Igor’s Tip of the Week #147: Fixing “stack frame is too big”

The Hex-Rays decompiler has been designed to decompile compiler-generated code, so while it can usually handle hand-written or unusual assembly, occasionally you may run into a failure, especially if the code has been modified to hinder decompilation. Here is one of such errors: If you have a genuine function with a huge stack frame, you’ll probably […]

Igor’s Tip of the Week #146: Graph printing

While exporting text disassembly is enough in many cases, many users nowadays prefer IDA’s graph view, and saving its representation may be necessary. What other options are there besides screenshots? WinGraph WinGraph is an external program shipped with IDA which can display graphs. It was used to show function (and other) graphs before introduction of the […]

Igor’s Tip of the Week #145: HTML export

We’ve covered exporting disassembly from IDA before but it was in context of interoperability, when simple text is enough. If you want to preserve formatting and coloring of IDA View (e.g. for a web page or blog post), taking a screenshot is one option, but that has its downsides (e.g. no indexing for search […]

Igor’s Tip of the Week #144: Macros and simplified instructions

Many processors (especially RISC based) use instruction sets with fixed size (most commonly 4 bytes). Among examples are ARM, PPC, MIPS and a few others. This is also obvious in the disassembly when observing the instructions’ addresses – they increase by a fixed amount: However, occasionally you may come across larger instructions: What is this? Does A64 […]

Igor’s Tip of the Week #141: Parsing C files

Previosuly, we’ve covered creating structures from C code using the Local Types window, however this may be not very convenient when you have complex types with many dependencies (especially of scattered over several fiels or depending on preprocessor defines). In such case it may be nore convenient to parse the original header file(s) on […]

Igor’s Tip of the Week #140: Loading PDB types

While IDA comes with a rich set of type libraries for Windows API, they don’t cover the whole set of types used in Windows. Our libraries are based on the official Windows SDK/DDK headers, which tend to only include public, stable information which is common to multiple Windows versions. A new Windows build may […]

Igor’s Tip of the Week #139: License borrowing

Floating licenses allow additional flexibility for companies with many IDA users: IDA can be installed on as many computers as required, but only a limited number of copies can run simultaneously.   This flexibility its downsides: IDA needs to have permanent connection to your organization’s license server which may make things problematic in some situations (e.g. working […]

Igor’s Tip of the Week #138: Pointer math in the decompiler

While working with decompiled code and retyping variables (or sometimes when they get typed by the decompiler automatically), you might be puzzled by the discrepancies between pseudocode and disassembly. Consider the following example: We see that X22 is accessed with offset 0x10 (16) in the disassembly but 2 in the pseudocode. Is there a bug in the […]