Latest available version: IDA and decompilers v8.4.240527sp2 see all releases
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 Action    name: SetProcessor
Valid processor types are:
  type      description
  ----      -----------
  8086    - Intel 8086                   ┐
  80286r  - Intel 80286 real mode        │
  80286p  - Intel 80286 protected mode   │
  80386r  - Intel 80386 real mode        │
  80386p  - Intel 80386 protected mode   │
  80486r  - Intel 80486 real mode        │
  80486p  - Intel 80486 protected mode   │
  80586r  - Intel Pentium & MMX real mode│ (IBM PC family)
  80586p  - Intel Pentium & MMX prot mode│
  80686p  - Intel Pentium Pro & MMX      │
  k62     - AMD K6-2 with 3DNow!         │
  p2      - Intel Pentium II             │
  p3      - Intel Pentium III            │
  athlon  - AMD K7                       │
  p4      - Intel Pentium 4              │
  metapc  - Disassemble all IBMPC opcodes┘
  8085    - Intel 8085                   ┐
  z80     - Zilog 80                     │
  z180    - Zilog 180                    │ (Zilog 80 family)
  z380    - Zilog 380                    │
  64180   - Hitachi HD64180              │
  gb      - Gameboy                      ┘
  z8      - Zilog 8                        (Zilog 8 family)
  860xr   - Intel 860 XR                 ┐ (Intel 860 family)
  860xp   - Intel 860 XP                 ┘
  8051    - Intel 8051                     (Intel 51 family)
  80196   - Intel 80196                  ┐ (Intel 80196 family)
  80196NP - Intel 80196NP, NU            ┘
  m6502   - MOS 6502                     ┐ (MOS Technology 65xx family)
  m65c02  - MOS 65c02                    ┘
  pdp11   - DEC PDP/11                     (PDP family)
  68000   - Motorola MC68000             ┐
  68010   - Motorola MC68010             │
  68020   - Motorola MC68020             │
  68030   - Motorola MC68030             │
  68040   - Motorola MC68040             │ (Motorola 680x0 family)
  68330   - Motorola CPU32 (68330)       │
  68882   - Motorola MC68020 with MC68882│
  68851   - Motorola MC68020 with MC68851│
  68020EX - Motorola MC68020 with both   │
  colfire - Motorola ColdFire            │
  68K     - Motorola MC680x0 all opcodes ┘
  6800    - Motorola MC68HC00            ┐
  6801    - Motorola MC68HC01            │
  6803    - Motorola MC68HC03            │
  6301    - Hitachi HD 6301              │
  6303    - Hitachi HD 6303              │
  6805    - Motorola MC68HC05            │ (Motorola 8bit family)
  6808    - Motorola MC68HC08            │
  6809    - Motorola MC68HC09            │
  6811    - Motorola MC68HC11            ┘
  6812    - Motorola MC68HC12
  hcs12   - Motorola MC68HCS12
  6816    - Motorola MC68HC16
  java    - java                           (Java family)
  ppc     - PowerPC big endian           ┐
  ppcl    - PowerPC little endian        ┘ (PowerPC family)
  arm     - ARM little endian            ┐ (ARM family)
  armb    - ARM big endian               ┘
  tms320c2- TMS320C2x series             ┐ (TMS 16bit addressing family)
  tms320c5- TMS320C5x series             ┘
  tms320c6- TMS320C6x series             ┐ (TMS VLIW family)
  tms320c3- TMS320C3x series             ┘
  tms32054- TMS320C54xx series
  tms32055- TMS320C55xx series
  sh3     - Renesas SH-3 (little endian) ┐
  sh3b    - Renesas SH-3 (big endian)    │ (Renesas SuperH series)
  sh4     - Renesas SH-4 (little endian) │
  sh4b    - Renesas SH-4 (big endian)    │
  sh2a    - Renesas SH-2A (big endian)   ┘
  avr     - ATMEL AVR                      (ATMEL family)
  mipsl   - MIPS little endian           ┐ (MIPS family:R2000, R3000, R4000,
  mipsb   - MIPS big endian              │ R4200, R4300,  R4400, R4600,
  mipsrl  - MIPS & RSP little            │ R8000, R10000)
  mipsr   - MIPS & RSP big               │
  r5900l  - MIPS R5900 little            ┘
  r5900r  - MIPS R5900 big               ┘
  h8300   - H8/300x in normal mode       ┐
  h8300a  - H8/300x in advanced mode     │ (Hitachi H8 family)
  h8s300  - H8S in normal mode           │
  h8s300a - H8S in advanced mode         ┘
  h8500   - H8/500                         (Hitachi H8/500 family)
  pic12cxx- Microchip PIC 12-bit (12xxx) ┐
  pic16cxx- Microchip PIC 14-bit (16xxx) │ (PIC family)
  pic18cxx- Microchip PIC 16-bit (18xxx) ┘
  sparcb  - SPARC big endian             ┐
  sparcl  - SPARC little endian          ┘ (SPARC family)
  alphab  - DEC Alpha big endian         ┐
  alphal  - DEC Alpha little endian      ┘ (ALPHA family)
  hppa    - HP PA-RISC big endian          (HP PA-RISC family)
  dsp56k  - Motorola DSP 5600x           ┐
  dsp561xx- Motorola DSP 561xx           │ (DSP 56K family)
  dsp563xx- Motorola DSP 563xx           │
  dsp566xx- Motorola DSP 566xx           ┘
  c166    - Siemens C166                 ┐
  c166v1  - Siemens C166 v1 family       │
  c166v2  - Siemens C166 v2 family       │ (C166 family)
  st10    - SGS-Thomson ST10             │
  super10 - Super10                      ┘
  st20    - SGS-Thomson ST20/C1            (ST20 family)
  st20c4  - SGS-Thomson ST20/C2-C4
  st7     - SGS-Thomson ST7                (ST7 family)
  ia64l   - Intel Itanium little endian  ┐
  ia64b   - Intel Itanium big endian     ┘ (IA64 family)
  cli     - Microsoft.Net platform
  net     - Microsoft.Net platform (alias)
  i960l   - Intel 960 little endian      ┐
  i960b   - Intel 960 big endian         ┘ (i960 family)
  f2mc16l - Fujitsu F2MC-16L             ┐
  f2mc16lx- Fujitsu F2MC-16LX            ┘ (Fujitsu F2MC family)
  78k0    - NEC 78k/0
  78k0s   - NEC 78k/0s
  m740    - Mitsubishi 8-bit
  m7700   - Mitsubishi 16-bit            ┐
  m7750   - Mitsubishi 16-bit            ┘ (Mitsubishi 16-bit family)
  m32r    - Mitsubishi 32-bit            ┐
  m32rx   - Mitsubishi 32-bit extended   ┘ (Mitsubishi 32-bit family)
  st9     - STMicroelectronics ST9+
  fr      - Fujitsu FR family
  m7900   - Mitsubishi M7900
  kr1878  - Angstrem KR1878
  ad218x  - Analog Devices ADSP
  oakdsp  - Atmel OAK DSP
  tricore - Infineon Tricore
  ebc     - EFI Bytecode
  msp430  - Texas Instruments MSP430
You can change processor type only within the current family. If you have selected IBM PC family, you cannot select Zilog 80 family and vice versa.

Processor modules can accept additional options that can be passed on the commandline with the -p switch. Currently only the ARM module supports it. For example, -parm:ARMv7-A will turn on options specific for the ARMv7-A architecture, such as NEON instruction set.

For information about additional processor modules, please visit our web page at

Please note that when you change the processor type, IDA may change the target assembler, so check it out.

You may get a message saying that IDA does not know the specified processor if IDA fails to load the corresponding processor module.

        Windows IDA uses .dll file extension
        Linux IDA uses .so file extension
        Mac IDA uses .dylib file extension
NOTE: modules compiled with support for 64-bit address space, will feature a '64' suffix before the extension. E.g., 'pc64.dll'

NOTE: Changing the processor type leads to reanalysis of the whole program. Sometimes this is useful.

NOTE: when you load a new processor module, all analysis options are reset to the values specified in the configuration file.

IDA determines the default processor using the input file extension and the contents of the input file. The table which describes the input file extensions and the corresponding processor types is located in IDA.CFG file and looks like this:

 /* Extension   Processor */
  "com" :       "8086"                  // IDA will try the specified
  "exe" :       "80386r"                // extensions if no extension is
  "dll" :       "80386r"                // given.
  "drv" :       "80386r"
  "o"   :       "68000"
  "prc" :       "68000"                 // PalmPilot programs
  "axf" :       "arm"
  "h68" :       "68000"                 // MC68000 for *.H68 files
  "i51" :       "8051"                  // i8051   for *.I51 files
  "sav" :       "pdp11"                 // PDP-11  for *.SAV files
  "rom" :       "z80"                   // Z80     for *.ROM files
  "cla" :       "java"                  // Java classes
  "class":      "java"                  // Java classes
  "s19":        "6811"
  "*":          "80386p"                // Default processor
If you want to change the default processor type, you need to change this table. You may add/delete rows in this table.

See also: Options submenu. ARM processor specifics.

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