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  __offset(type, base, tdelta, target)
  __offset(type, base, tdelta)
  __offset(type, base)
  __offset(type|AUTO, tdelta)

type is one of:

  OFF8       8-bit full offset
  OFF16      16-bit full offset
  OFF32      32-bit full offset
  OFF64      64-bit full offset
  LOW8       low 8 bits of 16-bit offset
  LOW16      low 16 bits of 32-bit offset
  HIGH8      high 8 bits of 16-bit offset
  HIGH16     high 16 bits of 32-bit offset
The type can also be the name of a custom refinfo.

It can be combined with the following keywords:

  RVAOFF     based reference (rva)
  PASTEND    reference past an item
             it may point to an nonexistent address
  NOBASE     forbid the base xref creation
             implies that the base can be any value
             nb: base xrefs are created only if the offset base
             points to the middle of a segment
  SUBTRACT   the reference value is subtracted from the base value instead of
             (as usual) being added to it
  SIGNEDOP   the operand value is sign-extended (only supported for
  NO_ZEROS   an opval of 0 will be considered invalid
  NO_ONES    an opval of ~0 will be considered invalid
  SELFREF    the self-based reference
The base, target delta, and the target can be omitted. If the base is BADADDR, it can be omitted by combining the type with AUTO:
  __offset(type|AUTO, tdelta)
Zero based offsets without any additional attributes and having the size that corresponds the current application target (e.g. REF_OFF32 for a 32-bit bit application), the shoft __off form can be used.


  A 64-bit offset based on the image base:
  int var __offset(OFF64|RVAOFF);
  A 32-bit offset based on 0 that may point to an non-existing address:
  int var __offset(OFF32|PASTEND|AUTO);
  A 32-bit offset based on 0x400000:
  int var __offset(OFF32, 0x400000);
  A simple zero based offset that matches the current application bitness:
  int var __off;
This annotation is useful the type of the pointed object is unknown or the variable size is different from the usual pointer size. Otherwise it is better to use a pointer:
  type *var;
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