Latest available version: IDA and decompilers v8.4.240527sp2 see all releases
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Functions: examine operand flags (specific operands)


THREAD_SAFE bool idaapi is_defarg0 (flags64_t F)
 Is the first operand defined? Initially operand has no defined representation.
THREAD_SAFE bool idaapi is_defarg1 (flags64_t F)
 Is the second operand defined? Initially operand has no defined representation.
THREAD_SAFE bool idaapi is_off0 (flags64_t F)
 Is the first operand offset? (example: push offset xxx)
THREAD_SAFE bool idaapi is_off1 (flags64_t F)
 Is the second operand offset? (example: mov ax, offset xxx)
THREAD_SAFE bool idaapi is_char0 (flags64_t F)
 Is the first operand character constant? (example: push 'a')
THREAD_SAFE bool idaapi is_char1 (flags64_t F)
 Is the second operand character constant? (example: mov al, 'a')
THREAD_SAFE bool idaapi is_seg0 (flags64_t F)
 Is the first operand segment selector? (example: push seg seg001)
THREAD_SAFE bool idaapi is_seg1 (flags64_t F)
 Is the second operand segment selector? (example: mov dx, seg dseg)
THREAD_SAFE bool idaapi is_enum0 (flags64_t F)
 Is the first operand a symbolic constant (enum member)?
THREAD_SAFE bool idaapi is_enum1 (flags64_t F)
 Is the second operand a symbolic constant (enum member)?
THREAD_SAFE bool idaapi is_stroff0 (flags64_t F)
 Is the first operand an offset within a struct?
THREAD_SAFE bool idaapi is_stroff1 (flags64_t F)
 Is the second operand an offset within a struct?
THREAD_SAFE bool idaapi is_stkvar0 (flags64_t F)
 Is the first operand a stack variable?
THREAD_SAFE bool idaapi is_stkvar1 (flags64_t F)
 Is the second operand a stack variable?
THREAD_SAFE bool idaapi is_float0 (flags64_t F)
 Is the first operand a floating point number?
THREAD_SAFE bool idaapi is_float1 (flags64_t F)
 Is the second operand a floating point number?
THREAD_SAFE bool idaapi is_custfmt0 (flags64_t F)
 Does the first operand use a custom data representation?
THREAD_SAFE bool idaapi is_custfmt1 (flags64_t F)
 Does the second operand use a custom data representation?
idaman bool ida_export is_numop0 (flags64_t F)
 Is the first operand a number (i.e. binary, octal, decimal or hex?)
idaman bool ida_export is_numop1 (flags64_t F)
 Is the second operand a number (i.e. binary, octal, decimal or hex?)
THREAD_SAFE flags64_t get_optype_flags0 (flags64_t F)
 Get flags for first operand.
THREAD_SAFE flags64_t get_optype_flags1 (flags64_t F)
 Get flags for second operand.

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