Latest available version: IDA and decompilers v8.4.240527sp2 see all releases
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Plan to perform an action in the future.
This function will put your request to a special autoanalysis queue.
Later IDA will retrieve the request from the queue and process
it. There are several autoanalysis queue types. IDA will process all
queries from the first queue and then switch to the second queue, etc.

// plan/unplan range of addresses void auto_mark_range(long start, long end, long queuetype); void auto_unmark(long start, long end, long queuetype);

// plan to analyze an address #define auto_mark(ea, qtype) auto_mark_range(ea, (ea)+1, qtype)

#define AU_UNK 10 // make unknown #define AU_CODE 20 // convert to instruction #define AU_PROC 30 // make function #define AU_USED 40 // reanalyze #define AU_LIBF 60 // apply a flirt signature (the current signature!) #define AU_FINAL 200 // coagulate unexplored items

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