Latest available version: IDA and decompilers v8.4.240527sp2 see all releases
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struct  tev_info_t
 Common information for all trace events. More...
struct  memreg_info_t
 Required typedef for get_insn_tev_reg_mem() More...
struct  tev_reg_value_t
 Structure used for dbg_add_many_tevs() More...
struct  tev_info_reg_t
 Structure used for dbg_add_many_tevs() More...


typedef qvector< debug_event_tdbgevt_vec_t
 vector of debug events
typedef qvector< tev_info_ttevinfo_vec_t
 vector of trace event info objects
typedef qvector< memreg_info_tmemreg_infos_t
typedef qvector< tev_reg_value_ttev_reg_values_t
 vector of trace event reg values
typedef qvector< tev_info_reg_ttevinforeg_vec_t
 vector of trace elements


enum  tev_type_t {
  tev_none = 0 , tev_insn , tev_call , tev_ret ,
  tev_bpt , tev_mem , tev_event , tev_max
 Trace event types. More...
enum  save_reg_values_t { SAVE_ALL_VALUES = 0 , SAVE_DIFF , SAVE_NONE }
 Se dbg_add_insn_tev()


int idaapi get_tev_qty (void)
 Get number of trace events available in trace buffer. More...
bool idaapi get_tev_info (int n, tev_info_t *tev_info)
 Get main information about a trace event. More...
bool idaapi get_insn_tev_reg_val (int n, const char *regname, regval_t *regval)
 Read a register value from an instruction trace event. More...
bool idaapi get_insn_tev_reg_val (int n, const char *regname, uint64 *ival)
bool idaapi get_insn_tev_reg_mem (int n, memreg_infos_t *memmap)
 Read the memory pointed by register values from an instruction trace event. More...
bool idaapi get_insn_tev_reg_result (int n, const char *regname, regval_t *regval)
 Read the resulting register value from an instruction trace event. More...
bool idaapi get_insn_tev_reg_result (int n, const char *regname, uint64 *ival)
ea_t idaapi get_call_tev_callee (int n)
 Get the called function from a function call trace event. More...
ea_t idaapi get_ret_tev_return (int n)
 Get the return address from a function return trace event. More...
ea_t idaapi get_bpt_tev_ea (int n)
 Get the address associated to a read, read/write or execution trace event. More...
bool idaapi get_tev_memory_info (int n, meminfo_vec_t *mi)
 Get the memory layout, if any, for the specified tev object. More...
bool idaapi get_tev_event (int n, debug_event_t *d)
 Get the corresponding debug event, if any, for the specified tev object. More...
ea_t idaapi get_trace_base_address (void)
 Get the base address of the current trace. More...
void idaapi set_trace_base_address (ea_t ea)
 Set the base address of the current trace. More...
void idaapi dbg_add_thread (thid_t tid)
 Add a thread to the current trace. More...
void idaapi dbg_del_thread (thid_t tid)
 Delete a thread from the current trace. More...
void idaapi dbg_add_tev (tev_type_t type, thid_t tid, ea_t address)
 Add a new trace element to the current trace. More...
bool idaapi dbg_add_many_tevs (tevinforeg_vec_t *new_tevs)
 Add many new trace elements to the current trace. More...
bool idaapi dbg_add_insn_tev (thid_t tid, ea_t ea, save_reg_values_t save=SAVE_DIFF)
 Add a new instruction trace element to the current trace. More...
bool idaapi dbg_add_bpt_tev (thid_t tid, ea_t ea, ea_t bp)
 Add a new breakpoint trace element to the current trace. More...
void idaapi dbg_add_call_tev (thid_t tid, ea_t caller, ea_t callee)
 Add a new call trace element to the current trace. More...
void idaapi dbg_add_ret_tev (thid_t tid, ea_t ret_insn, ea_t return_to)
 Add a new return trace element to the current trace. More...
void idaapi dbg_add_debug_event (debug_event_t *event)
 Add a new debug event to the current trace. More...

Detailed Description

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ tev_type_t

enum tev_type_t

Trace event types.


no event


an instruction trace


a function call trace


a function return trace


write, read/write, execution trace


memory layout changed


debug event occurred


first unused event type

Function Documentation

◆ get_tev_qty()

int idaapi get_tev_qty ( void  )

Get number of trace events available in trace buffer.

TypeSynchronous function
Notificationnone (synchronous function)

◆ get_tev_info()

bool idaapi get_tev_info ( int  n,
tev_info_t tev_info 

Get main information about a trace event.

TypeSynchronous function
Notificationnone (synchronous function)
nnumber of trace event, is in range 0..get_tev_qty()-1. 0 represents the latest added trace event.

◆ get_insn_tev_reg_val()

bool idaapi get_insn_tev_reg_val ( int  n,
const char *  regname,
regval_t regval 

Read a register value from an instruction trace event.

TypeSynchronous function
Notificationnone (synchronous function)
nnumber of trace event, is in range 0..get_tev_qty()-1. 0 represents the latest added trace event.
regnamename of desired register
false if not an instruction event.
This is the value of the register before the execution of the instruction.

◆ get_insn_tev_reg_mem()

bool idaapi get_insn_tev_reg_mem ( int  n,
memreg_infos_t memmap 

Read the memory pointed by register values from an instruction trace event.

TypeSynchronous function
Notificationnone (synchronous function)
nnumber of trace event, is in range 0..get_tev_qty()-1. 0 represents the latest added trace event.
false if not an instruction event or no memory is available

◆ get_insn_tev_reg_result()

bool idaapi get_insn_tev_reg_result ( int  n,
const char *  regname,
regval_t regval 

Read the resulting register value from an instruction trace event.

TypeSynchronous function
Notificationnone (synchronous function)
nnumber of trace event, is in range 0..get_tev_qty()-1. 0 represents the latest added trace event.
regnamename of desired register
false if not an instruction trace event or register wasn't modified.

◆ get_call_tev_callee()

ea_t idaapi get_call_tev_callee ( int  n)

Get the called function from a function call trace event.

TypeSynchronous function
Notificationnone (synchronous function)
nnumber of trace event, is in range 0..get_tev_qty()-1. 0 represents the latest added trace event.
BADADDR if not a function call event.

◆ get_ret_tev_return()

ea_t idaapi get_ret_tev_return ( int  n)

Get the return address from a function return trace event.

TypeSynchronous function
Notificationnone (synchronous function)
nnumber of trace event, is in range 0..get_tev_qty()-1. 0 represents the latest added trace event.
BADADDR if not a function return event.

◆ get_bpt_tev_ea()

ea_t idaapi get_bpt_tev_ea ( int  n)

Get the address associated to a read, read/write or execution trace event.

TypeSynchronous function
Notificationnone (synchronous function)
nnumber of trace event, is in range 0..get_tev_qty()-1. 0 represents the latest added trace event.
BADADDR if not a read, read/write or execution trace event.
Usually, a breakpoint is associated with a read, read/write or execution trace event. However, the returned address could be any address in the range of this breakpoint. If the breakpoint was deleted after the trace event, the address no longer corresponds to a valid breakpoint.

◆ get_tev_memory_info()

bool idaapi get_tev_memory_info ( int  n,
meminfo_vec_t mi 

Get the memory layout, if any, for the specified tev object.

TypeSynchronous function
Notificationnone (synchronous function)
nnumber of trace event, is in range 0..get_tev_qty()-1. 0 represents the latest added trace event.
false if the tev_t object is not of type tev_mem, true otherwise, with the new memory layout in "mi".

◆ get_tev_event()

bool idaapi get_tev_event ( int  n,
debug_event_t d 

Get the corresponding debug event, if any, for the specified tev object.

TypeSynchronous function
Notificationnone (synchronous function)
nnumber of trace event, is in range 0..get_tev_qty()-1. 0 represents the latest added trace event.
false if the tev_t object doesn't have any associated debug event, true otherwise, with the debug event in "d".

◆ get_trace_base_address()

ea_t idaapi get_trace_base_address ( void  )

Get the base address of the current trace.

TypeSynchronous function
Notificationnone (synchronous function)
the base address of the currently loaded trace

◆ set_trace_base_address()

void idaapi set_trace_base_address ( ea_t  ea)

Set the base address of the current trace.

TypeSynchronous function
Notificationnone (synchronous function)

◆ dbg_add_thread()

void idaapi dbg_add_thread ( thid_t  tid)

Add a thread to the current trace.

TypeSynchronous function
Notificationnone (synchronous function)

◆ dbg_del_thread()

void idaapi dbg_del_thread ( thid_t  tid)

Delete a thread from the current trace.

TypeSynchronous function
Notificationnone (synchronous function)

◆ dbg_add_tev()

void idaapi dbg_add_tev ( tev_type_t  type,
thid_t  tid,
ea_t  address 

Add a new trace element to the current trace.

TypeSynchronous function
Notificationnone (synchronous function)

◆ dbg_add_many_tevs()

bool idaapi dbg_add_many_tevs ( tevinforeg_vec_t new_tevs)

Add many new trace elements to the current trace.

TypeSynchronous function
Notificationnone (synchronous function)
false if the operation failed for any tev_info_t object

◆ dbg_add_insn_tev()

bool idaapi dbg_add_insn_tev ( thid_t  tid,
ea_t  ea,
save_reg_values_t  save = SAVE_DIFF 

Add a new instruction trace element to the current trace.

TypeSynchronous function
Notificationnone (synchronous function)
false if the operation failed, true otherwise

◆ dbg_add_bpt_tev()

bool idaapi dbg_add_bpt_tev ( thid_t  tid,
ea_t  ea,
ea_t  bp 

Add a new breakpoint trace element to the current trace.

TypeSynchronous function
Notificationnone (synchronous function)
false if the operation failed, true otherwise

◆ dbg_add_call_tev()

void idaapi dbg_add_call_tev ( thid_t  tid,
ea_t  caller,
ea_t  callee 

Add a new call trace element to the current trace.

TypeSynchronous function
Notificationnone (synchronous function)

◆ dbg_add_ret_tev()

void idaapi dbg_add_ret_tev ( thid_t  tid,
ea_t  ret_insn,
ea_t  return_to 

Add a new return trace element to the current trace.

TypeSynchronous function
Notificationnone (synchronous function)

◆ dbg_add_debug_event()

void idaapi dbg_add_debug_event ( debug_event_t event)

Add a new debug event to the current trace.

TypeSynchronous function
Notificationnone (synchronous function)