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// Ask the user to enter a string
//      defval - the default string value. This value
//               will appear in the dialog box.
//      hist   - history id. One of HIST_... constants
//      prompt - the prompt to display in the dialog box
// Returns: the entered string.

string ask_str(string defval, long hist, string prompt);

#define HIST_SEG 1 ///< segment names #define HIST_CMT 2 ///< comments #define HIST_SRCH 3 ///< search substrings #define HIST_IDENT 4 ///< names #define HIST_FILE 5 ///< file names #define HIST_TYPE 6 ///< type declarations #define HIST_CMD 7 ///< commands #define HIST_DIR 8 ///< directory names (text version only)

// Ask the user to choose a file // for_saving- 0: "Open" dialog box, 1: "Save" dialog box // mask - the input file mask as "*.*" or the default file name. // prompt - the prompt to display in the dialog box // Returns: the selected file.

string ask_file(bool for_saving, string mask, string prompt);

// Ask the user to enter an address // defval - the default address value. This value // will appear in the dialog box. // prompt - the prompt to display in the dialog box // Returns: the entered address or BADADDR.

long ask_addr(long defval, string prompt);

// Ask the user to enter a number // defval - the default value. This value // will appear in the dialog box. // prompt - the prompt to display in the dialog box // Returns: the entered number or -1.

long ask_long(long defval, string prompt);

// Ask the user to enter a segment value // defval - the default value. This value // will appear in the dialog box. // prompt - the prompt to display in the dialog box // Returns: the entered segment selector or BADSEL.

long ask_seg(long defval, string prompt);

// Ask the user a question and let him answer Yes/No/Cancel // defval - the default answer. This answer will be selected if the user // presses Enter. // prompt - the prompt to display in the dialog box // Returns: -1:cancel, 0-no, 1-ok

long ask_yn(long defval, string prompt);

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