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Change alignment of the segment
  ea      - any address in the segment
  align   - new alignment of the segment, one of sa... constants
Note: it is a macro

#define set_segm_alignment(ea, alignment) set_segm_attr(ea, SEGATTR_ALIGN, alignment) #define saAbs 0 // Absolute segment. #define saRelByte 1 // Relocatable, byte aligned. #define saRelWord 2 // Relocatable, word (2-byte, 16-bit) aligned. #define saRelPara 3 // Relocatable, paragraph (16-byte) aligned. #define saRelPage 4 // Relocatable, aligned on 256-byte boundary (a "page" // in the original Intel specification). #define saRelDble 5 // Relocatable, aligned on a double word (4-byte) // boundary. This value is used by the PharLap OMF for // the same alignment. #define saRel4K 6 // This value is used by the PharLap OMF for page (4K) // alignment. It is not supported by LINK. #define saGroup 7 // Segment group #define saRel32Bytes 8 // 32 bytes #define saRel64Bytes 9 // 64 bytes #define saRelQword 10 // 8 bytes

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