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Analysis flags

used by idainfo::af More...


#define AF_CODE   0x00000001
 Trace execution flow.
#define AF_MARKCODE   0x00000002
 Mark typical code sequences as code.
#define AF_JUMPTBL   0x00000004
 Locate and create jump tables.
#define AF_PURDAT   0x00000008
 Control flow to data segment is ignored.
#define AF_USED   0x00000010
 Analyze and create all xrefs.
#define AF_UNK   0x00000020
 Delete instructions with no xrefs.
#define AF_PROCPTR   0x00000040
 Create function if data xref data->code32 exists.
#define AF_PROC   0x00000080
 Create functions if call is present.
#define AF_FTAIL   0x00000100
 Create function tails.
#define AF_LVAR   0x00000200
 Create stack variables.
#define AF_STKARG   0x00000400
 Propagate stack argument information.
#define AF_REGARG   0x00000800
 Propagate register argument information.
#define AF_TRACE   0x00001000
 Trace stack pointer.
#define AF_VERSP   0x00002000
 Perform full SP-analysis. ( processor_t::verify_sp)
#define AF_ANORET   0x00004000
 Perform 'no-return' analysis.
#define AF_MEMFUNC   0x00008000
 Try to guess member function types.
#define AF_TRFUNC   0x00010000
 Truncate functions upon code deletion.
#define AF_STRLIT   0x00020000
 Create string literal if data xref exists.
#define AF_CHKUNI   0x00040000
 Check for unicode strings.
#define AF_FIXUP   0x00080000
 Create offsets and segments using fixup info.
#define AF_DREFOFF   0x00100000
 Create offset if data xref to seg32 exists.
#define AF_IMMOFF   0x00200000
 Convert 32bit instruction operand to offset.
#define AF_DATOFF   0x00400000
 Automatically convert data to offsets.
#define AF_FLIRT   0x00800000
 Use flirt signatures.
#define AF_SIGCMT   0x01000000
 Append a signature name comment for recognized anonymous library functions.
#define AF_SIGMLT   0x02000000
 Allow recognition of several copies of the same function.
#define AF_HFLIRT   0x04000000
 Automatically hide library functions.
#define AF_JFUNC   0x08000000
 Rename jump functions as j_...
#define AF_NULLSUB   0x10000000
 Rename empty functions as nullsub_...
#define AF_DODATA   0x20000000
 Coagulate data segs at the final pass.
#define AF_DOCODE   0x40000000
 Coagulate code segs at the final pass.
#define AF_FINAL   0x80000000
 Final pass of analysis.

Detailed Description

used by idainfo::af