Latest available version: IDA and decompilers v8.4.240527sp2 see all releases
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// Return the total number of recorded events
long get_tev_qty();

// Return the address of the specified event // tev - event number long get_tev_ea(long tev);

// Return the type of the specified event (TEV_... constants) // tev - event number long get_tev_type(long tev);

#define TEV_NONE 0 // no event #define TEV_INSN 1 // an instruction trace #define TEV_CALL 2 // a function call trace #define TEV_RET 3 // a function return trace #define TEV_BPT 4 // write, read/write, execution trace #define TEV_MEM 5 // memory layout changed #define TEV_EVENT 6 // debug event

// Return the thread id of the specified event // tev - event number long get_tev_tid(long tev);

// Return the register value for the specified event // tev - event number // reg - register name (like EAX, RBX, ...) long get_tev_reg(long tev, string reg);

// Return the number of memory addresses recorded for the specified event // tev - event number long get_tev_mem_qty(long tev);

// Return the memory pointed by 'index' for the specified event // tev - event number // idx - memory address index string get_tev_mem(long tev, long idx);

// Return the address pointed by 'index' for the specified event // tev - event number // idx - memory address index string get_tev_mem_ea(long tev, long idx);

// Return the address of the callee for the specified event // tev - event number long get_call_tev_callee(long tev);

// Return the return address for the specified event // tev - event number long get_ret_tev_return(long tev);

// Return the address of the specified TEV_BPT event // tev - event number long get_bpt_tev_ea(long tev);

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