Latest available version: IDA and decompilers v8.4.240527sp2 see all releases
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The following flags can be set in function properties:

Does not return

The function does not return to caller (for example, calls a process exit function or has an infinite loop). If no-return analysis is enabled in Kernel Options, IDA will not analyze bytes following the calls to this function.

Far function

On processors which distinguish near and far functions (e.g. PC x86), mark the function as 'far'. This may affect the size of the special stack frame field reserved for the return address, as well as analysis of calls to this function.

Library func

Mark the function as part of compiler runtime library code. This flag is usually set when applying FLIRT signatures

Static func

Mark the function as static. Currently this flag is not used by IDA and is simply informational.

BP based frame

Inform IDA that the function uses a frame pointer (BP/EBP/RBP on PC) to access local variables. The operands of the form [BP+xxx] will be automatically converted to stack variables.

BP equal to SP

Frame pointer points to the bottom of the stack instead of at the beginning of the local variables area as is typical.

Fuzzy SP

Function changes SP by an unknown value, for example: and esp, 0FFFFFFF0h

Outlined code

The function is not a real function but a fragment of multiple functions' common instruction sequence extracted by the compiler as a code size optimization (sometimes called "code factoring"). During decompilation, body of the function will be expanded at the call site.

See also

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