Latest available version: IDA and decompilers v8.4.240527sp2 see all releases
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 Action    name: MakeRptCmt
This command allows you to enter a repeatable comment. A repeatable comment will appear attached to the current item and all other items referencing it.

If you stand at the function start, IDA will ask you to enter a function comment.

If this command is issued in the structures window, it allows you to change the comment of a structure or structure member. If the cursor is on the structure name, the structure comment will be changed, otherwise the member comment will be changed.

Otherwise, this command allows you to enter a repeatable comment for the current item.

You cannot enter repeatable segment comments.

All items that refer to the current item will have this comment by default.

Note that if you have defined both comment types (regular and repeatable), the regular comment will be displayed for the current item and the repeatable comment will be displayed for all items that refer to the current item, if they do not have their own comments.

The repeatable comments may be used to describe subroutines, data items etc., because all calls to the subroutine will have the repeatable comment.

You can show/hide all comments in the Comments Dialog.

You can show and hide repeatable comments in the Comments Dialog.

See also

        "How to use the notepad"
         Edit|Comments submenu
         Regular comments
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