Latest available version: IDA and decompilers v8.4.240527sp2 see all releases
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* Hex-Rays Decompiler project
* Copyright (c) 2007-2024 by Hex-Rays,
* Sample plugin for Hex-Rays Decompiler.
* It shows known value ranges of a register using get_valranges().
* Unfortunately this plugin is of limited use because:
* - simple cases where a single value is assigned to a register
* are automatically handled by the decompiler and the register
* is replaced by the value
* - too complex cases where the register gets its value from untrackable
* sources, it fails
* - only value ranges at the basic block start are shown
#include <hexrays.hpp>
#include <frame.hpp>
struct plugin_ctx_t : public plugmod_t
plugin_ctx_t() {}
virtual bool idaapi run(size_t) override;
// find the first top micro-instruction after EA that uses or defines LIST
static bool find_insn_with_list(
const mblock_t **blk,
const minsn_t **ins,
mba_t *mba,
ea_t _ea,
const mlist_t &_list,
bool _is_dest)
struct ida_local top_visitor_t : public minsn_visitor_t
const mblock_t *b = nullptr;
const minsn_t *ins = nullptr;
ea_t ea;
const mlist_t &list;
bool is_dest;
top_visitor_t(ea_t e, const mlist_t &l, bool d) : ea(e), list(l), is_dest(d) {}
int idaapi visit_minsn(void) override
if ( topins->ea == ea )
// exact match
b = blk;
ins = topins;
return true;
if ( blk->start <= ea && topins->ea > ea )
mlist_t defuse = is_dest
? blk->build_def_list(*topins, MUST_ACCESS)
: blk->build_use_list(*topins, MUST_ACCESS);
if ( defuse.has_common(list)
&& (ins == nullptr || topins->ea < ins->ea) )
// nearest use/def to EA
b = blk;
ins = topins;
return false;
top_visitor_t tv(_ea, _list, _is_dest);
if ( tv.ins != nullptr )
*blk = tv.b;
*ins = tv.ins;
return true;
return false;
bool idaapi plugin_ctx_t::run(size_t)
ea_t ea = get_screen_ea();
func_t *pfn = get_func(ea);
if ( pfn == nullptr )
msg("Please position the cursor within a function\n");
return true;
flags64_t F = get_flags(ea);
if ( !is_code(F) )
msg("Please position the cursor on an instruction\n\n");
return true;
if ( !get_current_operand(&gco) )
msg("Could not find a register or stkvar in the current operand\n");
return true;
// generate microcode
mba_ranges_t mbr(pfn);
mba_t *mba = gen_microcode(mbr, &hf, nullptr, DECOMP_WARNINGS);
if ( mba == nullptr )
msg("%a: %s\n", hf.errea, hf.desc().c_str());
return true;
// prepare mlist for the current operand
mlist_t list;
if ( !gco.append_to_list(&list, mba) )
msg("Failed to represent %s as microcode list\n",;
delete mba;
return false;
// find micro-insn nearest to EA
const mblock_t *b;
const minsn_t *ins;
if ( !find_insn_with_list(&b, &ins, mba, ea, list, gco.is_def()) )
msg("Could not find %s after %a in the microcode, sorry\n"
"Probably it has been optimized away\n",, ea);
delete mba;
return false;
int vrflags = VR_AT_START | VR_EXACT;
if ( b->get_valranges(&vr, gco.cvt_to_ivl(), ins, vrflags) )
qstring vrstr;
msg("Value ranges of %s at %a: %s\n",,
msg("Cannot find value ranges of %s\n",;
// We must explicitly delete the microcode array
delete mba;
return true;
static plugmod_t *idaapi init()
return nullptr; // no decompiler
const char *hxver = get_hexrays_version();
msg("Hex-rays version %s has been detected, %s ready to use\n",
hxver, PLUGIN.wanted_name);
return new plugin_ctx_t;
static const char comment[] = "Sample15 plugin for Hex-Rays decompiler";
plugin_t PLUGIN =
PLUGIN_MULTI, // The plugin can work with multiple idbs in parallel
init, // initialize
comment, // long comment about the plugin
nullptr, // multiline help about the plugin
"Find value ranges of the register", // the preferred short name of the plugin
nullptr, // the preferred hotkey to run the plugin
Micro block array (internal representation of the decompiled code).
Definition: hexrays.dox:59
int for_all_topinsns(minsn_visitor_t &mv)
Visit all top level instructions.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:11387
Microcode of one basic block.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:3805
ea_t start
start address
Definition: hexrays.hpp:3835
mlist_t build_def_list(const minsn_t &ins, maymust_t maymust) const
Build def-list of an instruction.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:11157
bool get_valranges(valrng_t *res, const vivl_t &vivl, int vrflags) const
Find possible values for a block.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:11189
mlist_t build_use_list(const minsn_t &ins, maymust_t maymust) const
Build use-list of an instruction.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:11149
Microinstruction class #insn.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:3465
ea_t ea
instruction address
Definition: hexrays.hpp:3473
display warnings in the output window
Definition: hexrays.hpp:7142
HexRays SDK header file.
#define VR_EXACT
find exact match.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:4213
bool init_hexrays_plugin(int flags=0)
Check that your plugin is compatible with hex-rays decompiler.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:8601
bool get_current_operand(gco_info_t *out)
Get the instruction operand under the cursor.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:11567
#define VR_AT_START
get value ranges before the instruction or at the block start (if M is nullptr)
Definition: hexrays.hpp:4208
mba_t * gen_microcode(const mba_ranges_t &mbr, hexrays_failure_t *hf=nullptr, const mlist_t *retlist=nullptr, int decomp_flags=0, mba_maturity_t reqmat=MMAT_GLBOPT3)
Generate microcode of an arbitrary code snippet.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:12319
void term_hexrays_plugin()
Stop working with hex-rays decompiler.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:8609
const char * get_hexrays_version()
Get decompiler version.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:11511
Result of get_current_operand()
Definition: hexrays.hpp:5486
vivl_t cvt_to_ivl() const
Convert operand info to VIVL.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:5513
qstring name
register or stkvar name
Definition: hexrays.hpp:5487
bool append_to_list(mlist_t *list, const mba_t *mba) const
Append operand info to LIST.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:11561
Exception object: decompiler failure information.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:5442
ea_t errea
associated address
Definition: hexrays.hpp:5444
Ranges to decompile. Either a function or an explicit vector of ranges.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:4362
Micro instruction visitor.
Definition: hexrays.hpp:2207