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This one-day training is structured similarly to a standard analysis workflow. It starts with identifying and unpacking malware, including basic and sophisticated packers, while tackling common scenarios encountered in the process. Students will learn to work through defeating API hashing and string encryption within malware, leveraging plugins, and building their own custom tooling with IDA Python. From there, the session will conclude with gaining additional insights into analyzing further advanced malware techniques such as AV evasion, anti-analysis tactics, and advanced injection methods.

Who would benefit from this course?

This course is beneficial for experienced IDA users, malware analysts and security professionals who are willing to enhance their expertise in malware analysis using sophisticated methods and custom tool development with IDA Python.

What you will learn

Participants will develop proficiency in using IDA for malware analysis, gaining insights into countering advanced evasion and injection tactics used by modern malware. Students will learn to circumvent encryption and obfuscation techniques, and create powerful custom tools with IDA Python.


Proficiency in IDA Pro, very good knowledge of Python



Date & Duration

Thu, November 21, 2024 09:00 UTC-5 (New York) - 1 day

About your trainer

Daniel Bunce is a Security Researcher who specializes in Malware Reverse-Engineering. Initially starting off in the field interested in Offensive Security tactics, he used that knowledge to transition over to Reverse Engineering and Malware Analysis, where he now spends most of his time looking at Windows based E-Crime malware and working on tools for gathering further intelligence, such as developing automated unpackers, configuration extractors, and botnet communication emulators.

Course Content

To be published soon

Advanced Training

1 day
Module 1: Advanced Malware Techniques
Trainer: Daniel Bunce
EUR/USD 1399
Register now

All registrations for this training session should be made
before Nov 20, 2024 15:00 UTC+1