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  __strlit(strtype, "encoding")
  __strlit(strtype, char1, char2, "encoding")
where strtype is one of:
  C          Zero terminated string, 8 bits per symbol
  C_16       Zero terminated string, 16 bits per symbol
  C_32       Zero terminated string, 32 bits per symbol
  PASCAL     Pascal string: 1 byte length prefix, 8 bits per symbol
  PASCAL_16  Pascal string: 1 byte length prefix, 16 bits per symbol
  LEN2       Wide Pascal string: 2 byte length prefix, 8 bits per symbol
  LEN2_16    Wide Pascal string: 2 byte length prefix, 16 bits per symbol
  LEN4       Delphi string: 4 byte length prefix, 8 bits per symbol
  LEN4_16    Delphi string: 4 byte length prefix, 16 bits per symbol
It may be followed by two optional string termination characters (only for C). Finally, the string encoding may be specified, as the encoding name or "no_conversion" if the string encoding was not explicitly specified.


  A zero-terminated string in windows-1252 encoding:
  char array[10] __strlit(C,"windows-1252");
  A zero-terminated string in utf-8 encoding:
  char array[10] __strlit(C,"UTF-8");
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