Latest available version: IDA and decompilers v8.4.240527sp2 see all releases
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* Hex-Rays Decompiler project
* Copyright (c) 2007-2024 by Hex-Rays,
* Sample plugin for Hex-Rays Decompiler.
* It shows how to use "Select offsets" widget (select_udt_by_offset() call).
* This plugin repeats the Alt-Y functionality.
* Usage: place cursor on the union field and press Shift-T
#include <hexrays.hpp>
#define ACTION_NAME "vds17:strchoose"
struct func_stroff_t : public action_handler_t
virtual int idaapi activate(action_activation_ctx_t *ctx) override
// get the current item
vdui_t &vu = *get_widget_vdui(ctx->widget);
// check that the current item is union field
if ( !vu.item.is_citem() )
warning("Please position the cursor on a union member");
return 0;
const cexpr_t *e = vu.item.e;
while ( true )
ctype_t op = e->op;
if ( op != cot_memptr && op != cot_memref )
e = e->x;
if ( op == cot_memref )
if ( e->type.is_union() )
else // cot_memptr
if ( remove_pointer(e->type).is_union() )
if ( !e->type.is_udt() )
// calculate the member offset
uval_t off = 0;
e = vu.item.e;
while ( true )
const cexpr_t *e2 = e->x;
tinfo_t type = remove_pointer(e2->type);
if ( !type.is_union() )
off += e->m;
e = e2;
if ( e2->op != cot_memref && e2->op != cot_memptr )
if ( !e2->type.is_udt() )
// go up and collect more member references (in order to calculate the final offset)
const citem_t *p = vu.item.e;
while ( true )
const cinsn_t &body = vu.cfunc->body;
const citem_t *p2 = body.find_parent_of(p);
const cexpr_t *e2 = (const cexpr_t *)p2;
if ( p2->op == cot_memptr )
if ( p2->op == cot_memref )
tinfo_t type = remove_pointer(e2->x->type);
if ( !type.is_union() )
off += e2->m;
p = p2;
if ( p2->op == cot_ref )
{ // handle &a.b + N (this expression may appear if the user previously selected
// a wrong field)
uint64 delta;
const citem_t *add = body.find_parent_of(p2);
if ( add->op == cot_cast )
add = body.find_parent_of(add);
if ( add->op == cot_add && ((cexpr_t*)add)->y->get_const_value(&delta) )
int objsize = ((cexpr_t*)add)->type.get_ptrarr_objsize();
uval_t nbytes = uval_t(delta * objsize);
off += nbytes;
// break
// we could use helpers like WORD/BYTE/... to calculate a more precise offset
// if ( p2->op == cot_call && (e2->exflags & EXFL_LVALUE) != 0 )
// we'll need the operand's address to apply the selected UDT
ea_t ea = vu.item.e->ea;
// the item itself may be unaddressable.
// TODO: find its addressable parent.
if ( ea == BADADDR )
warning("Sorry, the current item is not addressable");
return 0;
// prepare the text representation for the item,
// use the neighborhoods of cursor
qstring line;
tag_remove(&line, get_custom_viewer_curline(vu.ct, false));
size_t line_len = line.length();
size_t x = qmax(0, vu.cpos.x - 10);
size_t l = qmin(10, line_len - vu.cpos.x) + 10; //-V658 A value is being subtracted from the unsigned variable
qstring text(&line[x], l);
ui_stroff_ops_t ops;
ui_stroff_op_t &op = ops.push_back();
op.offset = off;
op.text = text;
struct set_union_sel_t : public ui_stroff_applicator_t
vdui_t &vu;
ea_t ea;
set_union_sel_t(vdui_t &_vu, ea_t _ea) : vu(_vu), ea(_ea) {}
virtual bool idaapi apply(
size_t /*opnum*/,
const intvec_t &path,
const tinfo_t & /*top_tif*/,
const char * /*spath*/) override
{ // save the user selection
if ( path.empty() )
return false;
vu.cfunc->set_user_union_selection(ea, path);
return true;
set_union_sel_t su(vu, ea);
int res = select_udt_by_offset(nullptr, ops, su);
if ( res != 0 )
{ // regenerate ctree
vu.cfunc->build_c_tree(); // update ctree
catch ( const vd_failure_t & )
// if failed to rebuild the c tree, still generate new text
// in order to get rid of old text that does not correspond to the ctree
// (in fact we do not have the ctree anymore)
return res;
virtual action_state_t idaapi update(action_update_ctx_t *ctx) override
{ // decompiler view
return ctx->widget_type == BWN_PSEUDOCODE
static func_stroff_t func_stroff_ah;
struct vds17_t : public plugmod_t
virtual bool idaapi run(size_t) override;
msg("Hex-rays version %s has been detected, %s ready to use\n",
"Structure offsets",
bool idaapi vds17_t::run(size_t)
warning("The '%s' plugin is fully automatic", PLUGIN.wanted_name);
return false;
static plugmod_t *idaapi init()
return init_hexrays_plugin() ? new vds17_t : nullptr;
static const char comment[] = "Sample17 plugin for Hex-Rays decompiler";
plugin_t PLUGIN =
PLUGIN_HIDE | PLUGIN_MULTI, // plugin flags
init, // initialize
comment, // long comment about the plugin
// it could appear in the status line
// or as a hint
"", // multiline help about the plugin
"Structure offsets", // the preferred short name of the plugin
"" // the preferred hotkey to run the plugin
Definition: hexrays.hpp:7544
HexRays SDK header file.
int select_udt_by_offset(const qvector< tinfo_t > *udts, const ui_stroff_ops_t &ops, ui_stroff_applicator_t &applicator)
Select UDT.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:12622
bool init_hexrays_plugin(int flags=0)
Check that your plugin is compatible with hex-rays decompiler.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:8601
Ctree item code.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:5536
@ cot_cast
Definition: hexrays.hpp:5585
@ cot_add
x + y
Definition: hexrays.hpp:5572
@ cot_ref
Definition: hexrays.hpp:5589
@ cot_memref
Definition: hexrays.hpp:5596
@ cot_memptr
x->m, access size in 'ptrsize'
Definition: hexrays.hpp:5597
vdui_t * get_widget_vdui(TWidget *f)
Get the vdui_t instance associated to the TWidget.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:11535
const char * get_hexrays_version()
Get decompiler version.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:11511
Ctree item: expression.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6113
uint32 m
member offset (used for cot_memptr, cot_memref) for unions, the member number
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6134
cexpr_t * x
the first operand of the expression
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6129
tinfo_t type
expression type. must be carefully maintained
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6148
Ctree item: statement.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6472
Basic ctree item.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6069
ctype_t op
item type
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6071
const citem_t * find_parent_of(const citem_t *sitem) const
Find parent of the specified item.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:11683
ea_t ea
address that corresponds to the item. may be BADADDR
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6070
int x
x coordinate of the cursor within the window
Definition: hexrays.hpp:7554
cexpr_t * e
VDI_EXPR: Expression.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6672
bool is_citem() const
Is the current item is a ctree item?
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6741
Callback to apply the selection.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:7944
Select UDT for the operands using "Select offsets" widget.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:7929
uval_t offset
operand offset, will be used when calculating the UDT path
Definition: hexrays.hpp:7931
qstring text
any text for the column "Operand" of widget
Definition: hexrays.hpp:7930
Exception object: decompiler exception.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:5455
Information about the pseudocode window.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:7602
TWidget * ct
pseudocode view
Definition: hexrays.hpp:7627
void refresh_ctext(bool activate=true)
Refresh pseudocode window.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:12388
ctree_item_t item
Current ctree item.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:7637
ctext_position_t cpos
Current ctext position.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:7635
cfuncptr_t cfunc
pointer to function object
Definition: hexrays.hpp:7631
bool get_current_item(input_device_t idv)
Get current item.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:12424