bool
Set internal number of struct. Also see get_struc_idx(), get_struc_by_idx().
sptr: (C++: const struc_t *) struc_t const *
idx: (C++: uval_t)
def set_struc_listed(*args) ‑> void
set_struc_listed(sptr, is_listed)
Add/remove a struct type from the struct list.
sptr: (C++: struc_t *)
is_listed: (C++: bool)
def set_struc_name(*args) ‑> bool
set_struc_name(id, name) -> bool
Set structure name.
id: (C++: tid_t)
name: (C++: const char *) char const *
def stroff_as_size(*args) ‑> bool
stroff_as_size(plen, sptr, value) -> bool
plen: int
sptr: struc_t const *
value: asize_t
stroff_as_size(plen, tif, value) -> bool
plen: int
tif: tinfo_t const &
value: asize_t
def unsync_and_delete_struc(*args) ‑> void
Delete the structure but leave synced ltudt unchanged. Note del_struc() deletes both ASM struc and the corresponding local type
sptr: (C++: struc_t *)
def visit_stroff_fields(*args) ‑> adiff_t *
visit_stroff_fields(sfv, path, disp, appzero) -> flags64_t
sfv: struct_field_visitor_t &
path: tid_t const *
disp: adiff_t *
appzero: bool
def visit_stroff_udms(*args) ‑> adiff_t *
visit_stroff_udms(sfv, path, disp, appzero) -> int
Visit structure fields in a stroff expression or in a reference to a struct data variable. This function can be used to enumerate all components of an expression like 'a.b.c'.
sfv: (C++: udm_visitor_t &) visitor object
path: (C++: const tid_t *) struct path (path[0] contains the initial struct id)
disp: (C++: adiff_t *) offset into structure
appzero: (C++: bool) should visit field at offset zero?
return: visitor result


class dyn_member_ref_array (*args)
Proxy of C++ dynamic_wrapped_array_t< member_t > class.
__init__(self, _data, _count) -> dyn_member_ref_array
_data: member_t *
_count: size_t

Instance variables

var count
var data
class member_t (*args)
Proxy of C++ member_t class.
__init__(self) -> member_t

Instance variables

var eoff
end offset
var flag
type+representation bits
var id
name(), cmt, rptcmt
var props
Struct member properties
var soff
start offset (for unions - number of the member 0..n)


def by_til(self, *args) ‑> bool
by_til(self) -> bool
Was the member created due to the type system?
def get_size(self, *args) ‑> asize_t
get_size(self) -> asize_t
Get member size.
def get_soff(self, *args) ‑> ea_t
get_soff(self) -> ea_t
Get start offset (for unions - returns 0)
def has_ti(self, *args) ‑> bool
has_ti(self) -> bool
Has type information?
def has_union(self, *args) ‑> bool
has_union(self) -> bool
Has members of type "union"?
def is_baseclass(self, *args) ‑> bool
is_baseclass(self) -> bool
Is a base class member?
def is_destructor(self, *args) ‑> bool
is_destructor(self) -> bool
Is a virtual destructor?
def is_dupname(self, *args) ‑> bool
is_dupname(self) -> bool
Duplicate name was resolved during import?
def unimem(self, *args) ‑> bool
unimem(self) -> bool
Is a member of a union?
class struc_t (*args, **kwargs)
Proxy of C++ struc_t class.

Instance variables

var age
not used
var id
struct id
var members : dynamic_wrapped_array_t< member_t >
only defined members are stored here. there may be gaps between members.
var memqty
number of members
var ordinal
corresponding local type ordinal number
var props
Structure properties


def from_til(self, *args) ‑> bool
from_til(self) -> bool
Does structure come from a type library?
def get_alignment(self, *args) ‑> int
get_alignment(self) -> int
def get_last_member(self, *args) ‑> member_t const *
get_last_member(self) -> member_t
def get_member(self, index)
def has_union(self, *args) ‑> bool
has_union(self) -> bool
Has members of type "union"?
def is_choosable(self, *args) ‑> bool
is_choosable(self) -> bool
Is included in chooser list? Use set_struc_listed to change the listed status
def is_copyof(self, *args) ‑> bool
is_copyof(self) -> bool
Is copied from a local type?
def is_frame(self, *args) ‑> bool
is_frame(self) -> bool
Is this structure a function frame?
def is_ghost(self, *args) ‑> bool
is_ghost(self) -> bool
Is a ghost copy of a local type?
def is_hidden(self, *args) ‑> bool
is_hidden(self) -> bool
Is the structure collapsed? Use set_struc_hidden to change the hidden status
def is_mappedto(self, *args) ‑> bool
is_mappedto(self) -> bool
Is mapped to a local type?
def is_synced(self, *args) ‑> bool
is_synced(self) -> bool
Is synced with a local type?
def is_union(self, *args) ‑> bool
is_union(self) -> bool
Is a union?
def is_varstr(self, *args) ‑> bool
is_varstr(self) -> bool
Is variable size structure?
def like_union(self, *args) ‑> bool
like_union(self) -> bool
Is a union or contains members of type "union"?
def set_alignment(self, *args) ‑> void
set_alignment(self, shift)
Do not use; use set_struc_align()
shift: (C++: int)
class struct_field_visitor_t (*args)
Proxy of C++ struct_field_visitor_t class.
__init__(self) -> struct_field_visitor_t
self: PyObject *


def visit_field(self, *args) ‑> int
visit_field(self, sptr, mptr) -> int
sptr: struc_t *
mptr: member_t *
class udm_visitor_t (*args)
Proxy of C++ udm_visitor_t class.
__init__(self) -> udm_visitor_t
self: PyObject *


def visit_udm(self, *args) ‑> int
visit_udm(self, tid, tif, udm) -> int
tid: (C++: tid_t) udt tid
tif: (C++: const tinfo_t *) udt tif (may be nullptr for corrupted idbs)
udm: (C++: const udm_t *) udm to visit (may be nullptr if udm was not found)