Latest available version: IDA and decompilers v8.4.240527sp2 see all releases
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 Action    name: KillSegment
This command allows you to delete a segment.

IDA will ask your the permission to disable the addresses occupied by the segment. If you allow this operation, all information about the segment will be deleted. In other words, IDA will discard the information about instructions or data, comments etc.

If you check the "disable addresses" checkbox, IDA will mark the addresses occupied by the segment as "nonexistent" in the program. You will lose *ALL* information, including byte values.

It is impossible to disassemble the content of addresses not located in any segment, therefore you must create a new segment if you want to resume the disassembly of that part of the code.

You can also edit (see below) an adjacent segment to expand it to those addresses.

IDA will ask your the permission to disable addresses occupied by the segment. If you give your permission, information about the segment will be deleted, otherwise IDA will discard information about instruction/data, comments etc, but retain byte values so that you will be able to create another segment afterwards.

To disassemble the addresses occupied by the segment, you need to create a new segment again (i.e. you cannot disassemble bytes without a segment). You can also expand another adjacent segment to these addresses.

See also Edit|Segments submenu.

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