New Hex-Rays Demo

This has been online for a while now, I just had no time to announce it properly: a new thorough demo of the decompiler by, our US distributor: This demo is not just a teaser like the previous one. It is much deeper and shows many decompiler aspects in detail: it starts […]

Easy structure types

I’m happy to tell you that a new build of the decompiler is ready! It introduces new easily accessible commands to manipulate structure pointers. First, a variable can be converted into a structure pointer with one click. Also, new the structure types can be build on the fly by the decompiler. As usual, any type […]

Better user interface for decompiler

We are glad to release a new version of the Hex-Rays decompiler! Highlights of this build: improved usability support for unusual calling conventions better handling of obfuscated code The most important improvement is […]

Decompiler output ctree

The upcoming version of the decompiler SDK adds some nice features. First, we created a reference manual. It is in doxygen format: cross references make it really easy to browse. Second, the SDK is compatible with both IDA v5.1 and v5.2. Third, we added functions to retrieve and modify all user-defined attributes like variable names, […]

Hex-Rays SDK is ready!

A binary analysis tool like a decompiler is incomplete without a programming interface. Sure, decompilers tremendously facilitate binary analysis. You can concentrate of the program logic expressed in a familiar way. Just add comments, rename variables and functions to get almost the original source code, almost perfect. However, quite often there is a small ugly detail and the output […]

Coordinate system for Hex-Rays

One of must-have features of a reverse engineering tool is the ability to add comments to the output listing. Without this feature, the output stays difficult to understand. The user copies it to a text editor to continue the analysis but this is a bad solution because the dynamic nature of the output is lost. […]

Trunk, Branches, and Leaves

IDA Pro being and old and time-proven platform for binary analysis, many plugins grew on it. There are custom made plugins for new processors and file formats. There are deobfuscators, exporters, data visualizers, object reconstructors and other stuff.

Hex-Rays beta testing is open!

This short entry is just to tell you that the decompiler got a name: Hex-Rays and it goes to the phase of closed beta testing. The qualified beta testers already received their copies and I have some very positive feedback. Thank you, guys! For the curious about the decompiler, I put the user manual online. It […]

Automated binary analysis woes

If you used IDA Pro for a while, you might have noted that it contents itself with simple things. It neatly displays the disassembly listing. It allows you to improve the listing by adding names and comments. You can manually define your symbols, types, functions. IDA itself can add some types and discover some program properties, but overall the performed […]