Latest available version: IDA and decompilers v8.4.240527sp2 see all releases
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At its launch in May 2020, IDA Home did not include any kind of Decompilers due to the various technical challenges it presented. Now we are glad to announce that we have made some progress!

As of November 5, 2020, three versions of IDA Home (PC, ARM and PPC) include by default a cloud-based Decompiler for free as part of a public beta testing.

We do not know how long this beta test will last but we hope to receive your valuable feedback that will help us improve and finalize those products that will be of great value to support you in your 64-bit analysis tasks.

Highlights of the cloud-based decompilers for IDA Home:

  • The cloud-based Decompilers are free as part of the beta testing and work only with active IDA Home licenses
  • Each user will receive one Decompiler compatible with his/her IDA Home version
  • Only 64-bit Decompilers are available: x64/ARM64/PPC64
  • Being cloud-based, the Decompilers will require an internet connection to function
  • This is a public beta testing available to all IDA Home users
  • Newly purchased licenses will automatically include the beta version of the cloud Decompilers
  • The end date of the beta testing remains open at this stage

Please note that we do not offer any cloud-based Decompilers for the IDA Home MIPS and M68K yet. Also, the Decompiler SDK and scripting are not available for the Decompilers in this beta testing.

How to participate in the beta testing

This beta testing is public and freely available for all IDA Home users with an active support plan. To get the new version of IDA Home with a compatible Decompiler, submit your ida.key to and you will receive a link to download the new version. In case of a problem, do not hesitate to send us a message to

The process includes testing the cloud-based Decompilers and then giving your feedback, which is a crucial step for us to release a stable and improved version. Please take a moment to send your feedback directly to us at:

Frequently asked questions

What is the duration of the beta testing for the cloud based Decompilers?
We do not know yet and therefore prefer not to announce an official end date at this stage. The duration will mainly depend on the technical difficulties that we might encounter. Besides, the amount of feedback received will be of great help to shorten that phase.
Where can I send my comments and bug reports for the beta test?
Please send your feedback including bug reports at the following address: Check out how to provide a good bug report for the decompiler here.
Can I analyze all types of files with the cloud-based Decompilers?
No, only 64-bit files can be analyzed. 32-bit files can be disassembled by IDA Home but not decompiled.
Can we expect to receive cloud-based Decompilers for the M68K and MIPS versions?
Not in a near future. For the moment, we are focusing our efforts on the PC, ARM and PPC versions only.
Are there any differences between the Hex-Rays Decompiler available for IDA Pro and the cloud-based Decompilers available for IDA Home?
Yes, firstly the Decompilers available for IDA Home are cloud-based and therefore require an internet connection to function. Secondly, cloud-based Decompilers do not include the following features: user-defined calls; variable mapping; forced variables; adjustment of variadic arguments; quick rename; expression splitting; whole file decompilation. Only the Decompilers compatible with IDA Pro include those features.