Latest available version: IDA and decompilers v8.4.240527sp2 see all releases
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Educational licenses

We offer free educational licenses to universities and other academic institutions that publicly enroll students on a regular basis. Military institutions do not qualify for educational licenses.

The educational license supports x86, x64, ARM and ARM64 processors. It comes with x86/x64 cloud decompilers and a native local debugger for Windows or Linux. Python and IDC scripts are supported. No size limitation for input files.

How to apply?

To apply, send to a formal request on the organization letterhead with the following information:

  • The course description (in preference a web link)
  • Where IDA Educational will be used
  • The start date and duration of the course
  • The desired platform to run IDA Educational (Windows/Linux)
  • The number of required seats
  • The title, name, and email of the professor
Download the license agreement

License limitations

Named Computer Floating Teams Educational
Available to individuals Yes No No No No
Available to companies Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Available to universities Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Single license can be used by many different users No 1 Yes 2 Yes 3 No Yes
Single license can be installed on more than one machine Yes 4 No Yes 5 Yes 5 No
Tied to a specific end user Yes 1 No 9 No 9 No 10 No
Several copies can be run simultaneously Yes 6 Yes 6 Yes 6 Yes 6 Yes 6
Requires network connection No No Yes 7 Yes 7 No
Locked to hardware No No No 8 No 8 No
Support period 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year Included11
Expires Never Never Never Yes Yes

End-user license agreement

  1. Each named license is assigned to a specific user and can be used only by that user. Reassignment of the license to another user is usually possible during the support period (max twice per year)
  2. Each computer license can be used by any user on the physical or virtual computer where it's installed
  3. Each floating license allows one concurrent use of the software
  4. The user can install the software on his/her laptop and two desktop computers, provided that no other user uses the software on those computers.
  5. The software can be installed on as many computers as required (in the same company)
  6. Multiple copies can be run only on one computer at a time
  7. To the license server; it is possible to borrow a license for offline work
  8. Only license server is locked
  9. Computer and floating licenses are assigned an email, usually of a person who manages the licenses;
    updating the email address is possible during the support period (max twice per year)
  10. User management is done by your company
  11. Only for instructor and during course period