Latest available version: IDA and decompilers v8.4.240527sp2 see all releases
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//                           H I D D E N  A R E A S
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// Hidden ranges - address ranges which can be replaced by their descriptions

// hide a range // start, end - range boundaries // description - description to display if the range is collapsed // header - header lines to display if the range is expanded // footer - footer lines to display if the range is expanded // visible - the range state // color - RGB color code (-1 means default color) // returns: !=0 - ok

success add_hidden_range(long start, long end, string description, string header, string footer, long color);

// set hidden range state // ea - any address belonging to the hidden range // visible - new state of the range // returns: !=0 - ok

success update_hidden_range(long ea, long visible);

// delete a hidden range // ea - any address belonging to the hidden range // returns: !=0 - ok

success del_hidden_range(long ea);

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