Latest available version: IDA and decompilers v8.4.240527sp2 see all releases
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IDA is the premier software analysis tool used by security specialists worldwide. It is a de-facto standard in the software security industry, and it is an indispensable item in the toolbox of any serious software analyst. Hex-Rays is independent of government agencies and stock market influence, and we are committed to releasing fast, stable and robust software. Hex-Rays continues to maintain IDA and ensure its continuous evolution to match the ever-changing threat.

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The Hex-Rays Decompiler

IDA has an open architecture, which can be used by third-parties to provide more features and advantages. Our second product, the Hex-Rays Decompiler uses the open architecture to provide you with greater analytical power. If IDA provides a solid base for analysis, the decompiler speeds it up tenfold or more.

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IDA and the Hex-Rays Decompiler, are complex, feature-rich products. To take full advantage of these products, Hex-Rays provides training sessions from product experts.

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Hex-Rays provides a package of support from product experts. We strive to respond to your query within 24 hours.

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