Latest available version: IDA and decompilers v8.4.240527sp2 see all releases
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pro.h File Reference

This is the first header included in the IDA project. More...


struct  qstatbuf
 Describes miscellaneous file attributes. More...
struct  interr_exc_t
class  qvector< T >
 Reimplementation of vector class from STL. More...
class  qstack< T >
 Reimplementation of stack class from STL. More...
class  pool_allocator_t< T >
 A custom allocator for containers. More...
class  qrefcnt_t< T >
 Smart pointer to objects derived from qrefcnt_obj_t. More...
class  qrefcnt_obj_t
 Base class for reference count objects. More...
class  qiterator< T >
 Interface class for iterator types. More...
class  _qstring< qchar >
 Reimplementation of the string class from STL. More...
struct  std::hash< _qstring< T > >
class  bytevec_t
 Vector of bytes (use for dynamic memory) More...
struct  reloc_info_t
 Relocation information (relocatable objects - see relobj_t) More...
struct  relobj_t
 Relocatable object. More...
class  qlist< T >
 Linked list Note: linked list is not movable! More...
struct  memory_deserializer_t
struct  janitor_t< T >
 Resource janitor to facilitate use of the RAII idiom. More...
struct  has_compare_method< typename, typename >
 Template to compare any 2 values of the same type. Returns -1/0/1. More...
struct  has_compare_method< T, qvoid_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().compare(std::declval< T >()))> >
struct  channel_redir_t
 Tools for command line parsing. More...
struct  cliopt_t
struct  cliopts_t
struct  plugin_option_t
 Named option, supports two kinds of options: string option: <name>=bool option: <name>=[on|off]. More...
struct  instant_dbgopts_t
 Options for instant debugging. More...
struct  launch_process_params_t
 Information for launching a process with IDA API Note: all string data such as paths (e.g., 'path', 'args' & 'startdir') or 'env' should be UTF-8 encoded. More...
class  qmutex_locker_t
 Mutex locker object. Will lock a given mutex upon creation and unlock it when the object is destroyed. More...


namespace  interval
 Functions to work with intervals.


#define IDA_SDK_VERSION   840
 IDA SDK v8.4.
#define ENUM_SIZE(t)   : t
#define EXTERNC   extern "C"
#define C_INCLUDE
#define C_INCLUDE_END   }
#define INLINE   inline
#define MAXSTR   1024
 maximum string size
 get MAXSTR as a string
#define NT_CDECL   __cdecl
#define DEPRECATED   __declspec(deprecated)
#define NORETURN   __declspec(noreturn)
#define PACKED
#define PACKED_ALIGNED(al)
#define AS_STRFTIME(format_idx)
#define AS_PRINTF(format_idx, varg_idx)
#define AS_SCANF(format_idx, varg_idx)
#define WARN_UNUSED_RESULT   _Check_return_
#define GCC_DIAG_OFF(x)
#define GCC_DIAG_ON(x)
#define MSC_DIAG_OFF(x)
#define MSC_DIAG_ON(x)   __pragma(warning(pop))
#define __MF__   0
 byte sex of our platform (Most significant byte First). More...
#define qnotused(x)   (void)x
 Macro to avoid of message 'Parameter x is never used'.
#define NONNULL
#define QUNUSED
#define va_argi(va, type)   va_arg(va, type)
#define CONST_CAST(x)   const_cast<x>
 cast a const to non-const
#define _QSTRINGIZE(x)   #x
 return x as a string. See SMAXSTR for example
#define idaapi   __stdcall
#define ida_export   idaapi
#define idaman   EXTERNC
#define ida_export_data   __declspec(dllimport)
#define ida_module_data   __declspec(dllexport)
#define ida_local
 Functions callable from any thread are marked with this keyword.
#define newapi
 This keyword is used to introduce new virtual functions that do not override any existing virtual function.
#define strtoull   _strtoui64
#define FMT_64   "I64"
#define FMT_Z   "u"
#define FMT_ZX   "X"
#define FMT_ZS   "d"
#define SVAL_MIN   INT_MIN
#define SVAL_MAX   INT_MAX
#define FMT_EA   ""
#define DEFARG(decl, val)   decl = val
#define BADADDR   ea_t(-1)
 this value is used for 'bad address'
#define BADSEL   sel_t(-1)
 'bad selector' value
#define BADADDR32   ea32_t(-1ULL)
#define BADADDR64   ea64_t(-1ULL)
#define qoff64_t   int64
 file offset
#define for   if(0); else for
 MSVC <= 1200 is not compliant to the ANSI standard.
#define eOk   0
 no error
#define eOS   1
 os error, see errno
#define eDiskFull   2
 disk full
#define eReadError   3
 read error
#define eFileTooLarge   4
 file too large
#define ZZZ   msg("%s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define BPT   __debugbreak()
#define CASSERT(cnd)   static_assert((cnd), QSTRINGIZE(cnd))
#define INTERR(code)   do { if ( under_debugger ) BPT; interr(code); } while(1)
#define QASSERT(code, cond)   do if ( !(cond) ) INTERR(code); while (0)
 run time assertion
#define QBUFCHECK(buf, size, src)   ida_fill_buffer(buf, size, src, __FILE__, __LINE__)
 run time assertion
#define TB_QASSERT(Code, Expr)
#define TB_INTERR(Code)
#define TB_CCHECK(expr)   if ( !(expr) ) msg("Coherency check failed: " #expr "\n")
#define TB_INTERR_OR_RETURN(code, ...)   return __VA_ARGS__
#define qnew(t)   ((t*)qalloc(sizeof(t)))
 create a new object in memory
#define qnewarray(t, n)   use_qalloc_array
#define qnumber(array)   _countof(array)
#define qoffsetof   offsetof
#define va_copy(dst, src)   dst = src
#define set_vva(va2, vp)   va_copy(va2, va_arg(vp, va_list))
#define strnicmp   _strnicmp
#define stricmp   _stricmp
#define strcpy   dont_use_strcpy
 use qstrncpy()
#define stpcpy   dont_use_stpcpy
 use qstpncpy()
#define strncpy   dont_use_strncpy
 use qstrncpy()
#define strcat   dont_use_strcat
 use qstrncat()
#define strncat   dont_use_strncat
 use qstrncat()
#define gets   dont_use_gets
 use qfgets()
#define sprintf   dont_use_sprintf
 use qsnprintf()
#define snprintf   dont_use_snprintf
 use qsnprintf()
#define wsprintfA   dont_use_wsprintf
 use qsnprintf()
#define strcmpi   dont_use_strcmpi
 use stricmp()
#define strncmpi   dont_use_strncmpi
 use strnicmp()
#define getenv   dont_use_getenv
 use qgetenv()
#define setenv   dont_use_setenv
 use qsetenv()
#define putenv   dont_use_putenv
 use qsetenv()
#define strtok   dont_use_strrok
 use qstrtok()
#define strlwr   dont_use_strlwr
 use qstrlwr()
#define strupr   dont_use_strupr
 use qstrupr()
#define waitid   dont_use_waitid
 use qwait()
#define waitpid   dont_use_waitpid
 use qwait()
#define wait   dont_use_wait
 use qwait()
#define QMAXPATH   260
#define QMAXFILE   260
#define DELIMITER   ";"
 Delimiter of directory lists. More...
#define WPM_EXPLICIT_DOT   0x01
#define SEEK_SET   0
 beginning of file
#define SEEK_CUR   1
 current position of the file *
#define SEEK_END   2
 end of file *
#define qmin(a, b)   ((a) < (b)? (a): (b))
 universal min
#define qmax(a, b)   ((a) > (b)? (a): (b))
 universal max
#define OPERATOR_NEW(type, count)   new type[count]
#define MC2(c1, c2)   ushort(((c2)<<8)|c1)
 We cannot use multi-character constants because they are not portable - use this macro instead.
#define MC3(c1, c2, c3)   uint32(((((c3)<<8)|(c2))<<8)|c1)
 We cannot use multi-character constants because they are not portable - use this macro instead. More...
#define MC4(c1, c2, c3, c4)   uint32(((((((c4)<<8)|(c3))<<8)|(c2))<<8)|c1)
 We cannot use multi-character constants because they are not portable - use this macro instead. More...
#define read4bytes(h, res, mf)   readbytes(h, res, 4, mf)
 see readbytes()
#define write2bytes(h, l, mf)   writebytes(h, l, 2, mf)
 see writebytes()
#define write4bytes(h, l, mf)   writebytes(h, l, 4, mf)
 see writebytes()
#define swapea   swap32
#define qhtons(x)   swap16(x)
#define qntohs(x)   swap16(x)
#define qhtonl(x)   swap32(x)
#define qntohl(x)   swap32(x)
#define PLACEMENT_DELETE   void operator delete(void *, void *) {}
 Macro to declare standard inline comparison operators. More...
 Macro to declare comparisons for our classes. More...
#define SSF_DROP_EMPTY   0x1
 drop empty parts
#define streq(s1, s2)   (::qstrcmp((s1), (s2)) == 0)
 convenient check for string equality
#define strneq(s1, s2, count)   (::qstrncmp((s1), (s2), (count)) == 0)
 see streq
#define strieq(s1, s2)   (stricmp((s1), (s2)) == 0)
 see streq
#define strnieq(s1, s2, count)   (strnicmp((s1), (s2), (count)) == 0)
 see streq
#define RELOBJ_MASK   0xF
 the first byte describes the relocation entry types
#define RELSIZE_1   0
 8-bit relocations
#define RELSIZE_2   1
 16-bit relocations
#define RELSIZE_4   2
 32-bit relocations
#define RELSIZE_8   3
 64-bit relocations
#define RELSIZE_CUST   15
 custom relocations, should be handled internally
#define RELOBJ_CNT   0x80
 counter present (not used yet)
 signal that the qlist class has been defined
#define DEFINE_LIST_ITERATOR(iter, constness, cstr)
 Used for defining the 'iterator' and 'const_iterator' classes for qlist.
#define DEFINE_REVERSE_ITERATOR(riter, iter)
#define SCALAR_TYPE(n)   class T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_scalar<T>::value && sizeof(T) == n, int>::type = 0
#define COMPARE_POINTERS2(ptr, cmp)
#define COMPARE_POINTERS(ptr)   COMPARE_POINTERS2(ptr, ::compare)
#define COMPARE_FIELDS(fld)
#define DECLARE_UNCOPYABLE(T)   T &operator=(const T &); T(const T &);
 Declare class as uncopyable. More...
#define IDBDEC_ESCAPE   0x00000001
 convert non-printable characters to C escapes (
, \xNN, \uNNNN)
#define CP_ACP   0
#define CP_OEM   1
#define CP_UTF8   65001
#define BADCP   wchar32_t(-1)
#define CP_BOM   0xFEFF
#define UTF8_BOM   "\xEF\xBB\xBF"
#define UTF8_BOM_SZ   (sizeof(UTF8_BOM) - 1)
#define UTF16LE_BOM   "\xFF\xFE"
#define UTF16BE_BOM   "\xFE\xFF"
#define UTF16_BOM_SZ   (sizeof(UTF16LE_BOM) - 1)
#define UTF32LE_BOM   "\xFF\xFE\x00\x00"
#define UTF32BE_BOM   "\x00\x00\xFE\xFF"
#define UTF32_BOM_SZ   (sizeof(UTF32LE_BOM) - 1)
#define CP_ELLIPSIS   0x2026
#define UTF8_ELLIPSIS   "\xE2\x80\xA6"
#define UTF8_ELLIPSIS_SZ   (sizeof(UTF8_ELLIPSIS) - 1)
#define CP_REPLCHAR   0xFFFD
#define UTF8_REPLCHAR   "\xEF\xBF\xBD"
#define UTF8_REPLCHAR_SZ   (sizeof(UTF8_REPLCHAR) - 1)
#define MAX_UTF8_SEQ_LEN   (6 + 1 + 1)
#define CEF_RETERR   0x1
#define ENC_WIN1252   "windows-1252"
#define ENC_UTF8   "UTF-8"
#define ENC_MUTF8   "MUTF-8"
#define ENC_UTF16   "UTF-16"
#define ENC_UTF16LE   "UTF-16LE"
#define ENC_UTF16BE   "UTF-16BE"
#define ENC_UTF32   "UTF-32"
#define ENC_UTF32LE   "UTF-32LE"
#define ENC_UTF32BE   "UTF-32BE"
#define CP_UTF16   1200
 UTF-16 codepage.
 old Visual C++ compilers were not defining this
#define BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS   0x00004000
 old Visual C++ compilers were not defining this More...
#define SUBSTCHAR   '_'
 default char, used if a char cannot be represented in a codepage
#define DEFCOLOR   bgcolor_t(-1)
 default color (used in function, segment definitions)
#define IOREDIR_INPUT   0x01
 input redirection
#define IOREDIR_OUTPUT   0x02
 output redirection
#define IOREDIR_APPEND   0x04
 append, do not overwrite the output file
#define IOREDIR_QUOTED   0x08
 the file name was quoted
#define DEFINE_PLUGIN_OPTION_T_HELPERS(decl)    decl bool ida_export plugin_option_t_get_bool(const plugin_option_t *, bool *, const char *, bool);
#define LP_NEW_CONSOLE   0x0001
 create new console (only ms windows)
#define LP_TRACE   0x0002
 debug: unix: ptrace(TRACEME), windows: DEBUG_PROCESS
#define LP_PATH_WITH_ARGS   0x0004
 'args' contains executable path too
#define LP_USE_SHELL   0x0008
 use shell to launch the command. More...
#define LP_LAUNCH_32_BIT   0x0010
 prefer to launch 32-bit part of file (only mac)
#define LP_LAUNCH_64_BIT   0x0020
 prefer to launch 64-bit part of file (only mac); only one of LP_LAUNCH_*_BIT bits can be specified
#define LP_NO_ASLR   0x0040
 disable ASLR (mac and linux)
#define LP_DETACH_TTY   0x0080
 detach the current tty (unix)
#define LP_HIDE_WINDOW   0x0100
 tries to hide new window on startup (only windows)
#define LP_SUSPENDED   0x0200
 suspends the process on startup (only mac)
#define LP_DETACHED   0x0400
 no need to reap the child (this bit is ignored on windows)
#define LP_REPLACE_ENV   0x0800
 completely replace env for process
#define OPAQUE_HANDLE(n)   typedef struct __ ## n {} *n
 Thread opaque handle.
VS posix names

Shut up Visual Studio (VS deprecated posix names but there seems to be no good reason for that)

#define chdir   _chdir
#define fileno   _fileno
#define getcwd   _getcwd
#define memicmp   _memicmp
#define F_OK   0
#define W_OK   2
#define R_OK   4
Safe buffer append

In the following macros, 'buf' must be always less than 'end'.

When we run up to the end, we put a 0 there and don't increase buf anymore

Append a character to the buffer checking the buffer size

#define APPCHAR(buf, end, chr)
#define APPZERO(buf, end)
 Put a zero byte at buffer. More...
#define APPEND(buf, end, name)
 Append a string to the buffer checking the buffer size. More...


typedef unsigned char uchar
 unsigned 8 bit value
typedef unsigned short ushort
 unsigned 16 bit value
typedef unsigned int uint
 unsigned 32 bit value
typedef char int8
 signed 8 bit value
typedef signed char sint8
 signed 8 bit value
typedef unsigned char uint8
 unsigned 8 bit value
typedef short int16
 signed 16 bit value
typedef unsigned short uint16
 unsigned 16 bit value
typedef int int32
 signed 32 bit value
typedef unsigned int uint32
 unsigned 32 bit value
typedef wchar_t wchar16_t
typedef uint32 wchar32_t
typedef ptrdiff_t ssize_t
 Signed size_t - used to check for size overflows when the counter becomes negative. More...
typedef uint32 ea_t
typedef uint32 sel_t
typedef uint32 asize_t
typedef int32 adiff_t
typedef asize_t uval_t
 unsigned value used by the processor. More...
typedef adiff_t sval_t
 signed value used by the processor. More...
typedef uint32 ea32_t
 32-bit address, regardless of IDA bitness. More...
typedef uint64 ea64_t
 64-bit address, regardless of IDA bitness. More...
typedef int error_t
 Error code (errno)
typedef uint8 op_dtype_t
typedef uval_t inode_t
 The inode_t type is the specialization specific inode number. More...
typedef size_t diffpos_t
typedef int32 qtime32_t
 we use our own time type because time_t can be 32-bit or 64-bit depending on the compiler
typedef uint64 qtime64_t
 64-bit time value expressed as seconds and microseconds since the Epoch
typedef qvector< uval_tuvalvec_t
 vector of unsigned values
typedef qvector< sval_tsvalvec_t
 vector of signed values
typedef qvector< ea_t > eavec_t
 vector of addresses
typedef qvector< int > intvec_t
 vector of integers
typedef qvector< bool > boolvec_t
 vector of bools
typedef qvector< size_t > sizevec_t
 vector of sizes
typedef _qstring< char > qstring
 regular string
typedef _qstring< ucharqtype
 type string
typedef _qstring< wchar16_t > qwstring
 unicode string
typedef qvector< qstringqstrvec_t
 vector of strings
typedef qvector< qwstringqwstrvec_t
 vector of unicode strings
template<class... >
using qvoid_t = void
typedef uint32 flags_t
 32-bit flags for each address
typedef uint64 flags64_t
 64-bit flags for each address
typedef ea_t tid_t
 type id (for enums, structs, etc)
typedef uint32 bgcolor_t
 background color in RGB
typedef qvector< channel_redir_tchannel_redirs_t
 vector of channel_redir_t objects
typedef void cliopt_handler_t(const char *value, void *ud)
typedef void cliopt_poly_handler_t(int argc, const char **argv, void *ud)
using plugin_options_t = qvector< plugin_option_t >
typedef int idaapi qthread_cb_t(void *ud)
 THREADS. More...
typedef void * qhandle_t
 MS Windows HANDLE.


enum  tty_control_t { TCT_UNKNOWN = 0 , TCT_OWNER , TCT_NOT_OWNER }
 Teletype control.


INLINE int64 qatoll (const char *nptr)
INLINE THREAD_SAFE uint32 get_secs (qtime64_t t)
 Get the 'seconds since the epoch' part of a qtime64_t.
INLINE THREAD_SAFE uint32 get_usecs (qtime64_t t)
 Get the microseconds part of a qtime64_t.
INLINE THREAD_SAFE qtime64_t make_qtime64 (uint32 secs, DEFARG(int32 usecs, 0))
 Get a qtime64_t instance from a seconds value and microseconds value. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export qctime (char *buf, size_t bufsize, qtime32_t t)
 Converts calendar time into a string. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export qctime_utc (char *buf, size_t bufsize, qtime32_t t)
 Converts calendar time into a string using Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export qlocaltime (struct tm *_tm, qtime32_t t)
 Converts a time value to a tm structure (local time) More...
INLINE THREAD_SAFE bool qlocaltime64 (struct tm *_tm, qtime64_t t)
 Same as qlocaltime(struct tm *, qtime32_t), but accepts a 64-bit time value.
idaman bool ida_export qgmtime (struct tm *_tm, qtime32_t t)
 Converts a time value to a tm structure (UTC time) More...
INLINE THREAD_SAFE bool qgmtime64 (struct tm *_tm, qtime64_t t)
 Same as qgmtime(struct tm *, qtime32_t), but accepts a 64-bit time value.
idaman qtime32_t ida_export qtimegm (const struct tm *ptm)
idaman AS_STRFTIME (3) THREAD_SAFE size_t ida_export qstrftime(char *buf
 Get string representation of a qtime32_t (local time) Copies into 'buf' the content of 'format', expanding its format specifiers into the corresponding values that represent the time described in 't', with a limit of 'bufsize' characters see for more. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE void ida_export qsleep (int milliseconds)
 Suspend execution for given number of milliseconds.
idaman THREAD_SAFE uint64 ida_export get_nsec_stamp (void)
 High resolution timer. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE qtime64_t ida_export qtime64 (void)
 Get the current time with microsecond resolution (in fact the resolution is worse on windows)
idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export gen_rand_buf (void *buffer, size_t bufsz)
 Generate a random buffer. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE error_t ida_export set_qerrno (error_t code)
 Set qerrno.
idaman THREAD_SAFE error_t ida_export get_qerrno (void)
 Get qerrno.
idaman THREAD_SAFE NORETURN void ida_export interr (int code)
 Show internal error message and terminate execution.
idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export set_interr_throws (bool enable)
idaman THREAD_SAFE void *ida_export qalloc (size_t size)
 System independent malloc.
idaman THREAD_SAFE void *ida_export qrealloc (void *alloc, size_t newsize)
 System independent realloc.
idaman THREAD_SAFE void *ida_export qcalloc (size_t nitems, size_t itemsize)
 System independent calloc.
idaman THREAD_SAFE void ida_export qfree (void *alloc)
 System independent free.
idaman THREAD_SAFE char *ida_export qstrdup (const char *string)
 System independent strdup.
template<class T >
T * qalloc_array (size_t n)
 Use this class to avoid integer overflows when allocating arrays.
template<class T >
T * qrealloc_array (T *ptr, size_t n)
 Use this class to avoid integer overflows when allocating arrays.
idaman THREAD_SAFE void *ida_export memrev (void *buf, ssize_t size)
 Reverse memory block. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE char *ida_export strrpl (char *str, int char1, int char2)
 Replace all occurrences of a character within a string. More...
INLINE THREAD_SAFE char * tail (char *str)
 Get tail of a string.
THREAD_SAFE const char * tail (const char *str)
 Get tail of a string. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE char *ida_export qstrncpy (char *dst, const char *src, size_t dstsize)
 A safer strncpy - makes sure that there is a terminating zero. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE char *ida_export qstpncpy (char *dst, const char *src, size_t dstsize)
 A safer stpncpy - returns pointer to the end of the destination nb: ssize_t(dstsize) must be > 0.
idaman THREAD_SAFE char *ida_export qstrncat (char *dst, const char *src, size_t dstsize)
 A safer strncat - accepts the size of the 'dst' as 'dstsize' and returns dst nb: ssize_t(dstsize) must be > 0.
idaman THREAD_SAFE char *ida_export qstrtok (char *s, const char *delim, char **save_ptr)
 Thread-safe version of strtok.
idaman THREAD_SAFE char *ida_export qstrlwr (char *str)
 Convert the string to lowercase.
idaman THREAD_SAFE char *ida_export qstrupr (char *str)
 Convert the string to uppercase.
idaman THREAD_SAFE const char *ida_export stristr (const char *s1, const char *s2)
 Find one string in another (Case insensitive analog of strstr()). More...
char *idaapi stristr (char *s1, const char *s2)
 Same as stristr(const char *, const char *) but returns a non-const result.
INLINE THREAD_SAFE bool ida_local qisascii (char c)
INLINE THREAD_SAFE bool ida_local qisspace (char c)
INLINE THREAD_SAFE bool ida_local qisalpha (char c)
INLINE THREAD_SAFE bool ida_local qisalnum (char c)
INLINE THREAD_SAFE bool ida_local qispunct (char c)
INLINE THREAD_SAFE bool ida_local qislower (char c)
INLINE THREAD_SAFE bool ida_local qisupper (char c)
INLINE THREAD_SAFE bool ida_local qisprint (char c)
INLINE THREAD_SAFE bool ida_local qisdigit (char c)
INLINE THREAD_SAFE bool ida_local qisxdigit (char c)
INLINE THREAD_SAFE int ida_local qtolower (char c)
 Get lowercase equivalent of given char.
INLINE THREAD_SAFE int ida_local qtoupper (char c)
 Get uppercase equivalent of given char.
idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export qsnprintf (char *buffer, size_t n, const char *format,...)
 A safer snprintf.
idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export qsscanf (const char *input, const char *format,...)
 A safer sscanf.
idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export qvsnprintf (char *buffer, size_t n, const char *format, va_list va)
 See qsnprintf()
idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export qvsscanf (const char *input, const char *format, va_list va)
 See qsscanf()
idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export append_snprintf (char *buf, const char *end, const char *format,...)
 Append result of sprintf to 'buf'.
 GCC_DIAG_OFF (format-nonliteral)
 qsnprintf that does not check its arguments. More...
INLINE int nowarn_qsnprintf (char *buf, size_t size, const char *format,...)
 GCC_DIAG_ON (format-nonliteral)
idaman THREAD_SAFE char *ida_export vqmakepath (char *buf, size_t bufsize, const char *s1, va_list)
 See qmakepath()
idaman THREAD_SAFE char *ida_export qmakepath (char *buf, size_t bufsize, const char *s1,...)
 Construct a path from a null-terminated sequence of strings. More...
idaman void ida_export qgetcwd (char *buf, size_t bufsize)
 Get the current working directory. More...
idaman int ida_export qchdir (const char *path)
 Change the current working directory. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export qdirname (char *buf, size_t bufsize, const char *path)
 Get the directory part of the path. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE char *ida_export qmakefile (char *buf, size_t bufsize, const char *base, const char *ext)
 Construct filename from base name and extension. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE char *ida_export qsplitfile (char *file, char **base, char **ext)
 Split filename into base name and extension. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export qisabspath (const char *file)
 Is the file name absolute (not relative to the current dir?)
idaman THREAD_SAFE const char *ida_export qbasename (const char *path)
 Get the file name part of the given path. More...
char * qbasename (char *path)
 Same as qbasename(const char *), but accepts and returns non-const char pointers.
idaman THREAD_SAFE char *ida_export qmake_full_path (char *dst, size_t dstsize, const char *src)
 Convert relative path to absolute path.
idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export search_path (char *buf, size_t bufsize, const char *file, bool search_cwd)
 Search for a file in the PATH environment variable or the current directory. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE char *ida_export set_file_ext (char *outbuf, size_t bufsize, const char *file, const char *ext)
 Set file name extension unconditionally. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE const char *ida_export get_file_ext (const char *file)
 Get pointer to extension of file name. More...
THREAD_SAFE bool idaapi has_file_ext (const char *file)
 Does the given file name have an extension?
THREAD_SAFE char *idaapi make_file_ext (char *buf, size_t bufsize, const char *file, const char *ext)
 Set file name extension if none exists. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export sanitize_file_name (char *name, size_t namesize)
 Sanitize the file name. More...
bool wildcard_match (const char *name, const char *pattern)
 Match a name against a pattern. More...
bool wildcard_path_match (const char *name, const char *_pattern, int flags=0)
 Match a path against a pattern. More...
idaman int ida_export regex_match (const char *str, const char *pattern, bool sense_case)
 Match a string with a regular expression. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export qopen (const char *file, int mode)
 Works the same as it's counterpart from Clib. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export qopen_shared (const char *file, int mode, int share_mode)
 Open file with given sharing_mode (use O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY, O_RDWR flags), sets qerrno.
idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export qcreate (const char *file, int stat)
 Create new file with O_RDWR, sets qerrno.
idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export qread (int h, void *buf, size_t n)
 Works the same as it's counterpart from Clib. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export qwrite (int h, const void *buf, size_t n)
 Works the same as it's counterpart from Clib. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE qoff64_t ida_export qtell (int h)
 Works the same as it's counterpart from Clib. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE qoff64_t ida_export qseek (int h, int64 offset, int whence)
 Works the same as it's counterpart from Clib. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export qclose (int h)
 Works the same as it's counterpart from Clib. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export qdup (int h)
 Works the same as it's counterpart from Clib. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export qfsync (int h)
 Works the same as it's counterpart from Clib. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE uint64 ida_export qfilesize (const char *fname)
 Get the file size. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE uint64 ida_export qfilelength (int h)
 Get file length in bytes. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export qchsize (int h, uint64 fsize)
 Change file size. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export qmkdir (const char *file, int mode)
 Create an empty directory. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export qrmdir (const char *file)
 Delete a directory. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export qfileexist (const char *file)
 Does the given file exist?
idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export qisdir (const char *file)
 Does the given path specify a directory?
idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export qstat (const char *path, struct qstatbuf *buf)
 Get file status.
idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export qfstat (int fd, struct qstatbuf *buf)
idaman THREAD_SAFE void ida_export qatexit (void(idaapi *func)(void))
 Add a function to be called at exit time.
idaman THREAD_SAFE void ida_export del_qatexit (void(idaapi *func)(void))
 Remove a previously added exit-time function.
idaman THREAD_SAFE NORETURN void ida_export qexit (int code)
 Call qatexit functions, shut down UI and kernel, and exit. More...
template<class T >
qabs (T x)
INLINE THREAD_SAFE bool idaapi test_bit (const uchar *bitmap, size_t bit)
 Test if 'bit' is set in 'bitmap'.
INLINE THREAD_SAFE void idaapi set_bit (uchar *bitmap, size_t bit)
 Set 'bit' in 'bitmap'.
INLINE THREAD_SAFE void idaapi clear_bit (uchar *bitmap, size_t bit)
 Clear 'bit' in 'bitmap'.
INLINE THREAD_SAFE void idaapi set_bits (uchar *bitmap, size_t low, size_t high)
 Set bits between [low, high) in 'bitmap'.
INLINE THREAD_SAFE void idaapi clear_bits (uchar *bitmap, size_t low, size_t high)
 Clear bits between [low, high) in 'bitmap'.
INLINE THREAD_SAFE void idaapi set_all_bits (uchar *bitmap, size_t nbits)
 Set first 'nbits' of 'bitmap'.
INLINE THREAD_SAFE void idaapi clear_all_bits (uchar *bitmap, size_t nbits)
 Clear first 'nbits' of 'bitmap'.
idaman int ida_export log2ceil (uint64 d64)
 calculate ceil(log2(d64)) or floor(log2(d64)), it returns 0 if d64 == 0
idaman int ida_export log2floor (uint64 d64)
idaman int ida_export bitcount (uint64 x)
 calculate number of set bits (the population count)
idaman uint32 ida_export round_up_power2 (uint32 x)
 round up or down to a power of 2
idaman uint32 ida_export round_down_power2 (uint32 x)
template<class T >
constexpr bool is_pow2 (T val)
 is power of 2? (or zero)
template<class T >
round_up (T val, T base)
 round up or down to an arbitrary number
template<class T >
round_down (T val, T base)
THREAD_SAFE constexpr uval_t interval::last (uval_t off, asize_t s)
 max offset of the interval (assume s != 0)
THREAD_SAFE constexpr bool interval::overlap (uval_t off1, asize_t s1, uval_t off2, asize_t s2)
 Do (off1,s1) and (off2,s2) overlap?
THREAD_SAFE constexpr bool interval::includes (uval_t off1, asize_t s1, uval_t off2, asize_t s2)
 Does (off1,s1) include (off2,s2)?
THREAD_SAFE constexpr bool interval::contains (uval_t off1, asize_t s1, uval_t off)
 Does (off1,s1) contain off?
template<class T >
constexpr T left_shift (const T &value, int shift)
 Shift by the amount exceeding the operand size*8 is undefined by the standard. More...
template<class T >
constexpr T right_ushift (const T &value, int shift)
 Shift by the amount exceeding the operand size*8 is undefined by the standard. More...
template<class T >
constexpr T right_sshift (const T &value, int shift)
 Shift by the amount exceeding the operand size*8 is undefined by the standard. More...
template<class T >
qrotl (T value, size_t count)
 Rotate left.
template<class T >
qrotr (T value, size_t count)
 Rotate right.
template<class T >
constexpr T make_mask (int count)
 Make a mask of 'count' bits.
template<class T , class U >
void idaapi setflag (T &where, U bit, bool cnd)
 Set a 'bit' in 'where' if 'value' if not zero.
template<class T >
bool is_mul_ok (T count, T elsize)
 Check that unsigned multiplication does not overflow.
template<class U , class T >
bool is_add_ok (U x, T y)
 Check that unsigned or unsigned+signed addition does not overflow.
template<class T >
bool is_udiv_ok (T, T b)
 Check that unsigned division is permissible.
template<class T >
bool is_sdiv_ok (T a, T b)
 Check that signed division is permissible.
idaman uint64 ida_export extend_sign (uint64 v, int nbytes, bool sign_extend)
 Sign-, or zero-extend the value 'v' to occupy 64 bits. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export readbytes (int h, uint32 *res, int size, bool mf)
 Read at most 4 bytes from file. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export writebytes (int h, uint32 l, int size, bool mf)
 Write at most 4 bytes to file. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export read2bytes (int h, uint16 *res, bool mf)
 Read a 2 byte entity from a file. More...
THREAD_SAFE constexpr uint32 swap32 (uint32 x)
THREAD_SAFE constexpr ushort swap16 (ushort x)
idaman THREAD_SAFE void ida_export swap_value (void *dst, const void *src, int size)
 Swap endianness of a given value in memory. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE void ida_export reloc_value (void *value, int size, adiff_t delta, bool mf)
idaman THREAD_SAFE uval_t ida_export rotate_left (uval_t x, int count, size_t bits, size_t offset)
 Rotate left - can be used to rotate a value to the right if the count is negative. More...
template<class T >
THREAD_SAFE void qswap (T &a, T &b)
 Swap 2 objects of the same type using memory copies.
THREAD_SAFE uchar *idaapi pack_db (uchar *ptr, uchar *end, uchar x)
 Pack a byte into a character string. More...
THREAD_SAFE uchar idaapi unpack_db (const uchar **pptr, const uchar *end)
 Unpack a byte from a character string, pack_db()
idaman THREAD_SAFE uchar *ida_export pack_dw (uchar *ptr, uchar *end, uint16 x)
 pack a word, see pack_db()
idaman THREAD_SAFE uchar *ida_export pack_dd (uchar *ptr, uchar *end, uint32 x)
 pack a double word, see pack_db()
idaman THREAD_SAFE uchar *ida_export pack_dq (uchar *ptr, uchar *end, uint64 x)
 pack a quadword, see pack_db()
idaman THREAD_SAFE ushort ida_export unpack_dw (const uchar **pptr, const uchar *end)
 unpack a word, see unpack_db()
idaman THREAD_SAFE uint32 ida_export unpack_dd (const uchar **pptr, const uchar *end)
 unpack a double word, see unpack_db()
idaman THREAD_SAFE uint64 ida_export unpack_dq (const uchar **pptr, const uchar *end)
 unpack a quadword, see unpack_db()
THREAD_SAFE ucharpack_ea (uchar *ptr, uchar *end, ea_t ea)
 Pack an ea value into a character string, see pack_dd()/pack_dq()
THREAD_SAFE ea_t unpack_ea (const uchar **ptr, const uchar *end)
 Unpack an ea value, see unpack_dd()/unpack_dq()
THREAD_SAFE ea64_t unpack_ea64 (const uchar **ptr, const uchar *end)
 Unpack an ea value (always use 64bit, use delta 1)
THREAD_SAFE void *idaapi unpack_obj (void *destbuf, size_t destsize, const uchar **pptr, const uchar *end)
 Unpack an object of a known size. More...
THREAD_SAFE void *idaapi unpack_buf (const uchar **pptr, const uchar *end)
 Unpack an object of an unknown size (packed with append_buf()). More...
THREAD_SAFE const void *idaapi unpack_obj_inplace (const uchar **pptr, const uchar *end, size_t objsize)
 In-place version of unpack_obj(). More...
THREAD_SAFE const void *idaapi unpack_buf_inplace (const uchar **pptr, const uchar *end)
 In-place version of unpack_buf(). More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE uchar *ida_export pack_ds (uchar *ptr, uchar *end, const char *x, size_t len=0)
 Pack a string. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE char *ida_export unpack_ds (const uchar **pptr, const uchar *end, bool empty_null)
 Unpack a string. More...
THREAD_SAFE bool unpack_ds_to_buf (char *dst, size_t dstsize, const uchar **pptr, const uchar *end)
 Unpack a string. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export unpack_xleb128 (void *res, int nbits, bool is_signed, const uchar **pptr, const uchar *end)
 Unpack an LEB128 encoded (DWARF-3 style) signed/unsigned value. More...
template<class T >
THREAD_SAFE bool unpack_uleb128 (T *res, const uchar **pptr, const uchar *end)
template<class T >
THREAD_SAFE bool unpack_sleb128 (T *res, const uchar **pptr, const uchar *end)
THREAD_SAFE int ds_packed_size (const char *s)
THREAD_SAFE constexpr int dw_size (uchar first_byte)
THREAD_SAFE constexpr int dd_size (uchar first_byte)
template<class T >
THREAD_SAFE uchar extract_db (T &v)
template<class T >
THREAD_SAFE void * extract_obj (T &v, void *destbuf, size_t destsize)
template<class T >
THREAD_SAFE uint16 extract_dw (T &v)
template<class T >
THREAD_SAFE uint32 extract_dd (T &v)
template<class T >
THREAD_SAFE uint64 extract_dq (T &v)
template<class T >
THREAD_SAFE ea_t extract_ea (T &v)
template<class T >
THREAD_SAFE void * extract_buf (T &v, size_t size)
template<class T >
THREAD_SAFE void * extract_array (T &v, size_t *sz, size_t maxsize)
const char * unpack_str (const uchar **pptr, const uchar *end)
idaman THREAD_SAFE void *ida_export qalloc_or_throw (size_t size)
 qalloc() 'size' bytes, and throw a "not enough memory" error if failed
idaman THREAD_SAFE void *ida_export qrealloc_or_throw (void *ptr, size_t size)
 qrealloc() 'ptr' by 'size', and throw a "not enough memory" error if failed
idaman THREAD_SAFE void *ida_export qvector_reserve (void *vec, void *old, size_t cnt, size_t elsize)
 Change capacity of given qvector. More...
template<class T >
void shift_down (T *dst, T *src, size_t cnt)
 Move data down in memory. More...
template<class T >
void shift_up (T *dst, T *src, size_t cnt)
 Move data up in memory. More...
template<class T >
int lexcompare (const T &a, const T &b)
 Standard lexical comparison. More...
template<class T >
int lexcompare_vectors (const T &a, const T &b)
 Lexical comparison of two vectors. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export relocate_relobj (struct relobj_t *_relobj, ea_t ea, bool mf)
THREAD_SAFE void unpack_eavec (eavec_t *vec, ea_t ea, const uchar **ptr, const uchar *end)
 Unpack a vector of ea values. More...
THREAD_SAFE bool unpack_bytevec (bytevec_t *out, const uchar **pptr, const uchar *end)
bool unpack_str (qstring *out, const uchar **pptr, const uchar *end)
template<class T , typename std::enable_if< has_compare_method< T >::value, int >::type = 0>
int compare (const T &a, const T &b)
template<class T >
int compare (const qvector< T > &a, const qvector< T > &b)
template<class T >
int compare (const qlist< T > &a, const qlist< T > &b)
template<class T , class U >
int compare (const std::pair< T, U > &a, const std::pair< T, U > &b)
template<class T >
int compare_containers (const T &l, const T &r)
 Template to compare any 2 containers of the same type. Returns -1/0/1.
template<class T , class U >
int compare (const std::map< T, U > &a, const std::map< T, U > &b)
template<class T >
int compare (const std::set< T > &a, const std::set< T > &b)
template<class T >
align_up (T val, int elsize)
 Align element up to nearest boundary.
template<class T >
align_down (T val, int elsize)
 Align element down to nearest boundary.
idaman THREAD_SAFE uint32 ida_export calc_crc32 (uint32 crc, const void *buf, size_t len)
 Calculate CRC32 (polynom 0xEDB88320, zlib compatible). More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE uint32 ida_export calc_file_crc32 (class linput_t *fp)
 Calculate an input source CRC32.
idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export base64_encode (qstring *output, const void *input, size_t size)
 Encode base64.
idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export base64_decode (bytevec_t *output, const char *input, size_t size)
 Decode base64. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export replace_tabs (qstring *out, const char *str, int tabsize)
 Convert tabulations to spaces. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE char *ida_export str2user (char *dst, const char *src, size_t dstsize)
 Make a user representation.
idaman THREAD_SAFE char *ida_export user2str (char *dst, const char *src, size_t dstsize)
 Make an internal representation.
idaman THREAD_SAFE char ida_export back_char (const char **p)
 Translate char after '\'.
idaman THREAD_SAFE void ida_export qstr2user (qstring *dst, const char *src, int nsyms=-1)
 see str2user()
THREAD_SAFE void qstr2user (qstring *dst, const qstring &src)
idaman THREAD_SAFE void ida_export user2qstr (qstring *dst, const qstring &src)
 see user2str()
idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export is_valid_utf8 (const char *in)
 Does byte sequence consist of valid UTF-8-encoded codepoints? More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export utf8_utf16 (qwstring *out, const char *in, int nsyms=-1)
 UTF-8 -> UTF-16. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export utf16_utf8 (qstring *out, const wchar16_t *in, int nsyms=-1)
 UTF-16 -> UTF-8. More...
constexpr bool is_lead_surrogate (wchar32_t wch)
constexpr bool is_tail_surrogate (wchar32_t wch)
constexpr wchar32_t utf16_surrogates_to_cp (wchar16_t lead_surrogate, wchar16_t tail_surrogate)
idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export idb_utf8 (qstring *out, const char *in, int nsyms=-1, int flags=0)
 IDB default C string encoding -> UTF-8. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export change_codepage (qstring *out, const char *in, int incp, int outcp)
INLINE THREAD_SAFE bool acp_utf8 (qstring *out, const char *in)
THREAD_SAFE constexpr wchar16_t utf8_wchar16 (uchar b0, uchar b1)
THREAD_SAFE constexpr wchar16_t utf8_wchar16 (uchar b0, uchar b1, uchar b2)
THREAD_SAFE constexpr wchar32_t utf8_wchar32 (uchar b0, uchar b1, uchar b2, uchar b3)
idaman THREAD_SAFE wchar32_t ida_export get_utf8_char (const char **pptr)
 Read one UTF-8 character from string. if error, return BADCP.
idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export prev_utf8_char (wchar32_t *out_cp, const char **p, const char *begin)
 Get the UTF-8 character from string, before 'p'. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE size_t ida_export skip_utf8 (const char **putf8, size_t n)
 Advance by n codepoints into the UTF-8 buffer. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE ssize_t ida_export put_utf8_char (char *out, wchar32_t cp)
 Encode the codepoint into a UTF-8 byte sequence, and add terminating zero. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export is_cp_graphical (wchar32_t cp)
 Is the provided codepoint graphical?
idaman THREAD_SAFE size_t ida_export qustrlen (const char *utf8)
idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export qustrncpy (char *dst, const char *utf8, size_t dstsize)
 A safer strncpy - makes sure that there is a terminating zero. More...
idaman bool ida_export is_cvt64 ()
 is IDA converting IDB into I64?
idaman ssize_t ida_export convert_encoding (bytevec_t *out, const char *fromcode, const char *tocode, const uchar *indata, ssize_t insize, DEFARG(int flags, 0))
 Convert data from encoding fromcode into tocode. More...
ssize_t convert_encoding (bytevec_t *out, const char *fromcode, const char *tocode, const bytevec_t *indata, DEFARG(int flags, 0))
idaman THREAD_SAFE size_t ida_export parse_command_line (qstrvec_t *args, channel_redirs_t *redirs, const char *cmdline, int flags)
 Parse a space separated string (escaping with backslash is supported). More...
char ** expand_argv (int *p_argc, int argc, const char *const argv[])
 Copy and expand command line arguments. More...
INLINE void free_argv (int argc, char **argv)
 Free 'argc' elements of 'argv'.
idaman bool ida_export quote_cmdline_arg (qstring *arg)
 Quote a command line argument if it contains escape characters. More...
idaman bool ida_export parse_plugin_options (plugin_options_t *opts, const char *optstring)
 Parse plugin options from IDA command line specified by -O<plugin_name>:<optstring> Note such options can be used not only for plugins, for example, currently we use them for merge (-Omerge:...) and vault server credentials (-Ovault:...) More...
idaman bool ida_export parse_dbgopts (struct instant_dbgopts_t *ido, const char *r_switch)
 Parse the -r command line switch (for instant debugging). More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE void *ida_export launch_process (const launch_process_params_t &lpp, qstring *errbuf=nullptr)
 Launch the specified process in parallel. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export term_process (void *handle)
 Forcibly terminate a running process. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export qwait_timed (int *status, int child, int flags, int timeout_ms)
 Wait for state changes in a child process (UNIX only). More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export check_process_exit (void *handle, int *exit_code, DEFARG(int msecs,-1))
 Check whether process has terminated or not. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE enum tty_control_t ida_export is_control_tty (int fd)
 Check if the current process is the owner of the TTY specified by 'fd' (typically an opened descriptor to /dev/tty). More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE void ida_export qdetach_tty (void)
 If the current terminal is the controlling terminal of the calling process, give up this controlling terminal. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE void ida_export qcontrol_tty (void)
 Make the current terminal the controlling terminal of the calling process. More...
 OPAQUE_HANDLE (qthread_t)
idaman THREAD_SAFE qthread_t ida_export qthread_create (qthread_cb_t *thread_cb, void *ud)
 Create a thread and return a thread handle.
idaman THREAD_SAFE void ida_export qthread_free (qthread_t q)
 Free a thread resource (does not kill the thread) (calls pthread_detach under unix)
idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export qthread_join (qthread_t q)
 Wait a thread until it terminates.
idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export qthread_kill (qthread_t q)
 Forcefully kill a thread (calls pthread_cancel under unix)
idaman THREAD_SAFE qthread_t ida_export qthread_self (void)
 Get current thread. Must call qthread_free() to free it!
idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export qthread_same (qthread_t q)
 Is the current thread the same as 'q'?
idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export qthread_equal (qthread_t q1, qthread_t q2)
 Are two threads equal?
idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export is_main_thread (void)
 Are we running in the main thread?
idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export qsetenv (const char *varname, const char *value)
 Thread safe function to work with the environment.
idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export qgetenv (const char *varname, DEFARG(qstring *buf, nullptr))
 Thread safe function to work with the environment. More...
 OPAQUE_HANDLE (qsemaphore_t)
 Semaphore. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE qsemaphore_t ida_export qsem_create (const char *name, int init_count)
 Create a new semaphore.
idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export qsem_free (qsemaphore_t sem)
 Free a semaphore.
idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export qsem_post (qsemaphore_t sem)
 Unlock a semaphore.
idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export qsem_wait (qsemaphore_t sem, int timeout_ms)
 Lock and decrement a semaphore. timeout = -1 means block indefinitely.
 OPAQUE_HANDLE (qmutex_t)
idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export qmutex_free (qmutex_t m)
 Free a mutex.
idaman THREAD_SAFE qmutex_t ida_export qmutex_create (void)
 Create a new mutex.
idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export qmutex_lock (qmutex_t m)
 Lock a mutex.
idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export qmutex_unlock (qmutex_t m)
 Unlock a mutex.
idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export qpipe_create (qhandle_t handles[2])
 Create a pipe. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE ssize_t ida_export qpipe_read (qhandle_t handle, void *buf, size_t size)
 Read from a pipe. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export qpipe_read_n (qhandle_t handle, bytevec_t *out_bytes, size_t n)
 Read a specific amount of bytes from a pipe. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE ssize_t ida_export qpipe_write (qhandle_t handle, const void *buf, size_t size)
 Write to a pipe. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export qpipe_close (qhandle_t handle)
 Close a pipe. More...
idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export qwait_for_handles (int *idx, const qhandle_t *handles, int n, uint32 write_bitmask, int timeout_ms)
 Wait for file/socket/pipe handles. More...

Get the length of the given string

THREAD_SAFE size_t idaapi qstrlen (const char *s)
THREAD_SAFE size_t idaapi qstrlen (const uchar *s)
idaman THREAD_SAFE size_t ida_export qstrlen (const wchar16_t *s)

Lexical comparison of strings.

0 if two strings are identical > 0 if 's1' is larger than 's2' < 0 if 's2' is larger than 's1' otherwise return first nonzero comparison between chars in 's1' and 's2'
THREAD_SAFE int idaapi qstrcmp (const char *s1, const char *s2)
THREAD_SAFE int idaapi qstrcmp (const uchar *s1, const uchar *s2)
idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export qstrcmp (const wchar16_t *s1, const wchar16_t *s2)

Lexical comparison of string prefixes.

0 if two strings are identical > 0 if 's1' is larger than 's2' < 0 if 's2' is larger than 's1' otherwise return first nonzero comparison between chars in 's1' and 's2'
THREAD_SAFE int idaapi qstrncmp (const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t len)
THREAD_SAFE int idaapi qstrncmp (const uchar *s1, const uchar *s2, size_t len)
idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export qstrncmp (const wchar16_t *s1, const wchar16_t *s2, size_t len)

Find a string within another string.

a pointer to the first occurrence of 's2' within 's1', nullptr if s2 is not found in s1
THREAD_SAFE const char *idaapi qstrstr (const char *s1, const char *s2)
THREAD_SAFE const uchar *idaapi qstrstr (const uchar *s1, const uchar *s2)

Find a character within a string.

a pointer to the first occurrence of 'c' within 's1', nullptr if c is not found in s1
THREAD_SAFE char *idaapi qstrchr (char *s1, char c)
THREAD_SAFE const char *idaapi qstrchr (const char *s1, char c)
THREAD_SAFE uchar *idaapi qstrchr (uchar *s1, uchar c)
THREAD_SAFE const uchar *idaapi qstrchr (const uchar *s1, uchar c)
idaman THREAD_SAFE const wchar16_t *ida_export qstrchr (const wchar16_t *s1, wchar16_t c)
THREAD_SAFE wchar16_t *idaapi qstrchr (wchar16_t *s1, wchar16_t c)

Find a last occurrence of a character within a string.

a pointer to the last occurrence of 'c' within 's1', nullptr if c is not found in s1
THREAD_SAFE const char *idaapi qstrrchr (const char *s1, char c)
THREAD_SAFE char *idaapi qstrrchr (char *s1, char c)
THREAD_SAFE const uchar *idaapi qstrrchr (const uchar *s1, uchar c)
THREAD_SAFE uchar *idaapi qstrrchr (uchar *s1, uchar c)
idaman THREAD_SAFE const wchar16_t *ida_export qstrrchr (const wchar16_t *s1, wchar16_t c)
THREAD_SAFE wchar16_t *idaapi qstrrchr (wchar16_t *s1, wchar16_t c)


constexpr diffpos_t BADDIFF = diffpos_t(-1)
idaman size_t bufsize
idaman size_t const char * format
idaman size_t const char qtime32_t t
idaman bool ida_export_data is_ida_kernel
 Is this IDA kernel? If not, we are executing a standalone application.
idaman bool ida_export_data under_debugger
 is IDA running under a debugger?
const qhandle_t NULL_PIPE_HANDLE = nullptr

Detailed Description

This is the first header included in the IDA project.

It defines the most common types, functions and data. Also, it tries to make system dependent definitions.

The following preprocessor macros are used in the project (the list may be incomplete)

Platform must be specified as one of:

__NT__ - MS Windows (all platforms)
__LINUX__ - Linux
__MAC__ - MAC OS X

__EA64__ - 64-bit address size (sizeof(ea_t)==8)
__X86__ - 32-bit debug servers (sizeof(void*)==4)
__X64__ - x64 processor (sizeof(void*)==8) default
__PPC__ - PowerPC
__ARM__ - ARM

Macro Definition Documentation


#define C_INCLUDE


#define MSC_DIAG_OFF (   x)
__pragma(warning(push)) \
__pragma(warning(disable : x))

◆ __MF__

#define __MF__   0

byte sex of our platform (Most significant byte First).

0: little endian (Intel 80x86). 1: big endian (PowerPC).


"Internal error %d occurred when running a script. Either\n" \
" - the script misused the IDA API, or\n" \
" - there is a logic error in IDA\n" \
"Please check the script first.\n" \
"If it appears correct, send a bug report to <>.\n" \
"In any case we strongly recommend you to restart IDA as soon as possible."


#define DELIMITER   ";"

Delimiter of directory lists.

for MS DOS, Windows, other systems - ':' for Unix

◆ MC3

#define MC3 (   c1,
)    uint32(((((c3)<<8)|(c2))<<8)|c1)

We cannot use multi-character constants because they are not portable - use this macro instead.

◆ MC4

#define MC4 (   c1,
)    uint32(((((((c4)<<8)|(c3))<<8)|(c2))<<8)|c1)

We cannot use multi-character constants because they are not portable - use this macro instead.


#define APPCHAR (   buf,
do \
{ \
char __chr = (chr); \
QASSERT(518, (buf) < (end)); \
*(buf)++ = __chr; \
if ( (buf) >= (end) ) \
{ \
(buf) = (end)-1; \
(buf)[0] = '\0'; \
} \
} while (0)


#define APPZERO (   buf,
do \
{ \
QASSERT(519, (buf) < (end)); \
*(buf) = '\0'; \
} while (0)

Put a zero byte at buffer.

NB: does not increase buf pointer!


#define APPEND (   buf,
do \
{ \
QASSERT(520, (buf) < (end)); \
const char *__ida_in = (name); \
while ( true ) \
{ \
if ( (buf) == (end)-1 ) \
{ \
(buf)[0] = '\0'; \
break; \
} \
if ( (*(buf) = *__ida_in++) == '\0' ) \
break; \
(buf)++; \
} \
} while ( 0 )

Append a string to the buffer checking the buffer size.


void *operator new (size_t _s) { return qalloc_or_throw(_s); } \
void *operator new[](size_t _s) { return qalloc_or_throw(_s); } \
void *operator new(size_t /*size*/, void *_v) { return _v; } \
void operator delete (void *_blk) { qfree(_blk); } \
void operator delete[](void *_blk) { qfree(_blk); } \
idaman THREAD_SAFE void *ida_export qalloc_or_throw(size_t size)
qalloc() 'size' bytes, and throw a "not enough memory" error if failed
idaman THREAD_SAFE void ida_export qfree(void *alloc)
System independent free.


bool operator==(const type &r) const { return compare(r) == 0; } \
bool operator!=(const type &r) const { return compare(r) != 0; } \
bool operator< (const type &r) const { return compare(r) < 0; } \
bool operator> (const type &r) const { return compare(r) > 0; } \
bool operator<=(const type &r) const { return compare(r) <= 0; } \
bool operator>=(const type &r) const { return compare(r) >= 0; }
THREAD_SAFE bool operator<(const bytevec_t &v1, const bytevec_t &v2)
Compare two bytevecs with '<'.
Definition: typeinf.hpp:561

Macro to declare standard inline comparison operators.


#define DECLARE_COMPARISONS (   type)
int compare(const type &r) const
Macro to declare standard inline comparison operators.
Definition: pro.h:2135

Macro to declare comparisons for our classes.

All comparison operators call the compare() function which returns -1/0/1


#define DEFINE_REVERSE_ITERATOR (   riter,
class riter \
{ \
iter p; \
public: \
riter(void) {} \
riter(const iter &x) : p(x) {} \
typename iter::value_type &operator*(void) const { iter q=p; return *--q; } \
typename iter::value_type *operator->(void) const { return &(operator*()); } \
riter &operator++(void) { --p; return *this; } \
riter operator++(int) { iter q=p; --p; return q; } \
riter &operator--(void) { ++p; return *this; } \
riter operator--(int) { iter q=p; ++p; return q; } \
bool operator==(const riter &x) const { return p == x.p; } \
bool operator!=(const riter &x) const { return p != x.p; } \


name(const void *p, size_t s) : memory_deserializer_t(p, s) {} \
using memory_deserializer_t::unpack; \
Definition: pro.h:4231


#define COMPARE_POINTERS2 (   ptr,
do \
{ \
if ( ptr != nullptr && r.ptr != nullptr ) \
{ \
int _code = cmp(*ptr, *r.ptr); \
if ( _code != 0 ) \
return _code; \
} \
else if ( r.ptr != nullptr ) \
{ \
return -1; \
} \
else if ( ptr != nullptr ) \
{ \
return 1; \
} \
} while (0)


#define COMPARE_FIELDS (   fld)
do \
{ \
int _code = ::compare(fld, r.fld); \
if ( _code != 0 ) \
return _code; \
} while (0)


#define COMPARE_FIELDS_REV (   fld)
do \
{ \
int _code = ::compare(r.fld, fld); \
if ( _code != 0 ) \
return _code; \
} while (0)


#define DECLARE_UNCOPYABLE (   T)    T &operator=(const T &); T(const T &);

Declare class as uncopyable.

(copy assignment and copy ctr are undefined, so if anyone calls them, there will be a compilation or link error)


#define BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS   0x00004000

old Visual C++ compilers were not defining this


#define DEFINE_CLIOPTS_T_HELPERS (   decl)
decl void ida_export cliopts_t_add(cliopts_t &, const cliopt_t *, size_t); \
decl int ida_export cliopts_t_apply(cliopts_t &, int, const char *[], void *); \
decl const cliopt_t *ida_export cliopts_t_find_short(const cliopts_t &, char); \
decl const cliopt_t *ida_export cliopts_t_find_long(const cliopts_t &, const char *); \
decl NORETURN void ida_export cliopts_t_usage(const cliopts_t &, bool);
Definition: pro.h:4905
Definition: pro.h:4929

Typedef Documentation

◆ ssize_t

typedef ptrdiff_t ssize_t

Signed size_t - used to check for size overflows when the counter becomes negative.

Also signed size_t allows us to signal an error condition using a negative value, for example, as a function return value.

◆ uval_t

typedef asize_t uval_t

unsigned value used by the processor.

  • for 32-bit ::ea_t - uint32
  • for 64-bit ::ea_t - ::uint64

◆ sval_t

typedef adiff_t sval_t

signed value used by the processor.

  • for 32-bit ::ea_t - int32
  • for 64-bit ::ea_t - ::int64

◆ ea32_t

typedef uint32 ea32_t

32-bit address, regardless of IDA bitness.

this type can be used when we know in advance that 32 bits are enough to hold an address.

◆ ea64_t

typedef uint64 ea64_t

64-bit address, regardless of IDA bitness.

we need this type for interoperability with debug servers, lumina, etc

◆ inode_t

typedef uval_t inode_t

The inode_t type is the specialization specific inode number.

For example, it can represent a local type ordinal or a structure id.

◆ qthread_cb_t

typedef int idaapi qthread_cb_t(void *ud)


Thread callback function

Function Documentation

◆ make_qtime64()

INLINE THREAD_SAFE qtime64_t make_qtime64 ( uint32  secs,
DEFARG(int32 usecs, 0)   

Get a qtime64_t instance from a seconds value and microseconds value.


◆ qctime()

idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export qctime ( char *  buf,
size_t  bufsize,
qtime32_t  t 

Converts calendar time into a string.

Puts 'wrong timestamp\n' into the buffer if failed

bufoutput buffer
bufsizesize of the output buffer
tcalendar time
success See also qstrftime()

◆ qctime_utc()

idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export qctime_utc ( char *  buf,
size_t  bufsize,
qtime32_t  t 

Converts calendar time into a string using Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Function is equivalent to asctime(gmtime(t)). Puts 'wrong timestamp\n' into the buffer if failed.

bufoutput buffer
bufsizeof the output buffer
tcalendar time

◆ qlocaltime()

idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export qlocaltime ( struct tm *  _tm,
qtime32_t  t 

Converts a time value to a tm structure (local time)

tcalendar time

◆ qgmtime()

idaman bool ida_export qgmtime ( struct tm *  _tm,
qtime32_t  t 

Converts a time value to a tm structure (UTC time)

tcalendar time


idaman AS_STRFTIME ( )

Get string representation of a qtime32_t (local time) Copies into 'buf' the content of 'format', expanding its format specifiers into the corresponding values that represent the time described in 't', with a limit of 'bufsize' characters see for more.

Same as qstrftime(), but accepts a 64-bit time value.

bufoutput buffer
bufsizeof the output buffer
formatformat string
tcalendar time value
length of the resulting string See also qctime()

◆ get_nsec_stamp()

idaman THREAD_SAFE uint64 ida_export get_nsec_stamp ( void  )

High resolution timer.

On Unix systems, returns current time in nanoseconds. On Windows, returns a high resolution counter (QueryPerformanceCounter)

stamp in nanoseconds

◆ gen_rand_buf()

idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export gen_rand_buf ( void *  buffer,
size_t  bufsz 

Generate a random buffer.

[out]bufferpointer to result
bufszsize of buffer

◆ set_interr_throws()

idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export set_interr_throws ( bool  enable)
enableif true, interr() throws interr_exc_t otherwise it terminates IDA after showing an error message
previous setting

◆ memrev()

idaman THREAD_SAFE void *ida_export memrev ( void *  buf,
ssize_t  size 

Reverse memory block.

Analog of strrev() function

bufpointer to buffer to reverse
sizesize of buffer
pointer to buffer

◆ strrpl()

idaman THREAD_SAFE char *ida_export strrpl ( char *  str,
int  char1,
int  char2 

Replace all occurrences of a character within a string.

strto modify
char1char to be replaced
char2replacement char
pointer to resulting string

◆ tail()

THREAD_SAFE const char * tail ( const char *  str)

Get tail of a string.

◆ qstrncpy()

idaman THREAD_SAFE char *ida_export qstrncpy ( char *  dst,
const char *  src,
size_t  dstsize 

A safer strncpy - makes sure that there is a terminating zero.

nb: this function doesn't fill the whole buffer zeroes as strncpy does nb: ssize_t(dstsize) must be > 0

◆ stristr()

idaman THREAD_SAFE const char *ida_export stristr ( const char *  s1,
const char *  s2 

Find one string in another (Case insensitive analog of strstr()).

s1string to be searched
s2string to search for
a pointer to the first occurrence of s2 within s1, nullptr if none exists


GCC_DIAG_OFF ( format-  nonliteral)

qsnprintf that does not check its arguments.

Normally gcc complains about the non-literal formats. However, sometimes we still need to call qsnprintf with a dynamically built format string. OTOH, there are absolutely no checks of the input arguments, so be careful!

◆ qmakepath()

idaman THREAD_SAFE char *ida_export qmakepath ( char *  buf,
size_t  bufsize,
const char *  s1,

Construct a path from a null-terminated sequence of strings.

bufoutput buffer. Can be == s1, but must not be nullptr
bufsizesize of buffer
s1the first path component. it may be followed by more components. the argument list must end with nullptr.
pointer to result

◆ qgetcwd()

idaman void ida_export qgetcwd ( char *  buf,
size_t  bufsize 

Get the current working directory.

bufoutput buffer
bufsizesize of buffer This function calls error() if any problem occurs.

◆ qchdir()

idaman int ida_export qchdir ( const char *  path)

Change the current working directory.

paththe new directory The possible return values are the same as those of the POSIX 'chdir'

◆ qdirname()

idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export qdirname ( char *  buf,
size_t  bufsize,
const char *  path 

Get the directory part of the path.

path and buf may point to the same buffer

[out]bufbuffer for the directory part. can be nullptr.
[out]bufsizesize of this buffer
pathpath to split
Return values
falseinput buffer did not have the directory part. In this case the buffer is filled with "."

◆ qmakefile()

idaman THREAD_SAFE char *ida_export qmakefile ( char *  buf,
size_t  bufsize,
const char *  base,
const char *  ext 

Construct filename from base name and extension.

bufoutput buffer. Can be == base, but must not be nullptr
bufsizesize of buffer
basebase name
pointer to result

◆ qsplitfile()

idaman THREAD_SAFE char *ida_export qsplitfile ( char *  file,
char **  base,
char **  ext 

Split filename into base name and extension.

filefilename, may be changed
basefilled with base part, can be nullptr
extfilled with extension part, can be nullptr
the base part

◆ qbasename()

idaman THREAD_SAFE const char *ida_export qbasename ( const char *  path)

Get the file name part of the given path.

nullptr if path is nullptr

◆ search_path()

idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export search_path ( char *  buf,
size_t  bufsize,
const char *  file,
bool  search_cwd 

Search for a file in the PATH environment variable or the current directory.

bufoutput buffer to hold the full file path
bufsizeoutput buffer size
filethe file name to look for. If the file is an absolute path then buf will return the file value.
search_cwdsearch the current directory if file was not found in the PATH
true if the file was found and false otherwise

◆ set_file_ext()

idaman THREAD_SAFE char *ida_export set_file_ext ( char *  outbuf,
size_t  bufsize,
const char *  file,
const char *  ext 

Set file name extension unconditionally.

outbufbuffer to hold the answer. may be the same as the file name.
bufsizeoutput buffer size
filethe file name
extnew extension (with or without '.')
pointer to the new file name

◆ get_file_ext()

idaman THREAD_SAFE const char *ida_export get_file_ext ( const char *  file)

Get pointer to extension of file name.

pointer to the file extension or nullptr if extension doesn't exist

◆ make_file_ext()

THREAD_SAFE char *idaapi make_file_ext ( char *  buf,
size_t  bufsize,
const char *  file,
const char *  ext 

Set file name extension if none exists.

This function appends the extension to a file name. It won't change file name if extension already exists

bufoutput buffer
bufsizesize of the output buffer
filefile name
extextension (with or without '.')
pointer to the new file name

◆ sanitize_file_name()

idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export sanitize_file_name ( char *  name,
size_t  namesize 

Sanitize the file name.

Remove the directory path, and replace wildcards ? * and chars<' ' with _. If the file name is empty, then:

  • namesize != 0: generate a new temporary name, return true
  • namesize == 0: return false

◆ wildcard_match()

bool wildcard_match ( const char *  name,
const char *  pattern 

Match a name against a pattern.

Only * and ? wildcards are supported.

namename to match
patternpattern to match against
true is matched

◆ wildcard_path_match()

bool wildcard_path_match ( const char *  name,
const char *  _pattern,
int  flags = 0 

Match a path against a pattern.

**, *, ?, and ranges like [a-zA-Z] are supported.

namename to match
_patternpattern to match against
flagscombination of WPM_... bits
true is matched

◆ regex_match()

idaman int ida_export regex_match ( const char *  str,
const char *  pattern,
bool  sense_case 

Match a string with a regular expression.

Return values
0no match

◆ qopen()

idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export qopen ( const char *  file,
int  mode 

Works the same as it's counterpart from Clib.

The only difference is that it sets 'qerrno' variable too

◆ qread()

idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export qread ( int  h,
void *  buf,
size_t  n 

Works the same as it's counterpart from Clib.

The only difference is that it sets 'qerrno' variable too

◆ qwrite()

idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export qwrite ( int  h,
const void *  buf,
size_t  n 

Works the same as it's counterpart from Clib.

The only difference is that it sets 'qerrno' variable too

◆ qtell()

idaman THREAD_SAFE qoff64_t ida_export qtell ( int  h)

Works the same as it's counterpart from Clib.

The only difference is that it sets 'qerrno' variable too

◆ qseek()

idaman THREAD_SAFE qoff64_t ida_export qseek ( int  h,
int64  offset,
int  whence 

Works the same as it's counterpart from Clib.

The only difference is that it sets 'qerrno' variable too

◆ qclose()

idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export qclose ( int  h)

Works the same as it's counterpart from Clib.

The only difference is that it sets 'qerrno' variable too

◆ qdup()

idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export qdup ( int  h)

Works the same as it's counterpart from Clib.

The only difference is that it sets 'qerrno' variable too

◆ qfsync()

idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export qfsync ( int  h)

Works the same as it's counterpart from Clib.

The only difference is that it sets 'qerrno' variable too

◆ qfilesize()

idaman THREAD_SAFE uint64 ida_export qfilesize ( const char *  fname)

Get the file size.

This function may return 0 if the file is not found.

◆ qfilelength()

idaman THREAD_SAFE uint64 ida_export qfilelength ( int  h)

Get file length in bytes.

hfile descriptor
file length in bytes, -1 if error

◆ qchsize()

idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export qchsize ( int  h,
uint64  fsize 

Change file size.

hfile descriptor
fsizedesired size
Return values
0on success
-1otherwise and qerrno is set

◆ qmkdir()

idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export qmkdir ( const char *  file,
int  mode 

Create an empty directory.

filename (or full path) of directory to be created
modepermissions (only used on unix systems)
0 success
-1 otherwise and qerrno is set

◆ qrmdir()

idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export qrmdir ( const char *  file)

Delete a directory.

filename (or full path) of directory to be removed
0 success
-1 otherwise and qerrno is set

◆ qexit()

idaman THREAD_SAFE NORETURN void ida_export qexit ( int  code)

Call qatexit functions, shut down UI and kernel, and exit.

codeexit code

◆ left_shift()

template<class T >
constexpr T left_shift ( const T &  value,
int  shift 

Shift by the amount exceeding the operand size*8 is undefined by the standard.

Indeed, GNUC may decide not to rotate the operand in some cases. We have to check this manually.

◆ right_ushift()

template<class T >
constexpr T right_ushift ( const T &  value,
int  shift 

Shift by the amount exceeding the operand size*8 is undefined by the standard.

Indeed, GNUC may decide not to rotate the operand in some cases. We have to check this manually.

◆ right_sshift()

template<class T >
constexpr T right_sshift ( const T &  value,
int  shift 

Shift by the amount exceeding the operand size*8 is undefined by the standard.

Indeed, GNUC may decide not to rotate the operand in some cases. We have to check this manually.

◆ extend_sign()

idaman uint64 ida_export extend_sign ( uint64  v,
int  nbytes,
bool  sign_extend 

Sign-, or zero-extend the value 'v' to occupy 64 bits.

The value 'v' is considered to be of size 'nbytes'.

◆ readbytes()

idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export readbytes ( int  h,
uint32 res,
int  size,
bool  mf 

Read at most 4 bytes from file.

hfile handle
resvalue read from file
sizesize of value in bytes (1,2,4)
mfis MSB first?
0 on success, nonzero otherwise

◆ writebytes()

idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export writebytes ( int  h,
uint32  l,
int  size,
bool  mf 

Write at most 4 bytes to file.

hfile handle
lvalue to write
sizesize of value in bytes (1,2,4)
mfis MSB first?
0 on success, nonzero otherwise

◆ read2bytes()

idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export read2bytes ( int  h,
uint16 res,
bool  mf 

Read a 2 byte entity from a file.

hfile handle
resvalue read from file
mfis MSB first?
0 on success, nonzero otherwise

◆ swap_value()

idaman THREAD_SAFE void ida_export swap_value ( void *  dst,
const void *  src,
int  size 

Swap endianness of a given value in memory.

dstresult of swap
srcvalue to be swapped
sizesize of value: can be 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16. For any other values of size this function does nothing

◆ rotate_left()

idaman THREAD_SAFE uval_t ida_export rotate_left ( uval_t  x,
int  count,
size_t  bits,
size_t  offset 

Rotate left - can be used to rotate a value to the right if the count is negative.

xvalue to rotate
countshift amount
bitsnumber of bits to rotate (32 will rotate a dword)
offsetnumber of first bit to rotate. (bits=8 offset=16 will rotate the third byte of the value)
the rotated value

◆ pack_db()

THREAD_SAFE uchar *idaapi pack_db ( uchar ptr,
uchar end,
uchar  x 

Pack a byte into a character string.

This function encodes numbers using an encoding similar to UTF. The smaller the number, the better the packing.

ptrpointer to output buffer
endpointer to end of output buffer
xvalue to pack
pointer to end of resulting string

◆ unpack_obj()

THREAD_SAFE void *idaapi unpack_obj ( void *  destbuf,
size_t  destsize,
const uchar **  pptr,
const uchar end 

Unpack an object of a known size.

destbufoutput buffer
destsizesize of output buffer
pptrpointer to packed object
endpointer to end of packed object
pointer to the destination buffer. if any error, returns nullptr.

◆ unpack_buf()

THREAD_SAFE void *idaapi unpack_buf ( const uchar **  pptr,
const uchar end 

Unpack an object of an unknown size (packed with append_buf()).

pptrpointer to packed object
endpointer to end of packed object
pointer to the destination buffer, which is allocated in the dynamic memory.
the caller should use qfree() to deallocate it.
if any error, returns nullptr.
NB: zero size objects will return nullptr too.

◆ unpack_obj_inplace()

THREAD_SAFE const void *idaapi unpack_obj_inplace ( const uchar **  pptr,
const uchar end,
size_t  objsize 

In-place version of unpack_obj().

It does not copy any data. It just returns a pointer to the object in the packed string. If any error, it returns nullptr.

◆ unpack_buf_inplace()

THREAD_SAFE const void *idaapi unpack_buf_inplace ( const uchar **  pptr,
const uchar end 

In-place version of unpack_buf().

It does not copy any data. It just returns a pointer to the object in the packed string. If any error, it returns nullptr.

◆ pack_ds()

idaman THREAD_SAFE uchar *ida_export pack_ds ( uchar ptr,
uchar end,
const char *  x,
size_t  len = 0 

Pack a string.

ptrpointer to output buffer
endpointer to end of output buffer
xstring to pack. If nullptr, empty string is packed
lennumber of chars to pack. If 0, the length of given string is used
pointer to end of packed string

◆ unpack_ds()

idaman THREAD_SAFE char *ida_export unpack_ds ( const uchar **  pptr,
const uchar end,
bool  empty_null 

Unpack a string.

pptrpointer to packed string
endpointer to end of packed string
empty_nullif true, then return nullptr for empty strings.
otherwise return an empty string (not nullptr).
pointer to unpacked string.
this string will be allocated in dynamic memory.
the caller should use qfree() to deallocate it.

◆ unpack_ds_to_buf()

THREAD_SAFE bool unpack_ds_to_buf ( char *  dst,
size_t  dstsize,
const uchar **  pptr,
const uchar end 

Unpack a string.

dstpointer to buffer string will be copied to
dstsizebuffer size
pptrpointer to packed string
endpointer to end of packed string

◆ unpack_xleb128()

idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export unpack_xleb128 ( void *  res,
int  nbits,
bool  is_signed,
const uchar **  pptr,
const uchar end 

Unpack an LEB128 encoded (DWARF-3 style) signed/unsigned value.

Do not use this function directly - see Template unpacking

◆ qvector_reserve()

idaman THREAD_SAFE void *ida_export qvector_reserve ( void *  vec,
void *  old,
size_t  cnt,
size_t  elsize 

Change capacity of given qvector.

veca pointer to a qvector
olda pointer to the qvector's array
cntnumber of elements to reserve
elsizesize of each element
a pointer to the newly allocated array

◆ shift_down()

template<class T >
void shift_down ( T *  dst,
T *  src,
size_t  cnt 

Move data down in memory.

dstdestination ptr
srcsource ptr
cntnumber of elements to move

◆ shift_up()

template<class T >
void shift_up ( T *  dst,
T *  src,
size_t  cnt 

Move data up in memory.

dstdestination ptr
srcsource ptr
cntnumber of elements to move

◆ lexcompare()

template<class T >
int lexcompare ( const T &  a,
const T &  b 

Standard lexical comparison.

-1 if a < b, 1 if a > b, and 0 if a == b

◆ lexcompare_vectors()

template<class T >
int lexcompare_vectors ( const T &  a,
const T &  b 

Lexical comparison of two vectors.

Also see lexcompare().

0 if the two vectors are identical 1 if 'a' is larger than 'b' -1 if 'a' is smaller than 'b' otherwise return the first nonzero lexical comparison between each element in 'a' and 'b'

◆ unpack_eavec()

THREAD_SAFE void unpack_eavec ( eavec_t vec,
ea_t  ea,
const uchar **  ptr,
const uchar end 

Unpack a vector of ea values.

[out]vecresulting vector
eabase value that was used to pack the eavec (see pack_eavec())
ptrpointer to packed eavec
endpointer to end of packed eavec

◆ calc_crc32()

idaman THREAD_SAFE uint32 ida_export calc_crc32 ( uint32  crc,
const void *  buf,
size_t  len 

Calculate CRC32 (polynom 0xEDB88320, zlib compatible).

in IDA versions before 6.0 a different, incompatible algorithm was used

◆ base64_decode()

idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export base64_decode ( bytevec_t output,
const char *  input,
size_t  size 

Decode base64.

Decode base64

◆ replace_tabs()

idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export replace_tabs ( qstring out,
const char *  str,
int  tabsize 

Convert tabulations to spaces.

outoutput buffer to append to
strinput string. cannot be equal to out->c_str()
tabsizetabulation size
true-replaced some tabs

◆ is_valid_utf8()

idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export is_valid_utf8 ( const char *  in)

Does byte sequence consist of valid UTF-8-encoded codepoints?

inthe byte sequence

◆ utf8_utf16()

idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export utf8_utf16 ( qwstring out,
const char *  in,
int  nsyms = -1 

UTF-8 -> UTF-16.

outthe output buffer
inthe input UTF-8 byte stream
nsymsthe number of UTF-8-encoded codepoints in the byte stream

◆ utf16_utf8()

idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export utf16_utf8 ( qstring out,
const wchar16_t *  in,
int  nsyms = -1 

UTF-16 -> UTF-8.

outthe output buffer
inthe input UTF-16 stream
nsymsthe number of 16-bit items in 'in'. This does not necessarily correspond to the number of codepoints: each surrogate pair will take 2 items.

◆ idb_utf8()

idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export idb_utf8 ( qstring out,
const char *  in,
int  nsyms = -1,
int  flags = 0 

IDB default C string encoding -> UTF-8.

success (i.e., all bytes converted)

◆ prev_utf8_char()

idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export prev_utf8_char ( wchar32_t *  out_cp,
const char **  p,
const char *  begin 

Get the UTF-8 character from string, before 'p'.

out_cpthe output codepoint storage. May be nullptr.
pthe pointer, pointing in the 'begin' string right after the UTF-8-encoded codepoint we want to retrieve
beginthe beginning of the string

◆ skip_utf8()

idaman THREAD_SAFE size_t ida_export skip_utf8 ( const char **  putf8,
size_t  n 

Advance by n codepoints into the UTF-8 buffer.

Each bad byte (i.e., can't be decoded as UTF-8) will count as 1 codepoint. In addition, encountering an unexpected end-of-string (i.e., '\0') will cause this function to stop and return a non-zero value.

putf8a pointer to the UTF-8 bytes buffer to advance into
nthe number of codepoints to advance into the buffer
the number of codepoints that we failed to decode, thus: 0 - success, >0 - a terminating zero was encountered.

◆ put_utf8_char()

idaman THREAD_SAFE ssize_t ida_export put_utf8_char ( char *  out,
wchar32_t  cp 

Encode the codepoint into a UTF-8 byte sequence, and add terminating zero.

outoutput buffer (must be at least MAX_UTF8_SEQ_LEN bytes wide)
cpthe codepoint to encode
how many bytes were put into the output buffer (without the terminating zero), or size_t(-1) on failure

◆ qustrncpy()

idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export qustrncpy ( char *  dst,
const char *  utf8,
size_t  dstsize 

A safer strncpy - makes sure that there is a terminating zero.

nb: this function doesn't truncate the last UTF-8 character.

See also
Return values
falseif the input buffer was truncated

◆ convert_encoding()

idaman ssize_t ida_export convert_encoding ( bytevec_t out,
const char *  fromcode,
const char *  tocode,
const uchar indata,
ssize_t  insize,
DEFARG(int flags, 0)   

Convert data from encoding fromcode into tocode.

outthe output buffer
fromcodethe encoding of the input data
tocodethe encoding of the output data
indatathe input data
insizesize of input data in bytes
flagsConvert encoding flags*
number of input bytes converted (can be less than actual size if there was an invalid character) -1 if source or target encoding is not supported possible encoding names: windows codepages ("CP1251" etc), charset names ("Shift-JIS"), and many encodings supported by iconv

◆ parse_command_line()

idaman THREAD_SAFE size_t ida_export parse_command_line ( qstrvec_t args,
channel_redirs_t redirs,
const char *  cmdline,
int  flags 

Parse a space separated string (escaping with backslash is supported).

[out]argsa string vector to hold the results
[out]redirsmap of channel redirections found in cmdline
  • if nullptr, redirections won't be parsed
  • if there are syntax errors in redirections, consider them as arguments
cmdlinethe string to be parsed
the number of parsed arguments

◆ expand_argv()

char ** expand_argv ( int *  p_argc,
int  argc,
const char *const  argv[] 

Copy and expand command line arguments.

For '@filename' arguments the file contents are inserted into the resulting argv. Format of the file: one switch per line, ';' for comment lines On windows, argv will also be interpreted as OEM codepage, and will be decoded as such and re-encoded into UTF-8.

[out]p_argcsize of the returned argv array
argcnumber of entries in argv array
argvarray of strings
new argv (terminated by nullptr). It must be freed with free_argv()

◆ quote_cmdline_arg()

idaman bool ida_export quote_cmdline_arg ( qstring arg)

Quote a command line argument if it contains escape characters.

For example, *.c will be converted into "*.c" because * may be inadvertently expanded by the shell

true: modified 'arg'

◆ parse_plugin_options()

idaman bool ida_export parse_plugin_options ( plugin_options_t opts,
const char *  optstring 

Parse plugin options from IDA command line specified by -O<plugin_name>:<optstring> Note such options can be used not only for plugins, for example, currently we use them for merge (-Omerge:...) and vault server credentials (-Ovault:...)

[out]optspointer to vector for parsed options
optstringoption string <name1>=<value1>:...

◆ parse_dbgopts()

idaman bool ida_export parse_dbgopts ( struct instant_dbgopts_t ido,
const char *  r_switch 

Parse the -r command line switch (for instant debugging).

r_switch points to the value of the -r switch. Example: win32@localhost+

true-ok, false-parse error

◆ launch_process()

idaman THREAD_SAFE void *ida_export launch_process ( const launch_process_params_t lpp,
qstring errbuf = nullptr 

Launch the specified process in parallel.

handle (unix: child pid), nullptr - error

◆ term_process()

idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export term_process ( void *  handle)

Forcibly terminate a running process.

0-ok, otherwise an error code that can be passed to winerr()

◆ qwait_timed()

idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export qwait_timed ( int *  status,
int  child,
int  flags,
int  timeout_ms 

Wait for state changes in a child process (UNIX only).

Here: child, status, flags - the same as in system call waitpid() Param 'timeout_ms' is a timeout in milliseconds

PID of the process with the changed status

◆ check_process_exit()

idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export check_process_exit ( void *  handle,
int *  exit_code,
DEFARG(int msecs,-1)   

Check whether process has terminated or not.

handleprocess handle to wait for
[out]exit_codepointer to the buffer for the exit code
msecshow long to wait. special values:
  • 0: do not wait
  • 1 or -1: wait infinitely
  • other values: timeout in milliseconds
Return values
0process has exited, and the exit code is available. if *exit_code < 0: the process was killed with a signal -*exit_code
1process has not exited yet
-1error happened, see error code for winerr() in *exit_code

◆ is_control_tty()

idaman THREAD_SAFE enum tty_control_t ida_export is_control_tty ( int  fd)

Check if the current process is the owner of the TTY specified by 'fd' (typically an opened descriptor to /dev/tty).

◆ qdetach_tty()

idaman THREAD_SAFE void ida_export qdetach_tty ( void  )

If the current terminal is the controlling terminal of the calling process, give up this controlling terminal.

The current terminal is supposed to be /dev/tty

◆ qcontrol_tty()

idaman THREAD_SAFE void ida_export qcontrol_tty ( void  )

Make the current terminal the controlling terminal of the calling process.

The current terminal is supposed to be /dev/tty

◆ qgetenv()

idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export qgetenv ( const char *  varname,
DEFARGqstring *,  nullptr 

Thread safe function to work with the environment.


OPAQUE_HANDLE ( qsemaphore_t  )


Named semaphores are public, nameless ones are local to the process

◆ qpipe_create()

idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export qpipe_create ( qhandle_t  handles[2])

Create a pipe.

  • handles[0] : read handle
  • handles[1] : write handle
error code (0-ok)

◆ qpipe_read()

idaman THREAD_SAFE ssize_t ida_export qpipe_read ( qhandle_t  handle,
void *  buf,
size_t  size 

Read from a pipe.

number of read bytes. -1-error

◆ qpipe_read_n()

idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export qpipe_read_n ( qhandle_t  handle,
bytevec_t out_bytes,
size_t  n 

Read a specific amount of bytes from a pipe.

handlepipe handle to read from
[out]out_bytesbyte vector to which the bytes will be appended
nnumber of bytes to read

◆ qpipe_write()

idaman THREAD_SAFE ssize_t ida_export qpipe_write ( qhandle_t  handle,
const void *  buf,
size_t  size 

Write to a pipe.

number of written bytes. -1-error

◆ qpipe_close()

idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export qpipe_close ( qhandle_t  handle)

Close a pipe.

error code (0-ok)

◆ qwait_for_handles()

idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export qwait_for_handles ( int *  idx,
const qhandle_t handles,
int  n,
uint32  write_bitmask,
int  timeout_ms 

Wait for file/socket/pipe handles.

On Windows this function just calls WaitForMultipleObjects(). So it cannot wait for file/socket/pipe handles. It simply returns 0 and sets idx to 0 for such handles.
[out]idxhandle index
handleshandles to wait for
nnumber of handles
write_bitmaskbitmask of indexes of handles opened for writing
timeout_mstimeout value in milliseconds
error code. on timeout, returns 0 and sets idx to -1