Latest available version: IDA and decompilers v8.4.240527sp2 see all releases
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* Hex-Rays Decompiler project
* Copyright (c) 2007-2024 by Hex-Rays,
* Sample plugin for Hex-Rays Decompiler.
* It introduces a new command for the user: invert if-statement
* For example, a statement like
* if ( cond )
* {
* statements1;
* }
* else
* {
* statements2;
* }
* will be displayed as
* if ( !cond )
* {
* statements2;
* }
* else
* {
* statements1;
* }
* Please note that the plugin cannot directly modify the current ctree.
* If the ctree is recreated, the changes will be lost.
* To make them persistent, we need to save information about the inverted
* if statements in the database and automatically reapply them
* for each new build. This approach makes all modifications
* persistent. The user can quit IDA and restart the session:
* his changes will be intact.
#include <hexrays.hpp>
// The node to keep inverted-if information.
static const char nodename[] = "$ hexrays inverted-if";
struct vds3_t;
struct invert_if_ah_t : public action_handler_t
vds3_t *plugmod;
invert_if_ah_t(vds3_t *_plugmod) : plugmod(_plugmod) {}
virtual int idaapi activate(action_activation_ctx_t *ctx) override;
virtual action_state_t idaapi update(action_update_ctx_t *ctx) override;
struct vds3_t : public plugmod_t
invert_if_ah_t invert_ah;
eavec_t inverted_ifs; // Cached copy of inverted if-statement addresses
virtual ~vds3_t();
virtual bool idaapi run(size_t) override { return false; }
void do_invert_if(cinsn_t *i); //lint !e818 could be declared as const*
void add_inverted_if(ea_t ea);
cinsn_t *find_if_statement(const vdui_t &vu);
void convert_marked_ifs(cfunc_t *cfunc);
#define ACTION_NAME "sample3:invertif"
// This callback handles various hexrays events.
static ssize_t idaapi callback(void *ud, hexrays_event_t event, va_list va)
vds3_t *plugmod = (vds3_t *) ud;
switch ( event )
case hxe_populating_popup:
{ // If the current item is an if-statement, then add the menu item
TWidget *widget = va_arg(va, TWidget *);
TPopupMenu *popup = va_arg(va, TPopupMenu *);
vdui_t &vu = *va_arg(va, vdui_t *);
if ( plugmod->find_if_statement(vu) != nullptr )
attach_action_to_popup(widget, popup, ACTION_NAME);
case hxe_maturity:
if ( !plugmod->inverted_ifs.empty() )
{ // If the ctree is ready, invert marked ifs
cfunc_t *cfunc = va_arg(va, cfunc_t *);
ctree_maturity_t new_maturity = va_argi(va, ctree_maturity_t);
if ( new_maturity == CMAT_FINAL ) // ctree is ready
return 0;
// vds3_t
: invert_ah(this)
netnode node;
if ( !node.create(nodename) ) // create failed -> node existed
size_t n;
void *blob = node.getblob(nullptr, &n, 0, 'I');
if ( blob != nullptr )
inverted_ifs.inject((ea_t *)blob, n / sizeof(ea_t));
for ( int i=0; i < inverted_ifs.size(); i++ )
inverted_ifs[i] = node2ea(inverted_ifs[i]);
install_hexrays_callback(callback, this);
"Invert then/else",
msg("Hex-rays version %s has been detected, %s ready to use\n",
remove_hexrays_callback(callback, this);
// The user has selected to invert the if statement. Update ctree
// and refresh the view.
void vds3_t::do_invert_if(cinsn_t *i) //lint !e818 could be declared as const*
QASSERT(30198, i->op == cit_if);
cif_t &cif = *i->cif;
// create an inverted condition and swap it with the if-condition
cexpr_t *notcond = lnot(new cexpr_t(cif.expr));
delete notcond;
// swap if branches
qswap(cif.ielse, cif.ithen);
void vds3_t::add_inverted_if(ea_t ea)
eavec_t::iterator p = inverted_ifs.find(ea);
if ( p != inverted_ifs.end() ) // already present?
inverted_ifs.erase(p); // delete the mark
inverted_ifs.push_back(ea); // remember if-statement address
// immediately save data into the database
eavec_t copy = inverted_ifs;
for ( int i=0; i < copy.size(); i++ )
copy[i] = ea2node(copy[i]);
netnode node(nodename);
node.setblob(copy.begin(), copy.size()*sizeof(ea_t), 0, 'I');
// Check if the item under the cursor is 'if' or 'else' keyword
// If yes, return pointer to the corresponding ctree item
cinsn_t *vds3_t::find_if_statement(const vdui_t &vu)
// 'if' keyword: straightforward check
if ( vu.item.is_citem() )
cinsn_t *i = vu.item.i;
// we can handle only if-then-else statements, so check that the 'else'
// clause exists
if ( i->op == cit_if && i->cif->ielse != nullptr )
return i;
// check for 'else' line. The else lines do not correspond
// to any ctree item. That's why we have to check for them separately.
// we could extract the corresponding text line but this would be a bad approach
// a line with single 'else' would not give us enough information to locate
// the corresponding 'if'. That's why we use the line tail marks.
// All 'else' line will have the ITP_ELSE mark
if ( vu.tail.citype == VDI_TAIL && vu.tail.loc.itp == ITP_ELSE )
// for tail marks, we know only the corresponding ea,
// not the pointer to if-statement
// find it by walking the whole ctree
struct ida_local if_finder_t : public ctree_visitor_t
ea_t ea;
cinsn_t *found;
if_finder_t(ea_t e)
: ctree_visitor_t(CV_FAST|CV_INSNS), ea(e), found(nullptr) {}
int idaapi visit_insn(cinsn_t *i) override
if ( i->op == cit_if && i->ea == ea )
found = i;
return 1; // stop enumeration
return 0;
if_finder_t iff(vu.tail.loc.ea);
if ( iff.apply_to(&vu.cfunc->body, nullptr) )
return iff.found;
return nullptr;
void vds3_t::convert_marked_ifs(cfunc_t *cfunc)
// we walk the ctree and for each if-statement check if has to be inverted
struct ida_local if_inverter_t : public ctree_visitor_t
vds3_t *self;
if_inverter_t(vds3_t *_self)
self(_self) {}
int idaapi visit_insn(cinsn_t *i) override
if ( i->op == cit_if && self->inverted_ifs.has(i->ea) )
return 0; // continue enumeration
if_inverter_t ifi(this);
ifi.apply_to(&cfunc->body, nullptr); // go!
// invert_if_ah_t
int idaapi invert_if_ah_t::activate(action_activation_ctx_t *ctx)
vdui_t &vu = *get_widget_vdui(ctx->widget);
cinsn_t *i = plugmod->find_if_statement(vu);
// we manually invert this if and recreate text.
// this is faster than rebuilding ctree from scratch.
return 1;
action_state_t idaapi invert_if_ah_t::update(action_update_ctx_t *ctx)
vdui_t *vu = get_widget_vdui(ctx->widget);
if ( vu == nullptr )
return plugmod->find_if_statement(*vu) == nullptr ? AST_DISABLE : AST_ENABLE;
// Initialize the plugin.
static plugmod_t *idaapi init()
return init_hexrays_plugin() ? new vds3_t : nullptr;
static char comment[] = "Sample3 plugin for Hex-Rays decompiler";
plugin_t PLUGIN =
PLUGIN_HIDE | PLUGIN_MULTI, // plugin flags
init, // initialize
comment, // long comment about the plugin
// it could appear in the status line
// or as a hint
"", // multiline help about the plugin
"Hex-Rays if-inverter", // the preferred short name of the plugin
"" // the preferred hotkey to run the plugin
IDA custom view.
Definition: hexrays.dox:72
#define CV_FAST
do not maintain parent information
Definition: hexrays.hpp:5795
#define CV_INSNS
visit only statements, prune all expressions do not use before the final ctree maturity because expre...
Definition: hexrays.hpp:5800
HexRays SDK header file.
cursor is at (beyond) the line end (commentable line)
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6661
bool init_hexrays_plugin(int flags=0)
Check that your plugin is compatible with hex-rays decompiler.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:8601
Definition: hexrays.hpp:5970
cexpr_t * lnot(cexpr_t *e)
Logically negate the specified expression.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:12005
Ctree maturity level.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:5935
Definition: hexrays.hpp:5944
@ cit_if
Definition: hexrays.hpp:5611
bool install_hexrays_callback(hexrays_cb_t *callback, void *ud)
Install handler for decompiler events.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:12363
int remove_hexrays_callback(hexrays_cb_t *callback, void *ud)
Uninstall handler for decompiler events.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:12369
vdui_t * get_widget_vdui(TWidget *f)
Get the vdui_t instance associated to the TWidget.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:11535
const char * get_hexrays_version()
Get decompiler version.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:11511
cexpr_t expr
Expression of the statement.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6381
Ctree item: expression.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6113
Decompiled function. Decompilation result is kept here.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6947
cinsn_t body
function body, must be a block
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6950
If statement.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6396
cinsn_t * ielse
Else-branch of the if-statement. May be nullptr.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6398
cinsn_t * ithen
Then-branch of the if-statement.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6397
Ctree item: statement.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6472
cif_t * cif
details of if-statement
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6477
ctype_t op
item type
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6071
ea_t ea
address that corresponds to the item. may be BADADDR
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6070
cinsn_t * i
VDI_EXPR: Statement.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6673
cursor_item_type_t citype
Item type.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6668
treeloc_t loc
VDI_TAIL: Line tail.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6676
bool is_citem() const
Is the current item is a ctree item?
Definition: hexrays.hpp:6741
A generic helper class that is used for ctree traversal.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:5790
virtual int visit_insn(cinsn_t *)
Visit a statement.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:5864
Information about the pseudocode window.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:7602
void refresh_ctext(bool activate=true)
Refresh pseudocode window.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:12388
ctree_item_t item
Current ctree item.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:7637
cfuncptr_t cfunc
pointer to function object
Definition: hexrays.hpp:7631
ctree_item_t tail
Tail ctree item on the current line (for indented comments)
Definition: hexrays.hpp:7638