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Lexer options

Passed as 'options' parameter to lex_set_options(). More...


#define LXOPT_PARSE_FLOATS   0x0001
 enable floating point constants
#define LXOPT_REQ_SEPARATOR   0x0002
 require a separator between a number and an ident or a character/string constant or dot
#define LXOPT_NOCASE_FILES   0x0004
 case-insensitive file search
#define LXOPT_C99_CONSTANTS   0x0008
 the size and sign of constants depend on the value itself and the 'U', 'L', and 'LL' modifier suffixes. More...

Detailed Description

Passed as 'options' parameter to lex_set_options().

By default all options are on.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define LXOPT_C99_CONSTANTS   0x0008

the size and sign of constants depend on the value itself and the 'U', 'L', and 'LL' modifier suffixes.

Otherwise the constant is always considered as signed and the size depends only on the number of bytes in the value