Latest available version: IDA and decompilers v8.4.240527sp2 see all releases
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hexplace_gen_t Member List

This is the complete list of members for hexplace_gen_t, including all inherited members.

BK_INVALIDADDR enum value (defined in hexplace_gen_t)hexplace_gen_t
BK_NOVALUE enum value (defined in hexplace_gen_t)hexplace_gen_t
BK_VALID enum value (defined in hexplace_gen_t)hexplace_gen_t
byte_kind_t enum name (defined in hexplace_gen_t)hexplace_gen_t
data_kind_t enum name (defined in hexplace_gen_t)hexplace_gen_t
dk_addr_names enum value (defined in hexplace_gen_t)hexplace_gen_t
dk_addr_text enum value (defined in hexplace_gen_t)hexplace_gen_t
dk_float enum value (defined in hexplace_gen_t)hexplace_gen_t
dk_int enum value (defined in hexplace_gen_t)hexplace_gen_t
get_alignment() const =0 (defined in hexplace_gen_t)hexplace_gen_tpure virtual
get_bitness() const =0 (defined in hexplace_gen_t)hexplace_gen_tpure virtual
get_byte_value(ea_t ea, uint64 *out_value, bool *out_edited) const =0 (defined in hexplace_gen_t)hexplace_gen_tpure virtual
get_bytes_per_item() const =0 (defined in hexplace_gen_t)hexplace_gen_tpure virtual
get_cur_item_ea() const =0 (defined in hexplace_gen_t)hexplace_gen_tpure virtual
get_cur_item_text(qstring *out) const =0 (defined in hexplace_gen_t)hexplace_gen_tpure virtual
get_data_kind() const =0 (defined in hexplace_gen_t)hexplace_gen_tpure virtual
get_encoding(qstring *out) const =0 (defined in hexplace_gen_t)hexplace_gen_tpure virtual
get_int_format() const =0 (defined in hexplace_gen_t)hexplace_gen_tpure virtual
get_item_width(ea_t ea) const =0 (defined in hexplace_gen_t)hexplace_gen_tpure virtual
get_items_per_line() const =0 (defined in hexplace_gen_t)hexplace_gen_tpure virtual
get_line_len(ea_t ea) const =0 (defined in hexplace_gen_t)hexplace_gen_tpure virtual
has_central_separator() const =0 (defined in hexplace_gen_t)hexplace_gen_tpure virtual
if_hex enum value (defined in hexplace_gen_t)hexplace_gen_t
if_signed enum value (defined in hexplace_gen_t)hexplace_gen_t
if_unsigned enum value (defined in hexplace_gen_t)hexplace_gen_t
int_format_t enum name (defined in hexplace_gen_t)hexplace_gen_t
is_addr_kind() const (defined in hexplace_gen_t)hexplace_gen_tinline
is_curitem_changed() const =0 (defined in hexplace_gen_t)hexplace_gen_tpure virtual
is_edited_byte(ea_t ea, uint64 *out_value=nullptr) const =0 (defined in hexplace_gen_t)hexplace_gen_tpure virtual
is_editing() const =0 (defined in hexplace_gen_t)hexplace_gen_tpure virtual
is_editing_text() const =0 (defined in hexplace_gen_t)hexplace_gen_tpure virtual
show_segaddr() const =0 (defined in hexplace_gen_t)hexplace_gen_tpure virtual
show_text() const =0 (defined in hexplace_gen_t)hexplace_gen_tpure virtual