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Reimplementation of the string class from STL. More...

#include <pro.h>

Public Types

typedef qchar * iterator
typedef const qchar * const_iterator

Public Member Functions

 _qstring (void)
 _qstring (const qchar *ptr)
 Constructor - creates a new qstring from an existing char *.
 _qstring (const qchar *ptr, size_t len)
 Constructor - creates a new qstring using first 'len' chars from 'ptr'.
 _qstring (size_t count, qchar ch)
 Constructor - constructs the string with 'count' copies of character 'ch'.
 _qstring (_qstring &&x)
 Move constructor.
 _qstring (const _qstring &r)
 Copy constructor (if not declared, move constructor causes it to be deleted)
void swap (_qstring< qchar > &r)
 Swap contents of two qstrings. see qvector::swap()
size_t length (void) const
 Get number of chars in this qstring (not including terminating zero)
size_t size (void) const
 Get number of chars in this qstring (including terminating zero)
size_t capacity (void) const
 Get number of chars this qstring can contain (including terminating zero)
void resize (size_t s, qchar c)
 Resize to the given size. More...
void resize (size_t s)
 Similar to resize(size_t, qchar) - but any extra space is filled with zeroes.
void remove_last (int cnt=1)
void reserve (size_t cnt)
 Increase capacity the qstring. see qvector::reserve()
void clear (void)
 Clear qstring and free memory.
void qclear (void)
 Clear qstring but do not free memory yet.
bool empty (void) const
 Does the qstring have 0 non-null elements?
const qchar * c_str (void) const
 Convert the qstring to a char *.
iterator begin (void)
 Get a pointer to the beginning of the qstring.
const_iterator begin (void) const
 Get a const pointer to the beginning of the qstring.
iterator end (void)
 Get a pointer to the end of the qstring (this is not the terminating zero)
const_iterator end (void) const
 Get a const pointer to the end of the qstring (this is not the terminating zero)
_qstringoperator= (const qchar *str)
 Allow assignment of qstrings using '='.
_qstringoperator= (const _qstring &qstr)
_qstringoperator= (_qstring &&x) noexcept
 Move assignment operator.
_qstringoperator+= (qchar c)
 Append a char using '+='.
_qstringoperator+= (const _qstring &r)
 Append another qstring using '+='.
_qstring operator+ (const _qstring &r) const
 Get result of appending two qstrings using '+'.
bool operator== (const qchar *r) const
 Test equality of a qstring and a const char* using '=='.
bool operator!= (const qchar *r) const
 Test equality of a qstring and a const char* with '!='.
bool operator< (const qchar *r) const
 Compare two qstrings using '<'. see qstrcmp()
bool starts_with (const _qstring &str) const
 Does the string start with the specified prefix?
bool starts_with (const qchar *ptr, ssize_t len=-1) const
bool ends_with (const _qstring &str) const
 Does the string end with the specified suffix?
bool ends_with (const qchar *ptr, ssize_t len=-1) const
const qchar & operator[] (size_t idx) const
 Retrieve char at index 'idx' using '[]'.
qchar & operator[] (size_t idx)
 Retrieve char at index 'idx' using '[]'.
const qchar & at (size_t idx) const
 Retrieve const char at index 'idx'.
qchar & at (size_t idx)
 Retrieve char at index 'idx'.
qchar * extract (void)
 Extract C string from _qstring. Must qfree() it.
void inject (qchar *s, size_t len)
 Assign this qstring to an existing char *. More...
void inject (qchar *s)
 Same as to inject(qchar *, size_t), with len = strlen(s)
qchar last (void) const
 Get the last qchar in the string (for concatenation checks)
size_t find (const qchar *str, size_t pos=0) const
 Find a substring. More...
bool replace (const qchar *what, const qchar *with)
 Replace all occurrences of 'what' with 'with'. More...
size_t find (const _qstring &str, size_t pos=0) const
 Same as find(const qchar *, size_t), but takes a qstring parameter.
size_t find (qchar c, size_t pos=0) const
 Find a character in the qstring. More...
size_t rfind (qchar c, size_t pos=0) const
 Search backwards for a character in the qstring. More...
_qstring< qchar > substr (size_t pos=0, size_t n=npos) const
 Get a substring. More...
_qstringremove (size_t idx, size_t cnt)
 Remove characters from the qstring. More...
_qstringinsert (size_t idx, qchar c)
 Insert a character into the qstring. More...
_qstringinsert (size_t idx, const qchar *str, size_t addlen)
 Insert a string into the qstring. More...
_qstringinsert (size_t idx, const qchar *str)
 Same as insert(size_t, const qchar *, size_t), but all chars in str are inserted.
_qstringinsert (size_t idx, const _qstring &qstr)
 Same as insert(size_t, const qchar *), but takes a qstring parameter.
_qstringinsert (qchar c)
 Prepend the qstring with 'c'.
_qstringinsert (const qchar *str)
 Prepend the qstring with 'str'.
_qstringinsert (const _qstring &qstr)
 Prepend the qstring with 'qstr'.
_qstringappend (qchar c)
 Append c to the end of the qstring.
_qstringappend (const qchar *str, size_t addlen)
 Append a string to the qstring. More...
_qstringappend (const qchar *str)
 Same as append(const qchar *, size_t), but all chars in 'str' are appended.
_qstringappend (const _qstring &qstr)
 Same as append(const qchar *), but takes a qstring argument.
_qstringcat_vsprnt (const char *format, va_list va)
 Append result of qvsnprintf() to qstring.
_qstringvsprnt (const char *format, va_list va)
 Replace qstring with the result of qvsnprintf()
_qstringcat_sprnt (const char *format,...)
 Append result of qsnprintf() to qstring.
_qstringsprnt (const char *format,...)
 Replace qstring with the result of qsnprintf()
 GCC_DIAG_OFF (format-nonliteral)
 Replace qstring with the result of qsnprintf() More...
_qstringnowarn_sprnt (const char *format,...)
 GCC_DIAG_ON (format-nonliteral)
_qstringfill (size_t pos, qchar c, size_t len)
 Fill qstring with a character. More...
_qstringfill (qchar c, size_t len)
 Clear contents of qstring and fill with 'c'.
_qstringltrim (qchar blank=' ')
 Remove all instances of the specified char from the beginning of the qstring.
_qstringrtrim (qchar blank, size_t minlen=0)
 Remove all instances of the specified char from the end of the qstring.
_qstringrtrim ()
 Remove all whitespace from the end of the qstring.
_qstringtrim2 (qchar blank=' ')
 Remove all instances of the specified char from both ends of the qstring.
void split (qvector< _qstring< qchar > > *out, const qchar *sep, uint32 flags=0) const
 Split a string on SEP, appending the parts to OUT. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static _qstring< qchar > join (const qvector< _qstring< qchar > > &parts, const qchar *sep)
 Join the provided parts into a single string with each element separated by SEP. More...

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr size_t npos = (size_t) -1
 Invalid position.

Detailed Description

template<class qchar>
class _qstring< qchar >

Reimplementation of the string class from STL.

Only the most essential functions are implemented. The reason why we have this is because it is not compiler dependent (hopefully) and therefore can be used in IDA API

Member Function Documentation

◆ resize()

template<class qchar >
void _qstring< qchar >::resize ( size_t  s,
qchar  c 

Resize to the given size.

The resulting qstring will have length() = s, and size() = s+1
if 's' is greater than the current size then the extra space is filled with 'c'.
if 's' is less than the current size then the trailing chars are removed

◆ inject()

template<class qchar >
void _qstring< qchar >::inject ( qchar *  s,
size_t  len 

Assign this qstring to an existing char *.

See qvector::inject(T *, size_t)

◆ find() [1/2]

template<class qchar >
size_t _qstring< qchar >::find ( const qchar *  str,
size_t  pos = 0 
) const

Find a substring.

strthe substring to look for
posstarting position
the position of the beginning of the first occurrence of str, _qstring::npos of none exists

◆ replace()

template<class qchar >
bool _qstring< qchar >::replace ( const qchar *  what,
const qchar *  with 

Replace all occurrences of 'what' with 'with'.

false if 'what' is not found in the qstring, true otherwise

◆ find() [2/2]

template<class qchar >
size_t _qstring< qchar >::find ( qchar  c,
size_t  pos = 0 
) const

Find a character in the qstring.

cthe character to look for
posstarting position
index of first occurrence of 'c' if c is found, _qstring::npos otherwise

◆ rfind()

template<class qchar >
size_t _qstring< qchar >::rfind ( qchar  c,
size_t  pos = 0 
) const

Search backwards for a character in the qstring.

cthe char to look for
posstarting position
index of first occurrence of 'c' if c is found, _qstring::npos otherwise

◆ substr()

template<class qchar >
_qstring< qchar > _qstring< qchar >::substr ( size_t  pos = 0,
size_t  n = npos 
) const

Get a substring.

posstarting position
nending position (non-inclusive)
the resulting substring

◆ remove()

template<class qchar >
_qstring & _qstring< qchar >::remove ( size_t  idx,
size_t  cnt 

Remove characters from the qstring.

idxstarting position
cntnumber of characters to remove

◆ insert() [1/2]

template<class qchar >
_qstring & _qstring< qchar >::insert ( size_t  idx,
qchar  c 

Insert a character into the qstring.

idxposition of insertion (if idx >= length(), the effect is the same as append)
cchar to insert

◆ insert() [2/2]

template<class qchar >
_qstring & _qstring< qchar >::insert ( size_t  idx,
const qchar *  str,
size_t  addlen 

Insert a string into the qstring.

idxposition of insertion (if idx >= length(), the effect is the same as append)
strthe string to insert
addlennumber of chars from 'str' to insert

◆ append()

template<class qchar >
_qstring & _qstring< qchar >::append ( const qchar *  str,
size_t  addlen 

Append a string to the qstring.

strthe string to append
addlennumber of characters from 'str' to append


template<class qchar >
_qstring< qchar >::GCC_DIAG_OFF ( format-  nonliteral)

Replace qstring with the result of qsnprintf()

See also
inline int nowarn_qsnprintf(char *buf, size_t size, const char *format, ...)

◆ fill()

template<class qchar >
_qstring & _qstring< qchar >::fill ( size_t  pos,
qchar  c,
size_t  len 

Fill qstring with a character.

The qstring is resized if necessary until 'len' chars have been filled

posstarting position
cthe character to fill
lennumber of positions to fill with 'c'

◆ split()

template<class qchar >
void _qstring< qchar >::split ( qvector< _qstring< qchar > > *  out,
const qchar *  sep,
uint32  flags = 0 
) const

Split a string on SEP, appending the parts to OUT.

septhe separator to split on
flagsa combination of Flags for _qstring::split

◆ join()

template<class qchar >
static _qstring< qchar > _qstring< qchar >::join ( const qvector< _qstring< qchar > > &  parts,
const qchar *  sep 

Join the provided parts into a single string with each element separated by SEP.

partsthe parts to join
septhe separator to join on (it can be an empty string)
the combined string

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: