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Instruction feature bits

Used by instruc_t::feature. More...


#define CF_STOP   0x00001
 Instruction doesn't pass execution to the next instruction.
#define CF_CALL   0x00002
 CALL instruction (should make a procedure here)
#define CF_CHG1   0x00004
 The instruction modifies the first operand.
#define CF_CHG2   0x00008
 The instruction modifies the second operand.
#define CF_CHG3   0x00010
 The instruction modifies the third operand.
#define CF_CHG4   0x00020
 The instruction modifies the fourth operand.
#define CF_CHG5   0x00040
 The instruction modifies the fifth operand.
#define CF_CHG6   0x00080
 The instruction modifies the sixth operand.
#define CF_USE1   0x00100
 The instruction uses value of the first operand.
#define CF_USE2   0x00200
 The instruction uses value of the second operand.
#define CF_USE3   0x00400
 The instruction uses value of the third operand.
#define CF_USE4   0x00800
 The instruction uses value of the fourth operand.
#define CF_USE5   0x01000
 The instruction uses value of the fifth operand.
#define CF_USE6   0x02000
 The instruction uses value of the sixth operand.
#define CF_JUMP   0x04000
 The instruction passes execution using indirect jump or call (thus needs additional analysis)
#define CF_SHFT   0x08000
 Bit-shift instruction (shl,shr...)
#define CF_HLL   0x10000
 Instruction may be present in a high level language function.
#define CF_CHG7   0x020000
 The instruction modifies the seventh operand.
#define CF_CHG8   0x040000
 The instruction modifies the eighth operand.
#define CF_USE7   0x080000
 The instruction uses value of the seventh operand.
#define CF_USE8   0x100000
 The instruction uses value of the eighth operand.

Detailed Description

Used by instruc_t::feature.