Latest available version: IDA and decompilers v8.4.240527sp2 see all releases
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 Action    name: WindowOpen
The "WindowOpen" command opens a new window with the disassembly. IDA automatically opens one disassembly window at the start.

If the current location is an instruction belonging to a function, then the graph view is available. You can toggle between the text and graph view using the Space key. You can also switch to proximity view by zooming out to the callgraph using the '-' key.

Use the disassembly editing commands to improve the listing.

Use Shift-<arrows> or Alt-L to drop anchor. If you have a mouse, you can drop the anchor with it too.

A double click of the mouse is equivalent to the <Enter> key.

To the left of disassembly, there is an arrows window (GUI version). Also the GUI version highlights the current identifier.

 See also View|Open subviews submenu
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