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Set menu flags

Passed as 'flags' parameter to attach_action_to_menu() In case menupath == nullptr new item will be added to the end of menu even when SETMENU_APP is not set. More...


#define SETMENU_POSMASK   0x3
#define SETMENU_INS   0x0
 add menu item before the specified path (default)
#define SETMENU_APP   0x1
 add menu item after the specified path
#define SETMENU_FIRST   0x2
 add item to the beginning of menu
#define SETMENU_ENSURE_SEP   0x8
 make sure there is a separator before the action

Detailed Description

Passed as 'flags' parameter to attach_action_to_menu() In case menupath == nullptr new item will be added to the end of menu even when SETMENU_APP is not set.

SETMENU_FIRST can be used to change this behaviour Note: The upper 16 bits are reserved for UI internal use.