Latest available version: IDA and decompilers v8.4.240527sp2 see all releases
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Hex-Rays announces the release of Service Pack 2 (SP2) for IDA Pro 7.5.

SP2 was introduced due to the major changes in Apple’s new versions of iOS and MacOS and their move to Apple Silicon. Hex-Rays team works constantly to improve the IDA experience and acts to ensure that IDA addresses its users’ feedback and properly responds to the fast-paced changes of the industry.

We thank you for your support and hope you enjoy IDA 7.5 SP2!

What is new and just added to SP2:

  • the new MH_FILESET kernelcache format from macOS 11 is now fully supported;
  • handle LC_DYLD_CHAINED_FIXUPS for binaries compiled with Xcode 12;
  • a workaround for slowdowns when loading dyldcache modules on macOS Catalina;
  • type libraries for MacOSX11.0.sdk and iPhoneOS14.0.sdk;

SP2 improves:

  • the analysis of dyldcache files from macOS11/iOS14;
  • the analysis of Objective-C metadata in binaries compiled with XCode 12 (specifically __objc_methlist sections);
  • minor improvements to debugging on macOS11/iOS14 (no ARM64 macOS11 debugging support yet);

How to request the new versions

As usual, the new versions are free for users with an active support plan. Please use the “Help > Check for free update” menu item in IDA. It is also possible to configure automatic checks of new versions. Alternatively you can submit your ida.key and our servers will prepare new download links for all your licenses. Your request might take some time to be processed, especially today after the release. Please be patient.

In case of problems, do not hesitate to send us a message. Sometimes we need your help and cannot proceed without it. Just wait an hour or so, and if you do not hear from us, send a message to

Has your support plan expired?

If your key is too old for a free update, you might still be eligible for a discounted upgrade. Support plans can be renewed online. Please upload your ida.key file to get the cart automatically filled with the correct product IDs.

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