Latest available version: IDA and decompilers v8.4.240527sp2 see all releases
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The current version of IDA is available for customers with an active support plan. Users can request a new download link by using the following link:

Our servers will process your request and send you a new download link within a few minutes. The waiting time may be longer at the release dates, when the queue can be a few hours long. Please be patient but if you do not receive any reply after more than 6 hours, do not hesitate to contact us.

Ordering a support renewal

To make sure that you still receive the latest version of your Hex-Rays software, support plan renewals are available for three months after the expiration of your current support plan. It is also possible to renew a support plan before the expiration. In any case the new support period is counted from the expiration date of the previous support period.

Please note that IDA Pro licenses do not expire, only the support period does. Once purchased, IDA Pro can be used for an unlimited period of time without any additional payments.

For a quick renewal of your current products, use this link. Alternatively, use our order forms or contact your reseller.