Latest available version: IDA and decompilers v8.4.240527sp2 see all releases
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We’ve been asked numerous times the question – “When will IDA support a RISC-V decompilation?”. We are delighted to say that IDA 9.0 will include RISC-V Decompiler, and on top of that, the disassembler will support the T-Head instruction set for the XUANTIE-RV architecture. Why is it so important to have RISC-V in IDA? The answer is simple – because it is becoming more and more popular. In fact, RISC-V has established itself as a revolutionary architecture, offering an open-source, modular design built on the principles of reduced instruction set computing (RISC). Unlike some proprietary architectures, RISC-V is free to use, modify, and implement, making it a popular choice for hardware designers and engineers looking for flexibility. Its streamlined instruction set and load-store architecture ensure simplicity and efficiency, while optional extensions allow customization based on specific application needs. For reverse engineers, RISC-V presents a unique opportunity. With a fixed 32-bit instruction base, 31 general-purpose registers, and a program counter, it offers a clean and predictable structure for analysis.

It is also important to highlight that RISC-V offers a robust Linux port, supporting both RV32 and RV64 architectures, allowing seamless integration with open-source development environments. This port includes essential components such as the Linux kernel, U-Boot bootloader, and GCC/LLVM toolchains, ensuring full system functionality on RISC-V hardware.

There are many occasions when you would need to analyze such a binary:

  • Security Audits: Finding vulnerabilities in RISC-V processors.
  • IP Theft Investigation: Checking for unauthorized use of designs.
  • Compatibility Checks: Ensuring hardware works with specific software.
  • Performance Tuning: Optimizing the processor for custom applications.
  • Hardware Modification: Modding processors for enhanced or altered functionality.

Now, take a moment to explore the examples below. With the RISC-V decompiler, introduced in IDA 9.0, the analysis process is much more streamlined, intuitive, and accurate.

Disassembled code containing T-Head instructions
.text:00000000000029D6 # =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
.text:00000000000029D6 # __int64 __fastcall crc32_z(int, char *, unsigned __int64)
.text:00000000000029D6                 # public crc32_z
.text:00000000000029D6 crc32_z:                                # CODE XREF: j_crc32_z+8↑p
.text:00000000000029D6                                         # DATA XREF: LOAD:0000000000000A50↑o ...
.text:00000000000029D6                 beqz            a1, loc_2CCA
.text:00000000000029DA                 sext.w          a0, a0
.text:00000000000029DC                 not             a0, a0
.text:00000000000029E0                 la              a4, dword_A850
.text:00000000000029E8 loc_29E8:                               # CODE XREF: crc32_z+AE↓j
.text:00000000000029E8                 beqz            a2, loc_2A62
.text:00000000000029EA                 andi            a5, a1, 3
.text:00000000000029EE                 bnez            a5, loc_2A6C
.text:00000000000029F0                 mv              a4, a1
.text:00000000000029F2                 add             a7, a1, a2
.text:00000000000029F6                 li              a6, 1Fh
.text:00000000000029F8                 la              a5, dword_A850
.text:0000000000002A00 loc_2A00:                               # CODE XREF: crc32_z+2B0↓j
.text:0000000000002A00                 sub             a3, a7, a4
.text:0000000000002A04                 bltu            a6, a3, loc_2A86
.text:0000000000002A08                 srli            a5, a2, 5
.text:0000000000002A0C                 slli            a4, a5, 5
.text:0000000000002A10                 add             a1, a1, a4
.text:0000000000002A12                 li              a4, -20h
.text:0000000000002A14                 th.mula         a2, a5, a4
.text:0000000000002A18                 li              a7, 3
.text:0000000000002A1A                 li              a4, 0
.text:0000000000002A1C                 la              a3, dword_A850
.text:0000000000002A24 loc_2A24:                               # CODE XREF: crc32_z+2F2↓j
.text:0000000000002A24                 sub             a5, a2, a4
.text:0000000000002A28                 bltu            a7, a5, loc_2C88
.text:0000000000002A2C                 srli            a5, a2, 2
.text:0000000000002A30                 li              a4, -4
.text:0000000000002A32                 th.mula         a2, a5, a4
.text:0000000000002A36                 th.addsl        a1, a1, a5, 2
.text:0000000000002A3A                 beqz            a2, loc_2A62
.text:0000000000002A3C                 li              a4, 0
.text:0000000000002A3E                 la              a3, dword_A850
.text:0000000000002A46 loc_2A46:                               # CODE XREF: crc32_z+88↓j
.text:0000000000002A46                 th.lrbu         a5, a1, a4, 0
.text:0000000000002A4A                 addi            a4, a4, 1
.text:0000000000002A4C                 xor             a5, a5, a0
.text:0000000000002A4E                 andi            a5, a5, 0FFh
.text:0000000000002A52                 th.lurw         a5, a3, a5, 2
.text:0000000000002A56                 srliw           a0, a0, 8
.text:0000000000002A5A                 xor             a0, a0, a5
.text:0000000000002A5C                 sext.w          a0, a0
.text:0000000000002A5E                 bne             a2, a4, loc_2A46
.text:0000000000002A62 loc_2A62:                               # CODE XREF: crc32_z:loc_29E8↑j
.text:0000000000002A62                                         # crc32_z+64↑j
.text:0000000000002A62                 not             a0, a0
.text:0000000000002A66                 th.extu         a0, a0, 1Fh, 0
.text:0000000000002A6A                 ret
.text:0000000000002A6C # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:0000000000002A6C loc_2A6C:                               # CODE XREF: crc32_z+18↑j
.text:0000000000002A6C                 th.lbuia        a5, (a1), 1
.text:0000000000002A70                 addi            a2, a2, -1
.text:0000000000002A72                 xor             a5, a5, a0
.text:0000000000002A74                 andi            a5, a5, 0FFh
.text:0000000000002A78                 th.lurw         a5, a4, a5, 2
.text:0000000000002A7C                 srliw           a0, a0, 8
.text:0000000000002A80                 xor             a0, a0, a5
.text:0000000000002A82                 sext.w          a0, a0
.text:0000000000002A84                 j               loc_29E8
.text:0000000000002A86 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:0000000000002A86 loc_2A86:                               # CODE XREF: crc32_z+2E↑j
.text:0000000000002A86                 lw              a3, 0(a4)
.text:0000000000002A88                 addi            a4, a4, 20h # ' '
.text:0000000000002A8C                 xor             a0, a0, a3
.text:0000000000002A8E                 andi            t1, a0, 0FFh
.text:0000000000002A92                 srliw           t3, a0, 18h
.text:0000000000002A96                 addi            t1, t1, 300h
.text:0000000000002A9A                 th.lurw         t3, a5, t3, 2
.text:0000000000002A9E                 th.lrw          t1, a5, t1, 2
.text:0000000000002AA2                 th.extu         a3, a0, 17h, 10h
.text:0000000000002AA6                 th.extu         a0, a0, 0Fh, 8
.text:0000000000002AAA                 xor             t1, t1, t3
.text:0000000000002AAE                 addi            a0, a0, 200h
.text:0000000000002AB2                 lw              t3, -1Ch(a4)
.text:0000000000002AB6                 th.lrw          a0, a5, a0, 2
.text:0000000000002ABA                 addi            a3, a3, 100h
.text:0000000000002ABE                 xor             t1, t1, t3
.text:0000000000002AC2                 th.lrw          a3, a5, a3, 2
.text:0000000000002AC6                 xor             a0, t1, a0
.text:0000000000002ACA                 sext.w          a0, a0
.text:0000000000002ACC                 xor             a3, a3, a0
.text:0000000000002ACE                 andi            t1, a3, 0FFh
.text:0000000000002AD2                 srliw           t3, a3, 18h
.text:0000000000002AD6                 addi            t1, t1, 300h
.text:0000000000002ADA                 th.lurw         t3, a5, t3, 2
.text:0000000000002ADE                 th.lrw          t1, a5, t1, 2
.text:0000000000002AE2                 th.extu         a0, a3, 17h, 10h
.text:0000000000002AE6                 th.extu         a3, a3, 0Fh, 8
.text:0000000000002AEA                 xor             t1, t1, t3
.text:0000000000002AEE                 addi            a3, a3, 200h
.text:0000000000002AF2                 lw              t3, -18h(a4)
.text:0000000000002AF6                 th.lrw          a3, a5, a3, 2
.text:0000000000002AFA                 addi            a0, a0, 100h
.text:0000000000002AFE                 xor             t1, t1, t3
.text:0000000000002B02                 th.lrw          a0, a5, a0, 2
.text:0000000000002B06                 xor             a3, t1, a3
.text:0000000000002B0A                 sext.w          a3, a3
.text:0000000000002B0C                 xor             a0, a0, a3
.text:0000000000002B0E                 andi            t1, a0, 0FFh
.text:0000000000002B12                 srliw           t3, a0, 18h
.text:0000000000002B16                 addi            t1, t1, 300h
.text:0000000000002B1A                 th.lurw         t3, a5, t3, 2
.text:0000000000002B1E                 th.lrw          t1, a5, t1, 2
.text:0000000000002B22                 th.extu         a3, a0, 17h, 10h
.text:0000000000002B26                 th.extu         a0, a0, 0Fh, 8
.text:0000000000002B2A                 xor             t1, t1, t3
.text:0000000000002B2E                 addi            a0, a0, 200h
.text:0000000000002B32                 lw              t3, -14h(a4)
.text:0000000000002B36                 th.lrw          a0, a5, a0, 2
.text:0000000000002B3A                 addi            a3, a3, 100h
.text:0000000000002B3E                 xor             t1, t1, t3
.text:0000000000002B42                 th.lrw          a3, a5, a3, 2
.text:0000000000002B46                 xor             a0, t1, a0
.text:0000000000002B4A                 sext.w          a0, a0
.text:0000000000002B4C                 xor             a3, a3, a0
.text:0000000000002B4E                 andi            t1, a3, 0FFh
.text:0000000000002B52                 srliw           t3, a3, 18h
.text:0000000000002B56                 addi            t1, t1, 300h
.text:0000000000002B5A                 th.lurw         t3, a5, t3, 2
.text:0000000000002B5E                 th.lrw          t1, a5, t1, 2
.text:0000000000002B62                 th.extu         a0, a3, 17h, 10h
.text:0000000000002B66                 th.extu         a3, a3, 0Fh, 8
.text:0000000000002B6A                 xor             t1, t1, t3
.text:0000000000002B6E                 addi            a3, a3, 200h
.text:0000000000002B72                 lw              t3, -10h(a4)
.text:0000000000002B76                 th.lrw          a3, a5, a3, 2
.text:0000000000002B7A                 addi            a0, a0, 100h
.text:0000000000002B7E                 xor             t1, t1, t3
.text:0000000000002B82                 th.lrw          a0, a5, a0, 2
.text:0000000000002B86                 xor             a3, t1, a3
.text:0000000000002B8A                 sext.w          a3, a3
.text:0000000000002B8C                 xor             a0, a0, a3
.text:0000000000002B8E                 andi            t1, a0, 0FFh
.text:0000000000002B92                 srliw           t3, a0, 18h
.text:0000000000002B96                 addi            t1, t1, 300h
.text:0000000000002B9A                 th.lurw         t3, a5, t3, 2
.text:0000000000002B9E                 th.lrw          t1, a5, t1, 2
.text:0000000000002BA2                 th.extu         a3, a0, 17h, 10h
.text:0000000000002BA6                 th.extu         a0, a0, 0Fh, 8
.text:0000000000002BAA                 xor             t1, t1, t3
.text:0000000000002BAE                 addi            a0, a0, 200h
.text:0000000000002BB2                 lw              t3, -0Ch(a4)
.text:0000000000002BB6                 th.lrw          a0, a5, a0, 2
.text:0000000000002BBA                 addi            a3, a3, 100h
.text:0000000000002BBE                 xor             t1, t1, t3
.text:0000000000002BC2                 th.lrw          a3, a5, a3, 2
.text:0000000000002BC6                 xor             a0, t1, a0
.text:0000000000002BCA                 sext.w          a0, a0
.text:0000000000002BCC                 xor             a3, a3, a0
.text:0000000000002BCE                 andi            t1, a3, 0FFh
.text:0000000000002BD2                 srliw           t3, a3, 18h
.text:0000000000002BD6                 addi            t1, t1, 300h
.text:0000000000002BDA                 th.lurw         t3, a5, t3, 2
.text:0000000000002BDE                 th.lrw          t1, a5, t1, 2
.text:0000000000002BE2                 th.extu         a0, a3, 17h, 10h
.text:0000000000002BE6                 th.extu         a3, a3, 0Fh, 8
.text:0000000000002BEA                 xor             t1, t1, t3
.text:0000000000002BEE                 addi            a3, a3, 200h
.text:0000000000002BF2                 lw              t3, -8(a4)
.text:0000000000002BF6                 th.lrw          a3, a5, a3, 2
.text:0000000000002BFA                 addi            a0, a0, 100h
.text:0000000000002BFE                 xor             t1, t1, t3
.text:0000000000002C02                 th.lrw          a0, a5, a0, 2
.text:0000000000002C06                 xor             a3, t1, a3
.text:0000000000002C0A                 sext.w          a3, a3
.text:0000000000002C0C                 xor             a0, a0, a3
.text:0000000000002C0E                 th.extu         a3, a0, 17h, 10h
.text:0000000000002C12                 andi            t1, a0, 0FFh
.text:0000000000002C16                 srliw           t3, a0, 18h
.text:0000000000002C1A                 addi            a3, a3, 100h
.text:0000000000002C1E                 addi            t1, t1, 300h
.text:0000000000002C22                 th.lrw          a3, a5, a3, 2
.text:0000000000002C26                 th.lrw          t1, a5, t1, 2
.text:0000000000002C2A                 th.lurw         t3, a5, t3, 2
.text:0000000000002C2E                 th.extu         a0, a0, 0Fh, 8
.text:0000000000002C32                 addi            a0, a0, 200h
.text:0000000000002C36                 xor             t1, t1, t3
.text:0000000000002C3A                 lw              t3, -4(a4)
.text:0000000000002C3E                 th.lrw          a0, a5, a0, 2
.text:0000000000002C42                 xor             t1, t1, t3
.text:0000000000002C46                 xor             a0, t1, a0
.text:0000000000002C4A                 sext.w          a0, a0
.text:0000000000002C4C                 xor             a3, a3, a0
.text:0000000000002C4E                 th.extu         a0, a3, 17h, 10h
.text:0000000000002C52                 andi            t1, a3, 0FFh
.text:0000000000002C56                 addi            a0, a0, 100h
.text:0000000000002C5A                 addi            t1, t1, 300h
.text:0000000000002C5E                 srliw           t4, a3, 18h
.text:0000000000002C62                 th.extu         a3, a3, 0Fh, 8
.text:0000000000002C66                 th.lrw          t3, a5, a0, 2
.text:0000000000002C6A                 addi            a3, a3, 200h
.text:0000000000002C6E                 th.lrw          a0, a5, t1, 2
.text:0000000000002C72                 th.lurw         t1, a5, t4, 2
.text:0000000000002C76                 th.lrw          a3, a5, a3, 2
.text:0000000000002C7A                 xor             a0, a0, t1
.text:0000000000002C7E                 xor             a0, a0, a3
.text:0000000000002C80                 sext.w          a0, a0
.text:0000000000002C82                 xor             a0, t3, a0
.text:0000000000002C86                 j               loc_2A00
.text:0000000000002C88 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:0000000000002C88 loc_2C88:                               # CODE XREF: crc32_z+52↑j
.text:0000000000002C88                 th.lrw          a5, a1, a4, 0
.text:0000000000002C8C                 addi            a4, a4, 4
.text:0000000000002C8E                 xor             a5, a5, a0
.text:0000000000002C90                 th.extu         a0, a5, 17h, 10h
.text:0000000000002C94                 andi            a6, a5, 0FFh
.text:0000000000002C98                 addi            a0, a0, 100h
.text:0000000000002C9C                 addi            a6, a6, 300h
.text:0000000000002CA0                 srliw           t3, a5, 18h
.text:0000000000002CA4                 th.extu         a5, a5, 0Fh, 8
.text:0000000000002CA8                 th.lrw          t1, a3, a0, 2
.text:0000000000002CAC                 addi            a5, a5, 200h
.text:0000000000002CB0                 th.lrw          a0, a3, a6, 2
.text:0000000000002CB4                 th.lurw         a6, a3, t3, 2
.text:0000000000002CB8                 th.lrw          a5, a3, a5, 2
.text:0000000000002CBC                 xor             a0, a0, a6
.text:0000000000002CC0                 xor             a0, a0, a5
.text:0000000000002CC2                 sext.w          a0, a0
.text:0000000000002CC4                 xor             a0, t1, a0
.text:0000000000002CC8                 j               loc_2A24
.text:0000000000002CCA # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:0000000000002CCA loc_2CCA:                               # CODE XREF: crc32_z↑j
.text:0000000000002CCA                 li              a0, 0
.text:0000000000002CCC                 ret
.text:0000000000002CCC # End of function crc32_z

Decompiled code containing T-Head instructions
__int64 __fastcall crc32_z(int a1, char *a2, unsigned __int64 a3)
  unsigned int v3; // a0
  char *i; // a4
  char *v5; // a1
  unsigned __int64 v6; // a2
  __int64 j; // a4
  unsigned __int64 v8; // a5
  unsigned __int64 v9; // a2
  char *v10; // a1
  __int64 k; // a4
  char v12; // a5
  char v14; // a5
  int v15; // a3
  unsigned int v16; // a0
  unsigned int v17; // a3
  unsigned int v18; // a0
  unsigned int v19; // a3
  unsigned int v20; // a0
  unsigned int v21; // a3
  unsigned int v22; // a0
  unsigned int v23; // a3
  int v24; // a5

  if ( !a2 )
    return 0LL;
  v3 = ~a1;
  while ( a3 )
    if ( ((unsigned __int8)a2 & 3) == 0 )
      for ( i = a2;
            (unsigned __int64)(&a2[a3] - i) > 0x1F;
            v3 = dword_A850[BYTE2(v23) + 256] ^ dword_A850[(unsigned __int8)(LOBYTE(dword_A850[BYTE2(v22) + 256]) ^ LOBYTE(dword_A850[(unsigned __int8)v22 + 768]) ^ LOBYTE(dword_A850[HIBYTE(v22)]) ^ *(i - 4) ^ LOBYTE(dword_A850[BYTE1(v22) + 512]))
                                                         + 768] ^ dword_A850[HIBYTE(v23)] ^ dword_A850[BYTE1(v23) + 512] )
        v15 = *(_DWORD *)i;
        i += 32;
        v16 = v3 ^ v15;
        v17 = dword_A850[BYTE2(v16) + 256] ^ dword_A850[(unsigned __int8)v16 + 768] ^ dword_A850[HIBYTE(v16)] ^ *((_DWORD *)i - 7) ^ dword_A850[BYTE1(v16) + 512];
        v18 = dword_A850[BYTE2(v17) + 256] ^ dword_A850[(unsigned __int8)(dword_A850[BYTE2(v16) + 256] ^ LOBYTE(dword_A850[(unsigned __int8)v16 + 768]) ^ LOBYTE(dword_A850[HIBYTE(v16)]) ^ *(i - 28) ^ LOBYTE(dword_A850[BYTE1(v16) + 512]))
                                                      + 768] ^ dword_A850[HIBYTE(v17)] ^ *((_DWORD *)i - 6) ^ dword_A850[BYTE1(v17) + 512];
        v19 = dword_A850[BYTE2(v18) + 256] ^ dword_A850[(unsigned __int8)v18 + 768] ^ dword_A850[HIBYTE(v18)] ^ *((_DWORD *)i - 5) ^ dword_A850[BYTE1(v18) + 512];
        v20 = dword_A850[BYTE2(v19) + 256] ^ dword_A850[(unsigned __int8)(dword_A850[BYTE2(v18) + 256] ^ LOBYTE(dword_A850[(unsigned __int8)v18 + 768]) ^ LOBYTE(dword_A850[HIBYTE(v18)]) ^ *(i - 20) ^ LOBYTE(dword_A850[BYTE1(v18) + 512]))
                                                      + 768] ^ dword_A850[HIBYTE(v19)] ^ *((_DWORD *)i - 4) ^ dword_A850[BYTE1(v19) + 512];
        v21 = dword_A850[BYTE2(v20) + 256] ^ dword_A850[(unsigned __int8)v20 + 768] ^ dword_A850[HIBYTE(v20)] ^ *((_DWORD *)i - 3) ^ dword_A850[BYTE1(v20) + 512];
        v22 = dword_A850[BYTE2(v21) + 256] ^ dword_A850[(unsigned __int8)(dword_A850[BYTE2(v20) + 256] ^ LOBYTE(dword_A850[(unsigned __int8)v20 + 768]) ^ LOBYTE(dword_A850[HIBYTE(v20)]) ^ *(i - 12) ^ LOBYTE(dword_A850[BYTE1(v20) + 512]))
                                                      + 768] ^ dword_A850[HIBYTE(v21)] ^ *((_DWORD *)i - 2) ^ dword_A850[BYTE1(v21) + 512];
        v23 = dword_A850[BYTE2(v22) + 256] ^ dword_A850[(unsigned __int8)v22 + 768] ^ dword_A850[HIBYTE(v22)] ^ *((_DWORD *)i - 1) ^ dword_A850[BYTE1(v22) + 512];
      v5 = &a2[32 * (a3 >> 5)];
      v6 = a3 - 32 * (a3 >> 5);
      for ( j = 0LL; v6 - j > 3; j += 4LL )
        v24 = *(_DWORD *)&v5[j];
        v3 = dword_A850[(unsigned __int8)((v24 ^ v3) >> 16) + 256] ^ dword_A850[(unsigned __int8)(v24 ^ v3) + 768] ^ dword_A850[(v24 ^ v3) >> 24] ^ dword_A850[(unsigned __int8)((unsigned __int16)(v24 ^ v3) >> 8) + 512];
      v8 = v6 >> 2;
      v9 = v6 - 4 * (v6 >> 2);
      v10 = &v5[4 * v8];
      if ( v9 )
        for ( k = 0LL; k != v9; ++k )
          v12 = v10[k];
          v3 = (v3 >> 8) ^ dword_A850[(unsigned __int8)(v12 ^ v3)];
      return ~v3;
    v14 = *a2++;
    v3 = (v3 >> 8) ^ dword_A850[(unsigned __int8)(v14 ^ v3)];
  return ~v3;

This enhancement, introduced with the September 30th release of IDA Pro 9.0, sets the stage for even more sophisticated features in the future as IDA Pro continues to evolve alongside the complexity of modern software development.