Latest available version: IDA and decompilers v8.4.240527sp2 see all releases
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This training focuses on customizing the Hex-Rays decompiler. Students will learn how to extend existing decompiler passes to tweak code generation and handle specially crafted (malicious) examples. Prototyping will be done using IDAPython and then ported to the native C++ SDK.

Who would benefit from this course?

This course is suitable for advanced IDA Pro users interested in customizing the Hex-Rays decompiler using IDA Python and the C++ SDK.

What you will learn

Participants will learn to enhance the Hex-Rays decompiler by extending its capabilities through IDA Python and the C++ SDK, and managing complex code scenarios.


Proficiency in IDA Pro, good knowledge of Python and C++



Date & Duration

December 16-17, 2024 10:00 UTC-5 (New York) - 1.5 days

About your trainer

Julian Kirsch has been using IDA Pro for his daily reverse engineering works for more than 15 years. At Hex-Rays, he works at the intersection of product, research, and development. He is an experienced instructor of reverse engineering classes, usually centered around deobfuscation and program analysis topics, with a focus on targets found in the real world. Julian graduated from TU Munich, where he has taught hands-on courses on reverse engineering and binary exploitation to students for six years. In his limited spare time, he organizes and participates in capture the flag contests alongside his teammates from hxp.

  • Prototyping with IDAPython
  • Implementation using IDA C SDK
Advanced Training

1 day
Module 2: Advanced Decompiler Techniques
Trainer: Julian Kirsch
EUR/USD 1599
Register now

All registrations for this training session should be made
before Dec 13, 2024 15:00 UTC+1