Latest available version: IDA and decompilers v8.4.240527sp2 see all releases
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Functions: set operand representation


bool idaapi op_chr (ea_t ea, int n)
 set op type to char_flag()
bool idaapi op_num (ea_t ea, int n)
 set op type to num_flag()
bool idaapi op_hex (ea_t ea, int n)
 set op type to hex_flag()
bool idaapi op_dec (ea_t ea, int n)
 set op type to dec_flag()
bool idaapi op_oct (ea_t ea, int n)
 set op type to oct_flag()
bool idaapi op_bin (ea_t ea, int n)
 set op type to bin_flag()
bool idaapi op_flt (ea_t ea, int n)
 set op type to flt_flag()

Detailed Description

The following functions set operand representation. If they are applied to unexplored bytes, they convert them.

  • no segment : fail
  • 16bit segment : to 16bit word data
  • 32bit segment : to dword
    ealinear address
    n0..UA_MAXOP-1 operand number, OPND_ALL all operands