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 Action    name: OpenSignatures
This command opens the signatures window.

For each signature, the following is displayed:

        - name of file with the signature
        - state of signature:
                - Planned: the signature will be applied
                - Current: the signature is being applied
                - Applied: the signature has been applied
        - number of functions found using the signature
        - description of the signature
You can modify the planned signatures list here: add/delete library modules to be used during the disassembling.

You cannot delete an applied signature from the list.

To add a signature to the list for the application press <Ins>. You will see a list of signatures that can be applied to the program being disassembled.

Text version: Not all signature files will be displayed (for example, 32 bit signatures will not be shown for a 16 bit program). If you want to see the full list of signatures, select the first line of the list saying SWITCH TO FULL LIST OF SIGNATURES.

Signature files reside in the subdirectories of the SIG directory. Each processor has its own subdirectory. The name of the subdirectory is equal to the name of the processor module file (z80 for z80.w32, for example). Note: IBM PC signatures are located in the SIG directory itself. Note: the IDASGN environment variable can be used to specify the location of the signatures directory.

See also

         View|Open subviews submenu.
         How To Use List Viewer
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