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gdbserver is a GDB stub implemented as a separate program. It runs a program to be debugged or attaches to a process and then waits for commands. The remote GDB debugger module has been tested with gdbserver available with Cygwin and Linux.

To debug a specific program from the start, run the following command:

    gdbserver localhost:23946 <program>
and then choose Debugger,Attach,<process running on target> in IDA.

To debug a running process:

    gdbserver --multi localhost:23947
then choose Debugger,Attach,<enter PID to attach> in IDA and enter the PID of the process to attach to.

Another method of debugging a running process is:

    gdbserver localhost:23947 --attach <PID>
then choose Debugger,Attach,<process running on target> in IDA.

To start a program from inside IDA, first launch the debugger server:

    gdbserver --multi localhost:23947
Then use Debugger,Start process or Debugger,Run in IDA.
The --multi option is only available in GDB 6.8 or higher.

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