Latest available version: IDA and decompilers v8.4.240527sp2 see all releases
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This command changes the look of the disassembly comments. Here you can change the values of the following checkboxes/input fields:

Comment indention

        You can change indention of comments:
                mov ax, bx                      ; this is a comment
Display of 'suspicious' marks
        This option enables or disables suspicious marks display.
        Usually the suspicious marks are disabled because IDA displays the suspicious
        operands in red/orange anyway.
        IDA.CFG parameter: SHOW_SUSPICOUS
Display of empty lines
        This option enables or disables the presence of the autogenerated
        empty lines in the disassembly. It could be useful to decrease
        the number of the blank lines on the screen increasing amount
        of information on it.
        IDA.CFG parameter: SHOW_EMPTYLINES
Display of basic blocks
        This option enables or disables the presence of the autogenerated
        empty lines at the end of basic blocks in the disassembly.
        IDA.CFG parameter: SHOW_BASIC_BLOCKS
Display borders between data/code
        This command enables or disables the presence of the autogenerated
        border lines in the disassembly. It could be useful to decrease
        the number of the blank lines on the screen increasing amount
        of information on it. A border line looks like this:
        Note that you can hide a particular border by using hide border command.
        IDA.CFG parameter: SHOW_BORDERS
Display comments
        If this option is disabled, IDA will not show any comments.
Display repeatable comments
        This command enables or disables the repeatable comments display.
Display auto comments
        Autocomments are predefined comments for all instructions.
        If you forgot the meaning of a certain instruction, you can use
        this command to get comments to all lines of the screen.
        IDA does not give comments to very simple instructions such as
        'mov' instruction and does not override existing comments.
        IDA.CFG parameter: SHOW_AUTOCOMMENTS
Display source lines
        This options controls the presence of the source line number
        information in the disassembly. Some object files have this
        IDA.CFG parameter: SHOW_SOURCE_LINNUM
Display try block lines
       This option controls the display of the try block information
       in the disassembly.
       IDA.CFG parameter: SHOW_TRYBLOCKS
See also Options submenu.
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