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Launch process flags

used by launch_process_params_t::flags More...


#define LP_NEW_CONSOLE   0x0001
 create new console (only ms windows)
#define LP_TRACE   0x0002
 debug: unix: ptrace(TRACEME), windows: DEBUG_PROCESS
#define LP_PATH_WITH_ARGS   0x0004
 'args' contains executable path too
#define LP_USE_SHELL   0x0008
 use shell to launch the command. More...
#define LP_LAUNCH_32_BIT   0x0010
 prefer to launch 32-bit part of file (only mac)
#define LP_LAUNCH_64_BIT   0x0020
 prefer to launch 64-bit part of file (only mac); only one of LP_LAUNCH_*_BIT bits can be specified
#define LP_NO_ASLR   0x0040
 disable ASLR (mac and linux)
#define LP_DETACH_TTY   0x0080
 detach the current tty (unix)
#define LP_HIDE_WINDOW   0x0100
 tries to hide new window on startup (only windows)
#define LP_SUSPENDED   0x0200
 suspends the process on startup (only mac)
#define LP_DETACHED   0x0400
 no need to reap the child (this bit is ignored on windows)
#define LP_REPLACE_ENV   0x0800
 completely replace env for process

Detailed Description

used by launch_process_params_t::flags

Macro Definition Documentation


#define LP_USE_SHELL   0x0008

use shell to launch the command.

'path' is ignored in this case.