Latest available version: IDA and decompilers v8.4.240527sp2 see all releases
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This program demonstrates basic structure manipulation.

#include <idc.idc>

static main() {
  auto idx;

  for ( idx=GetFirstStrucIdx(); idx != -1; idx=GetNextStrucIdx(idx) ) {
    auto id,m;
    id = GetStrucId(idx);
    if ( id == -1 ) Fatal("Internal IDA error, GetStrucId returned -1!");
    Message("Structure %s:\n",GetStrucName(id));
    Message("  Regular    comment: %s\n",GetStrucComment(id,0));
    Message("  Repeatable comment: %s\n",GetStrucComment(id,1));
    Message("  Size              : %d\n",GetStrucSize(id));
    Message("  Number of members : %d\n",GetMemberQty(id));
    for ( m = 0;
	  m != GetStrucSize(id);
	  m = GetStrucNextOff(id,m) ) {
      auto mname;
      mname = GetMemberName(id,m);
      if ( mname == "" ) {
        Message("  Hole (%d bytes)\n",GetStrucNextOff(id,m)-m);
      } else {
        auto type;
        Message("  Member name   : %s\n",GetMemberName(id,m));
        Message("    Regular cmt : %s\n",GetMemberComment(id,m,0));
        Message("    Rept.   cmt : %s\n",GetMemberComment(id,m,1));
        Message("    Member size : %d\n",GetMemberSize(id,m));
	type = GetMemberFlag(id,m) & DT_TYPE;
	     if ( type == FF_BYTE     ) type = "Byte";
	else if ( type == FF_WORD     ) type = "Word";
	else if ( type == FF_DWRD     ) type = "Double word";
	else if ( type == FF_QWRD     ) type = "Quadro word";
	else if ( type == FF_TBYT     ) type = "Ten bytes";
	else if ( type == FF_ASCI     ) type = "ASCII string";
	else if ( type == FF_STRU     ) type = form("Structure '%s'",GetStrucName(GetMemberStrId(id,m)));
	else if ( type == FF_XTRN     ) type = "Unknown external?!"; // should not happen
	else if ( type == FF_FLOAT    ) type = "Float";
	else if ( type == FF_DOUBLE   ) type = "Double";
	else if ( type == FF_PACKREAL ) type = "Packed Real";
	else				type = form("Unknown type %08X",type);
	Message("    Member type : %s",type);
	type = GetMemberFlag(id,m);
	     if ( isOff0(type)  ) Message(" Offset");
	else if ( isChar0(type) ) Message(" Character");
	else if ( isSeg0(type)  ) Message(" Segment");
	else if ( isDec0(type)  ) Message(" Decimal");
	else if ( isHex0(type)  ) Message(" Hex");
	else if ( isOct0(type)  ) Message(" Octal");
	else if ( isBin0(type)  ) Message(" Binary");
  Message("Total number of structures: %d\n",GetStrucQty());