Latest available version: IDA and decompilers v8.4.240527sp2 see all releases
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IDA saves different settings in desktops: the main window configuration, the toolbars configuration, and the configuration of all database windows.

Different desktops are available:

     this desktop configuration is stored in the database itself,
     and is automatically loaded each time you open this database.
     IDA also automatically saves the current desktop configuration
     to this desktop if you close and save the database.
 <Database debugger>
     this desktop configuration is also stored in the database,
     and is loaded each time you start the debugger.
     As for the <Database> desktop, IDA automatically saves the current
     desktop configuration to this desktop once the debugger stops.
     this desktop configuration is stored in the registry,
     and is loaded each time you start IDA without opening a database,
     or the first time you create a new database.
 <Default debugger>
     this desktop configuration is stored in the registry,
     and is loaded the first time you start the debugger.
  named desktops
     these desktop configurations are stored in the registry,
     and can be loaded manually by the user during the disassembly
     or the debugging.
Notice IDA will use a default configuration for main windows and toolbars if the screen resolution changed.

See also

         Load desktop... command
         Save desktop... command
         Delete desktop... command
         Reset desktop command
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