FLIRT stands for Fast Library Identification and Recognition Technology. This technology allows IDA to recognize standard library functions generated by supported compilers and greatly improves the usability and readability of generated disassemblies. Of course, FLIRT can be combined with IDA’s usual interactivity to further improve the analysis. See this Pascal and this Delphi example as well.
Automatic Unretouched Disassembly
Original Source Code
(some lines snipped for brevity’s sake)
offset = fread((char *)workblock... do_after_key(); window(1,1,80,25); gotoxy(1,25); clreol(); printf("A sample of the re... if( is_ok() == 2) { enc_string_offset = 0; key_adjust(); } window(1,1,80,25); gotoxy(1,25); clreol(); printf("Do you want to sav... if(is_ok() == 1) dump_to_disk();