Rust analysis plugin tech preview

The Rust language is gaining popularity and nowadays even malware authors started using it, which means our users need to analyze them in IDA. The binaries produced by the Rust compiler have some peculiarities which make them difficult to analyze, such as: non-standard calling conventions non-terminated string literals unusual name mangling scheme While tackling all of them is a […]

Hex-Rays Sponsors the Code Blue 2023 Conference in Tokyo

Hex-Rays is thrilled to announce its sponsorship and participation at the highly anticipated Code Blue conference in Tokyo, Japan, on 8-9 November 2023. The attendance of the leading provider of advanced binary analysis tools confirms its commitment to fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing within the cybersecurity sector. Code Blue, an internationally renowned gathering of information […]

IDA 8.3: Qt 5.15.2 sources & build scripts

A handful of our users have already requested information regarding the Qt 5.15.2 build, that is shipped with IDA 8.3. The Qt sources used by IDA are: based on Qt 5.15.2, to which the KDE Qt5 patch collection has been added, plus a few custom patches/fixes Rebuilding Qt from source In order to obtain compatible libs, the simplest way forward […]

IDA 8.3 released

We are pleased to announce the release of IDA version 8.3! In this release, there are many new features and enhancements, including: IDA64 support for (32-bit) .idb files UX improvements IDA Teams enhancements DWARF speedup ARM64 system registers IDA Educational now includes x86/x64 decompiler, and file size limit has been lifted. IDA Home features IDA Python API improvements Golang: added support for Go […]

Hands-Free Binary Deobfuscation with gooMBA

The gooMBA plugin, as well as this blog post, was written by our intern Garrett Gu. You can view the plugin source on GitHub. gooMBA is maintained by Hex-Rays, and will be incorporated in the next IDA release. Hands-Free Binary Deobfuscation with gooMBA At Hex-Rays SA, we are constantly looking for ways to improve […]

IDA 8.2 Service Pack 1 released

Service Pack 1 (SP1) for IDA 8.2 is now available. This is primarily a bugfix release. How to request the new versions All new versions are free for users with an active support plan. Please use the “Help > Check for free update” menu item in IDA. It is also possible to configure automatic checks of new […]

IDA 8.2: Qt 5.15.2 sources & build scripts

A handful of our users have already requested information regarding the Qt 5.15.2 build, that is shipped with IDA 8.2. The Qt sources used by IDA are: based on Qt 5.15.2, to which the KDE Qt5 patch collection has been added, plus a few custom patches/fixes Rebuilding Qt from source In order to obtain compatible libs, the simplest way forward […]

The Hex-Rays plugin repository

We are delighted to announce the Hex-Rays plugin repository! As you know, plugins have always played a substantial role in IDA due to their ability to enrich its functionality. Most of these extensions are created by the users and resolve all sorts of practical cases. Until now, for the lack of a centralized “index”, finding […]

IDA 8.2 released

We are excited to announce the release of IDA version 8.2! In this release, there are many new features and enhancements for IDA Pro, IDA Teams, and IDA Home, including: 32-bit support in IDA64 Processor modules improvements Swift picture_search plugin UI candy and more… See full updates here: How to request the new versions As usual, the new versions of IDA Pro and […]