Latest available version: IDA and decompilers v8.4.240527sp2 see all releases
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set fixup information
     ea        - address to set fixup information about
     type      - fixup type. see get_fixup_target_type()
                 for possible fixup types.
     fixupf    - FIXUPF_... bits
     targetsel - target selector
     targetoff - target offset
     displ     - displacement
returns: none

void set_fixup(long ea, long type, long fixupf, long targetsel, long targetoff, long displ);

The fixupf argument may have the following bits: fixup is relative to the linear address `base'. Otherwise fixup is relative to the start of the segment with `sel' selector. #define FIXUPF_REL 0x0001

target is a location (otherwise - segment). Use this bit if the target is a symbol rather than an offset from the beginning of a segment. #define FIXUPF_EXTDEF 0x0002

fixup is ignored by IDA - disallows the kernel to convert operands - this fixup is not used during output #define FIXUPF_UNUSED 0x0004

fixup was not present in the input file #define FIXUPF_CREATED 0x0008

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